

单词 较便宜
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕Wooden houses are relatively cheap to build. 木屋造价比较便宜朗文写作活用〔LESS〕Of course, it would be less expensive to use frozen fish. 当然,使用冷冻的鱼会比较便宜朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕There's very little to choose between the two apartments in terms of space, so I think we should take the cheaper one. 这两套公寓的面积没什么差别,所以我认为我们应该选较便宜的那套。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕We're economizing this year by having a cheaper vacation. 我们今年很节俭,去了一个比较便宜的地方度假。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run.小型轿车还有一个优点是养护成本比较便宜牛津高阶〔auction〕I try to buy furniture at auctions because it is cheaper that way.我尽量在拍卖会上买家具,因为那样较便宜牛津搭配〔between〕It's cheaper between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m.下午 6 点到早晨 8 点间价钱较便宜牛津高阶〔brand〕You pay less for the store brand.商店自有品牌的东西比较便宜牛津搭配〔bulk〕It's usually cheaper to buy in bulk.批量购买通常比较便宜牛津搭配〔buy〕This dog food is cheaper when you buy it in bulk.这种狗粮大量购买时较便宜麦克米伦高阶〔cheap〕The equipment is relatively cheap and simple to use.这种设备比较便宜,而且操作简单。朗文当代〔could〕The car cost more than I could afford, so I bought a cheaper model.这款车的价格超出了我的支付能力,所以我买了较便宜的一款。韦氏高阶〔customer〕This cheaper model was produced in response to customer demand.这个比较便宜的型号就是根据顾客要求生产的。牛津搭配〔direct〕It is usually cheaper to buy the goods direct from the wholesaler.直接从批发商那里买东西一般比较便宜朗文当代〔dolmus〕It's cheaper to travel dolmus.出门旅行乘合租车(或船)比较便宜英汉大词典〔do〕This is the company's most popular computer, but they also do a less expensive model.这是这家公司最畅销的电脑,不过他们还有一款较便宜的机型。韦氏高阶〔effective〕The cheaper drugs are just as effective in treating arthritis.较便宜的药品对治疗关节炎同样有效。朗文当代〔feeling〕My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one.我个人的意见是我们应该买较便宜的那个。牛津高阶〔generically〕They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.他们鼓励医生给患者开较便宜的非专利药,而不是价格更高的品牌药。柯林斯高阶〔indirect〕An indirect flight from Rome to Marseilles would be cheaper.罗马到马赛的非直达航班会比较便宜外研社新世纪〔inexpensive〕Painting is a relatively inexpensive way to enhance your home.刷涂料是美化居室的一种相对较便宜的方式。朗文当代〔last〕The cheaper washing machines should last about five years.比较便宜的洗衣机大约可以使用5年。剑桥高阶〔latter〕Of ham and beef, the latter meat is cheaper today.就火腿和牛肉而言,眼下牛肉比较便宜英汉大词典〔meat〕She always buys the cheaper cuts of meat.她总是买比较便宜的部位的肉。牛津搭配〔midweek〕It's cheaper to travel midweek.在星期中间旅行较便宜牛津高阶〔off-Broadway〕Of, relating to, or being theatrical activity that is chiefly experimental and inexpensive, carried on outside the New York City entertainment district.外百老汇戏剧的:与戏剧活动有关的,此类活动主要为实验性的、较便宜,在纽约城娱乐区外进行美国传统〔off-peak〕It's cheaper to go on holiday off-peak.淡季度假比较便宜外研社新世纪〔over〕We switched over from electricity to gas because it was cheaper.我们从用电改成了用煤气,因为煤气较便宜朗文当代〔pitch〕It is pitched as a cheaper alternative to other workstations.它被定为替代其他工作站较便宜的一个选择。朗文当代〔quantity〕It's cheaper to buy goods in quantity.大量购物比较便宜牛津高阶〔ratchet〕The company ratcheted down costs by using cheaper materials.公司选用比较便宜的原料逐步降低成本。韦氏高阶〔relative〕House prices now look cheap relative to earnings.相对收入而言房价现在看起来比较便宜柯林斯高阶〔roll〕It's cheaper to roll your own (=make your own cigarettes) .自己动手卷烟比较便宜朗文当代〔shelf〕Some surveillance technologies can be bought relatively cheaply off the shelf.能较便宜地买到一些现成的监控技术。外研社新世纪〔speed〕I had to go back to that cheaper hotel. It was more my speed.我只得回到那家比较便宜的旅馆去,那儿对我来说更为适合。英汉大词典〔story〕Where Marcella lives, the rents are fairly cheap, but a little further north it's a different story.玛塞拉居住的地方,租金比较便宜,但稍稍再往北一点情况就不同了。柯林斯高阶〔that〕This tie is better but that one costs less.这条领带较好,但那条较便宜英汉大词典〔therefore〕The new car is smaller and therefore cheaper.这辆新车比较小,因此就比较便宜英汉大词典〔therefore〕This car is smaller and therefore cheaper.这部车子比较小而因此比较便宜文馨英汉〔trade down〕They are selling their five-bedroom house and trading down to a two-bedroom cottage.他们要把 5 居室的房子卖掉,换一所较便宜的 2 居室小屋。柯林斯高阶〔trade down〕They are selling their five-bedroom house and trading down to a two-bedroom cottage.他们要把五居室的房子卖掉, 换一所较便宜的两居室小屋。外研社新世纪〔virtue〕One virtue of the plan is that it is cheaper to implement.这项计划的一个优点是执行的费用比较便宜麦克米伦高阶〔way〕They found their way to the cheaper seats.他们设法弄到了较便宜的座位。英汉大词典Flights that depart at midnight are referred to as the red-eye flights. Their fare is normally cheaper than those of regular flights. 在午夜起飞的航班通称为红眼航班,通常票价比较便宜译典通Hotels are cheaper out of season.酒店在淡季比较便宜牛津商务In-home care for the disabled is relatively cheap to provide.为残疾人提供家庭护理比较便宜剑桥国际Materials are cheaper when bought in large quantities.材料大量购买时就比较便宜牛津商务The cross-Channel ferries are cheaper out of season (= during the period when fewer people want to travel).横渡海峡的渡轮在淡季时比较便宜剑桥国际The software is relatively cheap.该软件相对较便宜牛津商务This fabric is similar to wool, only (= except that it is) cheaper.这个织物和羊毛很相似,只是比较便宜剑桥国际To do it yourself would be cheaper.自己做会比较便宜剑桥国际We tend to go skiing during the off-season because it's cheaper.我们往往在滑雪淡季去滑雪,因为那样比较便宜剑桥国际




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