

单词 flowering plant
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔angiosperm〕A plant whose ovules are enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant.被子植物:一种胚珠被包在子房里的植物;一种开花植物美国传统〔appearance〕Flowering plants were making their first appearance, but were still a rarity.显花植物开始出现了,但仍然很少。柯林斯高阶〔colonize〕The slopes are colonized by flowering plants.坡地上长满了开花植物。牛津高阶〔companion cell〕A specialized parenchyma cell, located in the phloem of flowering plants and closely associated in development and function with a sieve-tube element.伴细胞:一种特殊的软组织细胞,位于开花植物的韧皮部,生长和功能与筛管要素密切联系美国传统〔dicotyledon〕A flowering plant with two embryonic seed leaves or cotyledons that usually appear at germination.双子叶植物:具有两片胚籽的或通常在萌芽上有双子叶的花卉植物美国传统〔endosperm〕The nutritive tissue within seeds of flowering plants, surrounding and absorbed by the embryo.胚乳:开发植物种子内部的营养组织,围在胚胎周围并被胚胎吸收美国传统〔find〕Two thousand of France's 4,200 species of flowering plants are found in the park.法国的 4,200 种开花植物中有 2,000种可见于这个公园。柯林斯高阶〔fit〕You might be able to fit some small flowering plants between the larger bushes.你或许可以在较大的灌木之间种些小的开花植物。朗文当代〔monocotyledon〕Any of various flowering plants, such as grasses, orchids, and lilies, having a single cotyledon in the seed.单子叶植物:任一种种子只含一个子叶的植物的开花植物,如草、兰花和百合花美国传统〔native〕Henderson Island in the Pacific has more than 55 species of native flowering plants.太平洋的亨德森岛上有超过55种土生的开花植物。剑桥高阶〔parietal〕Botany Borne on the inside of the ovary wall. Used of the ovules or placentas in flowering plants.【植物学】 同壁的,侧膜的:位于果核内壁的。用作开花植物的胚球或胚座美国传统〔pip〕A rootstock of certain flowering plants, especially the lily of the valley.单根茎:某些花类植物的根茎,尤指山谷铃兰美国传统〔pith〕Botany The soft, spongelike, central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants, composed mainly of parenchyma.【植物学】 (木)髓:许多生花植物树干中心部位中的软似海绵的物质,主要由薄壁组织构成美国传统〔placenta〕Botany The part within the ovary of a flowering plant to which the ovules are attached.【植物学】 胎座:开花植物子房内的某部分,胚珠可附于其上美国传统〔polar nucleus〕Either of two nuclei located centrally in a flowering plant embryo sac that eventually fuse to form the endosperm nucleus.极核:位于一株开花植物的胚囊中央的两个细胞核的任一个,这两个细胞核最终融合而形成内胚乳细胞核美国传统〔sieve tube〕A series of cells joined end to end, forming a tube through which nutrients are conducted in flowering plants and brown algae.筛管:一系列细胞尾对尾连接成的一条管子,在有花植物及褐藻中养分经此传送美国传统〔spermatophyte〕A seed-bearing plant, such as a conifer or a flowering plant.种子植物:产籽的植物,如针叶树或开花植物美国传统〔synergid〕One of two small cells lying near the egg in the mature embryo sac of a flowering plant.助细胞:位于开花植物成熟胚囊的卵细胞周围的两个小细胞之一美国传统〔tub〕Outside was a stone patio with tubs of flowering plants.外面是一个石砌的露台,上面摆着一盆盆开着花的植物。剑桥高阶〔wildflower〕A flowering plant that grows in a natural, uncultivated state.野花:在天然的未开垦的状态下生长的开花植物美国传统Henderson Island in the Pacific has more than 55 species of native flowering plants.太平洋中的赫得逊岛上有超过55种土生花卉。剑桥国际




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