

单词 进行抗议
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cave〕After protests from customers, the company caved and removed the item from its stores.在顾客们进行抗议后,公司妥协了,从货架上拿下了这件商品。剑桥高阶〔march〕Several thousand people marched on City Hall.数千人涌往市政厅进行抗议牛津高阶〔picket〕Small gatherings picketed outside the school buildings.三五成群的人在学校大楼外进行抗议英汉大词典〔protest〕Prisoners began a hunger strike to protest at their conditions.囚犯们开始绝食以对他们的生活条件进行抗议麦克米伦高阶〔remonstrate〕There had been remonstrations from the Town Clerk.市政委员会曾经进行抗议柯林斯高阶〔slogan〕They protested under the slogan 'When women stop, everything stops!' 他们以“没有女性,万事皆休”为口号进行抗议牛津搭配〔strike〕The trade union federations called a general strike to protest at working conditions.工会联盟号召总罢工,对恶劣的工作环境进行抗议朗文当代〔suspension〕The union is protesting about the suspension of a restaurant worker.工会因一名饭店员工被停职而在进行抗议剑桥高阶A group of anti-racists were protesting in the town centre.在市中心有一群反种族主义者在进行抗议剑桥国际He called the strike to protest against what he described as the murder of democracy.他号召采取罢工的方式对他所认为的扼杀民主行为进行抗议剑桥国际




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