

单词 这一事实
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETERMINED〕The fact that they reached the semi-final is a reflection of their spirit and commitment. 他们进身半决赛这一事实反映出他们所具有的勇气和献身精神。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕It is hard to find a more compelling reason to quit smoking than the fact that it affects your children's health. 与影响儿女健康这一事实相比,很难找到更令人信服的戒烟理由了。朗文写作活用〔accustomed〕She had not yet become accustomed to the fact that she was a rich woman.她还不太适应自己已然是个富婆这一事实外研社新世纪〔affirmation〕They required her affirmation of the fact.他们要求她对这一事实进行确认。外研社新世纪〔alter〕Nothing his friends might say could alter the fact that he had failed.朋友们无论说什么都无法改变他失败了这一事实外研社新世纪〔alter〕This doesn't alter the fact that what you did was wrong.这改变不了你所做之事是错误的这一事实麦克米伦高阶〔attention〕He called (their) attention to the fact that many files were missing.他提请他们注意许多档案已经遗失这一事实牛津高阶〔attest〕Historic documents and ancient tombstones all attest to this fact.历史文献和古墓碑都为这一事实提供了证据。外研社新世纪〔awaken〕We have awakened to the fact.我们已认识到这一事实英汉大词典〔aware〕I was well aware of this fact.这一事实我非常清楚。麦克米伦高阶〔bogged down〕Sometimes this fact is obscured because churches get so bogged down by unimportant rules.教会常被细枝末节的条条框框所困囿, 所以有时这一事实会被遮掩。外研社新世纪〔bogged down〕Sometimes this fact is obscured because churches get so bogged down by unimportant rules.有时候教会因为过分拘泥于那些无关紧要的规则而无法看清这一事实柯林斯高阶〔card〕The fact that he was supported by big firms was his strongest/best card during the negotiations.拥有大公司支持这一事实是他谈判时的王牌。韦氏高阶〔cite〕The company cited a 13 percent decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its products was falling.公司举出新订单减少13%这一事实,以此来证明对其产品的总需求在下降。剑桥高阶〔comment〕That most young prisoners re-offend is a sad comment on our penal system.多数青少年犯再犯罪这一事实体现出我们的刑罚制度中不健全的一面。麦克米伦高阶〔consolation〕I can console myself with the fact that I'm not alone.不是只有我一个人才这样,我可以用这一事实来安慰自己。柯林斯高阶〔denial〕He's still in denial about the break-up of his relationship.他仍然无法接受他们分手这一事实剑桥高阶〔detract〕This fact does not detract from her achievement.这一事实无损于她的成就。外研社新世纪〔disguised〕Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods.它们看上去有益健康,实则掩盖了其为精加工食品这一事实柯林斯高阶〔disinterest〕The fact Liberia has no oil seems to explain foreign disinterest in its internal affairs.利比里亚没有石油, 这一事实似乎可解释为什么外部势力无意过问其内政。外研社新世纪〔disinterest〕The fact Liberia has no oil seems to explain foreign disinterest in its internal affairs.利比里亚没有石油,这一事实似乎解释了为什么外部势力无意过问其内政。柯林斯高阶〔dispute〕No one can dispute the fact that men still hold the majority of public offices.没人能质疑这一事实:男人仍占据着大多数公共职位。牛津搭配〔escape〕There was no escaping the fact that he was overweight.他身体超重这一事实是无法回避的。牛津高阶〔face up to sth〕She's going to have to face up to the fact that he's not going to marry her.她将不得不接受他不会娶她这一事实剑桥高阶〔face〕I think Phil has to face the fact that she no longer loves him.我觉得菲尔必须承认她不再爱他这一事实剑桥高阶〔face〕She had to face the fact that her life had changed forever.她得正视她的生活已永远改变了这一事实牛津高阶〔face〕She had to face the fact that she still missed him.她不得不正视仍想念他这一事实麦克米伦高阶〔fact〕He knew their bitterness stemmed from the fact that he was in charge.他知道他们的不满源于他是负责人这一事实牛津搭配〔fact〕How do you account for the fact that unemployment is still rising? 你如何解释失业人数仍在增加这一事实牛津搭配〔fact〕I appreciate the fact that you're under a lot of pressure at the moment.你目前压力很大,我理解这一事实牛津搭配〔fact〕No one can deny this fact.没有人能否认这一事实牛津搭配〔fact〕Prices reflect the fact that the company is aiming at the luxury market.价格反映该公司正将目标瞄准奢侈品市场这一事实牛津搭配〔fact〕She wouldn't accept the fact that she had lost.她不愿接受已经失败这一事实牛津搭配〔fact〕The fact that he has not been seen recently (或 The fact of his not having been seen recently) disturbs everybody in the office.近来谁也不曾见到过他,这一事实令办公室所有同人极为不安。英汉大词典〔fact〕The recent improvements should not obscure the fact that general standards are still far too low.近来的进步不应掩盖普遍标准仍很低这一事实牛津搭配〔fact〕The report draws attention to the fact that the country is now a net exporter of the product.该报道使人注意到该国现在是这种产品的净出口国这一事实牛津搭配〔fault〕There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault.这一事实是无法回避的:这完全是他的错。外研社新世纪〔fess up〕He fessed up to the fact that he was too old.他承认这一事实:他年龄太大了。21世纪英汉〔flannel〕No amount of flannel could disguise the fact that this was a climbdown.说多少废话都不能掩饰让步这一事实外研社新世纪〔head〕She's dead. I can't get my head round it yet.她死了,可我还是不能接受这一事实牛津搭配〔heart〕We've got to take a bit of heart from the fact that we won.我们必须从获胜这一事实中取得一些信心。朗文当代〔if〕If he noticed the fact, he didn't care.就算他注意到了这一事实,他也不介意。英汉大词典〔immaterial〕The fact that she is a woman is immaterial and irrelevant.她是个女人这一事实并不重要,也不相干。韦氏高阶〔inability〕Her outbursts reflected her inability to cope with the loss of her brother.她的突然发脾气说明她无法应对失去兄弟这一事实牛津搭配〔lament〕She lamented the fact that the number of children born out of wedlock had reached 31 per cent.她对非婚生子的比率达到31%这一事实感到痛心。外研社新世纪〔moment〕This fact is not without moment.这一事实并非无足轻重。英汉大词典〔mortality〕My mother's death forced me to face the fact of my own mortality .母亲的去世迫使我去面对这一事实 — 我的生命是有限的。朗文当代〔nativity〕No matter how British our antecedents, the fact of our nativity in Berlin means that we are merely 'British by descent'.无论我们的祖先是多么纯正的英国人, 我们出生在柏林这一事实意味着我们只是“血统上的英国人”。外研社新世纪〔obligation〕It hardly altered the fact that I was under an obligation to listen to her.这几乎改变不了我必须听她的话这一事实外研社新世纪〔obscure〕These figures obscure the fact that a lot of older people live in poverty.这些数字掩盖了许多老年人生活贫困这一事实牛津搭配〔obscure〕This accident should not obscure the fact that train travel is extremely safe.这一事故不应掩盖火车旅行极为安全这一事实麦克米伦高阶〔of〕His parents were informed of the fact.他的父母亲被告知这一事实英汉大词典〔of〕There is no denying the fact of my having seen him.不能否定我见过他这一事实英汉大词典〔omit〕This fact had been conveniently omitted from his account of events.出于方便考虑,他在讲述事件经过时略去了这一事实牛津搭配〔overlook〕The Army overlooked the fact that the caves were on the other side.军队忽略了这些洞穴在另一边这一事实外研社新世纪〔pain〕He was at no pains to conceal the fact that he despised her.他毫不掩饰他鄙视她这一事实英汉大词典〔patience〕Too timorous to protest the disrespect with which she was being treated, the young woman could only accept it with resignation.这个年轻的女人太懦弱了以致无力抗争她所遭受的不敬,她只能接受这一事实美国传统〔put ... aside〕Putting aside the fact that the man has been in prison for one year,he would seem to be a suitable worker for the job.不考虑这人曾经入狱一年这一事实,他倒似乎是一个适合做这工作的人。21世纪英汉〔realistic〕We have to be realistic and accept the fact that these problems cannot be solved easily.我们得实事求是,并且接受这些问题是不能轻易解决的这一事实韦氏高阶〔reconcile〕She had reconciled herself to never seeing him again.她接受了再也见不到他这一事实外研社新世纪〔relief〕This reality casts in strong relief the racist character of the aggression.这一事实使侵略的种族主义本质暴露无遗。英汉大词典〔respecting〕Respecting the fact that the accused was a minor, the charges were dropped.鉴于该被告是未成年人这一事实,便免予起诉。英汉大词典〔role〕They have to be willing to accept their roles as caregivers and not managers.他们不得不同意接受他们要充当的是照顾者而不是管理者这一事实牛津搭配〔secret〕She has made no secret of the fact that she wants to get another job.她没有隐瞒自己想另找工作这一事实外研社新世纪〔sight〕We shouldn't lose sight of the fact that education is important for its own sake.教育本身就很重要,我们不应忽视这一事实柯林斯高阶〔sly〕The parvenu was much too foxy to let slip even a hint of his working-class background.暴发户十分狡猾,他决不暴露自己是工人出身这一事实美国传统〔snooper〕Governments have been known to snoop on innocent citizens.有些政府窥探无辜公民的生活——这一事实已经众所周知。柯林斯高阶〔solace〕I take solace in the fact that he died in peace.他死得很平静,这一事实让我聊以自慰。牛津搭配〔soreness〕The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.美国军队继续驻扎在韩国领土上这一事实仍然让这些学生深感气愤。柯林斯高阶〔sort〕He accepted after a sort the fact that she was right.他在一定程度上接受了她是对的这一事实英汉大词典〔testify〕The fact that doctors were able to catch the disease before it had spread testifies to the importance of medical screenings.医生在这种疾病传播之前就能控制住它,这一事实可以证明医学筛查的重要性。韦氏高阶〔that〕The fact (that) he's older than me is not relevant.他比我年纪大这一事实无关紧要。牛津高阶〔that〕We cannot ignore the fact that there is a shortage of qualified nurses.我们不能忽视缺少合格护士这一事实麦克米伦高阶〔the fact remains〕I know you're sorry now, but the fact remains that you hit your sister.我知道你现在很内疚,可是你打了你妹妹这一事实仍然无法改变。剑桥高阶〔throw〕It was the fact that she married that threw me.正是她已结婚这一事实使我迷惑不解。英汉大词典〔unsurprisingly〕It is unsurprising that he remains so hated.他还是那么乞人憎这一事实并不令人觉得奇怪。柯林斯高阶〔weight〕The fact that he is gone has given more weight to fears that he may try to launch a civil war.他已经离开这一事实让人更担心他会发动一场内战。柯林斯高阶It is no use blinking the fact that inflation keeps getting worse. 不能无视通货膨胀日益恶化这一事实译典通She's always gloried in the fact that she's much better qualified than her sister.她总是为自己比妹妹更能胜任工作这一事实而感到骄傲。剑桥国际The company cited a 12% decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its products was falling.公司举出新的定货单减少了12%这一事实作为它的产品的总需求在下降的证据。剑桥国际The fact that a person acted pursuant to (= following) an order of his government does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.一个人按照他的政府的命令行动这一事实并不能解除他所担负的国际法规定的义务。剑桥国际The fact that aircraft don't fall out of the sky always seems to me to defy (= act against) the law of gravity.我总觉得飞机不会从天空中坠落这一事实违背了重力定律。剑桥国际The very fact that he didn't show up should have warned them that something was wrong.他没有露面这一事实应当已经警告了他们:出了问题。剑桥国际




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