

单词 过于自信
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕Murray worried that the team was becoming overconfident. 默里担心该队会变得过于自信朗文写作活用〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕She didn't come off well in the interview - she was a bit too cocky, a bit too sure of herself. 她在面试中表现不好——有点过于骄傲、过于自信朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕What makes a second-rate actress like Jean so self-satisfied, so over-confident? 是什么使琼那样的二流演员如此沾沾自喜,如此过于自信朗文写作活用〔all-fired〕If he weren't so all-fired sure of himself, I'd like him better.如果他不是那么过于自信,我会更喜欢他。朗文当代〔assuming〕He is all too assuming in his attitude about the energy supply.他在能源问题的态度上显得过于自信英汉大词典〔cocky〕Don't get too cocky about your chances of getting the job.别过于自信,觉得一定能得到这份工作。韦氏高阶〔if〕He's a good driver, if a little over-confident.他是个好司机,虽然有点过于自信牛津高阶〔lairy〕He's a bit lairy, your friend Mick.你的朋友米克,这人有点过于自信朗文当代〔luck〕To risk one's good fortune, often by acting overconfidently.试试运气,冒险去做:拿自己的好运冒险,通常为过于自信之举动美国传统〔misremember〕He proved overconfident on the witness stand, misremembering a key piece of evidence.他在证人席上表现得过于自信,记错了一条重要的证据。柯林斯高阶〔nervous〕Their coach is nervous about sounding too confident.他们的教练担心自己的口气听上去过于自信外研社新世纪〔overconfident〕Excessively confident; presumptuous.过于自信的;胆大妄为的,自大的美国传统〔positive〕Overconfident; dogmatic.独断的:过于自信的;顽固的美国传统〔secure〕Archaic Careless or overconfident.【古语】 粗心的,自负的:粗心的或过于自信美国传统〔seemly〕Self-assertion was not thought seemly in a woman.人们认为女性不应该过于自信柯林斯高阶〔self-sufficient〕Having undue confidence; smug.过于自信的;妄自尊大的美国传统




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