

单词 迷了路
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFUSED〕The road signs were very confusing and we ended up getting lost. 路标非常混乱,我们最后迷了路朗文写作活用〔DIRECTION〕When night came we lost all sense of direction and were soon completely lost. 入夜后我们完全失去了方向感,很快就彻底迷了路朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕To everyone who has ever heard a fairy tale, the image of being lost in a deep, dark wood is unforgettable. 对任何一个听过神话故事的人来讲,在黑暗的密林中迷了路是一个难以忘怀的印象。朗文写作活用〔adopt〕We adopted a stray cat.我们收养了一只迷了路的猫。牛津同义词〔adventure〕We got lost on the Metro - it was quite an adventure.我们在地铁里迷了路,还真是挺惊险的。剑桥高阶〔alive〕Lost and so far from other human life, he faced a desperate struggle to stay alive.他迷了路并且远离其他人,要活下去需要作拼死的抗争。牛津搭配〔anyway〕He got lost and spent hours looking for the station, and anyway it was past midnight by the time he got home.他迷了路,找车站花了几个小时,总之,他过了午夜才到家。朗文当代〔around〕We became lost and began driving around in circles.我们开车迷了路, 开始一遍一又遍地兜圈子。外研社新世纪〔bearing〕I lost my bearings and ended up at the entrance again.我迷了路,最终又回到入口处。麦克米伦高阶〔bearing〕She lost her bearings in the thick forest.她在茂密的森林里迷了路牛津搭配〔chance〕A: Don't get lost. B: Not a chance.甲:别迷了路。乙:才不会呢。英汉大词典〔darn〕The darn fool got lost on the way.这该死的笨蛋居然迷了路朗文当代〔descend〕A feeling of despair descended (on us) as we realized that we were lost.当我们发现自己迷了路的时候,一种绝望的情绪(在我们中间)弥漫开来。剑桥高阶〔destination〕We got lost and ended up miles away from our intended destination.我们迷了路,结果到了离我们预定目的地好几英里远的地方。牛津搭配〔envelop〕He got lost on the mountain enveloped in fog.他在大雾弥漫的山上迷了路英汉大词典〔fasten〕The dog seemed lost and fastened onto us.那条狗似乎迷了路,老跟着我们。朗文当代〔fog〕We got lost in the fog.我们在雾中迷了路牛津搭配〔forest〕The children got lost in the forest.孩子们在森林里迷了路剑桥高阶〔forest〕They got lost in the forest.他们在森林里迷了路牛津搭配〔hopelessly〕Harry was hopelessly lost.哈里彻底迷了路外研社新世纪〔hopelessly〕Harry was hopelessly lost.哈里彻底迷了路柯林斯高阶〔know〕Not knowing the road, I lost my way.我因路不熟而迷了路英汉大词典〔labyrinth〕We lost our way in the labyrinth of streets.我们在迷宫式的街道上迷了路牛津高阶〔land up〕The tourists who lost their way landed up at an inn.迷了路的游客最后来到了一家小客栈。21世纪英汉〔losable〕They lost themselves in the strange city.他们在陌生的城市里迷了路21世纪英汉〔lose〕I lost my way in the network of tiny alleys.我在纵横交错的小巷子里迷了路朗文当代〔lose〕The men lost their way in a sandstorm.这些士兵在沙暴中迷了路柯林斯高阶〔lost〕I got thoroughly lost on the way here.我在来这里的路上完全迷了路朗文当代〔lost〕I took a wrong turn and we got lost in the mountains.我拐错了弯,我们便在山里迷了路柯林斯高阶〔lost〕They decided to drive to York and ended up getting lost.他们决定开车到约克去,结果却迷了路麦克米伦高阶〔maze〕We got completely lost in the maze.我们在迷宫中彻底迷了路朗文当代〔much〕If they lose their way, so much the better (worse).要是他们迷了路,那就更妙(更糟)了。 英汉大词典〔no wonder〕Small wonder that we're lost, since we didn't ask for directions.我们迷了路并不奇怪,因为我们没问方向。韦氏高阶〔of〕It was careless of him to lose his way.他太粗心了,竟迷了路英汉大词典〔orientate〕If you get lost while you are out walking, try to use the sun to orientate yourself.如果你外出散步时迷了路,可试试靠太阳辨别方向。剑桥高阶〔recount〕John later recounted how he got lost on the way home.约翰后来讲述了他在回家的路上如何迷了路韦氏高阶〔shifting〕They lost their way in the shifting sands of the Sahara.他们在撒哈拉沙漠的流沙中迷了路剑桥高阶〔stray〕They got lost when they strayed too far from the path.他们偏离小路太远,迷了路剑桥高阶〔stray〕Three of the soldiers strayed into enemy territory.三名士兵迷了路,误入敌军阵地。朗文当代〔sweat〕I was disorientated and in a sweat by the time we reached the bar.我迷了路, 等我们到达酒吧时, 我已经浑身冒汗了。外研社新世纪〔wander off〕The old lady wandered off.老妇人迷了路21世纪英汉〔wander〕The boy wandered off and got lost.那孩子走散后迷了路英汉大词典〔wander〕The stranger wandered off the road into the forest.陌生人迷了路误入森林。21世纪英汉〔way〕I was afraid of losing my way in the dark.我害怕在这黑暗中迷了路朗文当代〔way〕I've lost the [my] way and I don't know which way to take.我迷了路,不知要走哪一条好。文馨英汉〔way〕Many people have lost their way (= become lost) in the forest.很多人在森林里迷了路剑桥高阶〔way〕She lost her way in the fog.她在大雾中迷了路牛津搭配〔way〕The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border by mistake.这些人在沙暴中迷了路, 错误地穿越了边境。外研社新世纪〔way〕The men lost their way in a sandstorm and crossed the border by mistake.那些人在沙尘暴中迷了路,不小心穿越了边境。柯林斯高阶〔way〕We lost our way in the dark.我们在黑暗中迷了路牛津高阶〔whimper〕The child was lost and began to whimper.那孩子迷了路,抽抽搭搭地哭起来。牛津高阶Many people have lost their way (= become lost) in the forest.已有许多人在森林里迷了路剑桥国际She got lost in the forest. 她在森林里迷了路译典通She was found several hours later, wandering the streets, lost.几个小时后,她给找到了,迷了路,在街上徘徊。剑桥国际The girl lost her way in the cavern. 女孩在大洞穴中迷了路译典通They got lost in the deep of the forest. 他们在森林深处迷了路译典通They got lost when they strayed too far from the footpath.他们在偏离小道太远后迷了路剑桥国际We cycled through primeval forests.我们在原始森林中兜圈子(迷了路)。剑桥国际We got lost on the Metro--it was quite an adventure! 我们在地铁里迷了路----这可真是个冒险经历!剑桥国际We were lost in the centre of Paris, and couldn't find any locals to give us directions.我们在巴黎市中心迷了路,而且找不到当地人问路。剑桥国际




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