

单词 轮廓分明
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The sign's lettering was crisp and distinct. 指示牌上的字轮廓分明,清晰可见。朗文写作活用〔bold〕The mountains stood in bold outline against the sky.群山在天空辉映下轮廓分明地屹立着。英汉大词典〔chiselled〕Women find his chiselled features irresistible.女人抵挡不住他那轮廓分明的脸庞的诱惑。柯林斯高阶〔clear-cut〕Her features were clear-cut.她的五官轮廓分明英汉大词典〔craggy〕He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.他是个脸部轮廓分明、皱纹明显的矮个子男人。柯林斯高阶〔define against〕The mountain was clearly defined against the eastern sky.那座山在东方天幕的衬托下显得轮廓分明21世纪英汉〔defined〕She had a strongly defined chin, a high forehead, and light grey eyes.她有着轮廓分明的下巴、高高的额头和一双浅灰色的眼睛。柯林斯高阶〔define〕The black tree was clearly defined against a yellow sky.那棵黑色的树在黄色天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明21世纪英汉〔define〕The mountain was sharply defined against the sky.那座山在天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明牛津高阶〔define〕The roof of the theatre was boldly defined against the sky.戏院的屋顶在天空衬托下显得轮廓分明21世纪英汉〔define〕The roof was boldly defined against the sky.屋顶在天空衬托下显得轮廓分明英汉大词典〔feature〕Her features were strongly defined.她的五官轮廓分明柯林斯高阶〔jawline〕He had high cheekbones and a strong jawline.他高颧骨, 下巴轮廓分明外研社新世纪〔jaw〕He thought for a moment, stroking his well-defined jaw.他摸着自己轮廓分明的下巴想了一会儿。柯林斯高阶〔mannish〕She had strong, almost mannish features.她的五官轮廓分明,几乎像个男人。朗文当代〔pecs〕Male models used to be gorgeous — all chiselled jaw, perfect pecs and golden tan.过去的男模特常常都很英俊——都拥有轮廓分明的下巴、完美的胸肌和金褐色的皮肤。外研社新世纪〔strong〕She has the same strong features as her mother.她有跟她母亲一样轮廓分明的面孔。朗文当代〔strong〕She has very strong features(=you are likely to notice and admire her eyes, nose, and mouth).她有轮廓分明的动人容貌。麦克米伦高阶〔thinly〕James's face was thin, finely boned, and sensitive.詹姆斯面部瘦削,轮廓分明,容易过敏。柯林斯高阶〔throwing〕The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground.阳光明亮刺眼,在地上投下轮廓分明的影子。柯林斯高阶The mountain stood out in sharp relief against the evening sky.山在夜空下耸立着,轮廓分明剑桥国际




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