

单词 踝关节
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anklet〕A sock that reaches just above the ankle.短袜:及于踝关节处的短袜美国传统〔ankle〕I fell and twisted my ankle.我摔倒了,扭伤了踝关节麦克米伦高阶〔ankle〕The joint formed by the articulation of the lower leg bones with the talus. The ankle connects the foot with the leg.踝关节:小腿骨和距骨结合所形成的关节。踝关节连接脚掌和小腿美国传统〔annular ligament〕The fibrous band of tissue that surrounds the ankle joint or the wrist joint.环状韧带:踝关节或腕关节周围的韧带组织美国传统〔awkward〕She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle.她笨重地摔了一跤,摔断了踝关节牛津高阶〔calf〕The fleshy, muscular back part of the human leg between the knee and ankle.腓,小腿肚:人腿部位于膝关节和踝关节之间的多肉的、腿后部的肌肉部分美国传统〔chipped〕A chipped bone in his ankle had required surgery.他踝关节上磕坏的骨头需要动手术。外研社新世纪〔heel〕The rounded posterior portion of the human foot under and behind the ankle.踵,脚跟:人踝关节后下部分的脚的后部呈圆形的部分美国传统〔hock〕The tarsal joint of the hind leg of a digitigrade quadruped, such as a horse, corresponding to the human ankle but bending in the opposite direction.跗关节:马等跗行四足动物后腿的跗关节,与人类的踝关节类似但弯曲方向相反美国传统〔hold〕There were fears that her ankle might not hold up for the competition.人们担心她的踝关节在这次比赛中无法保持良好状态。麦克米伦高阶〔immobilize〕The knee and ankle joints must be immobilized — this usually means up to six weeks in plaster.膝关节和踝关节必须加以固定——这通常意味着要打上 6 个星期的石膏。柯林斯高阶〔immobilize〕The knee and ankle joints must be immobilized.膝关节和踝关节必须保持固定。外研社新世纪〔knock-knee〕A deformity of the legs in which the knees are abnormally close together and the ankles are spread widely apart.膝外翻:一种腿部的畸形,两个膝盖异常靠近,而两个踝关节伸开很宽美国传统〔legging〕A leg covering usually extending from the ankle to the knee and often made of material such as leather or canvas, worn especially by soldiers and workers.绑腿,护腿:一种腿部的覆盖物,通常从踝关节延展至膝盖处,常用皮革或帆布之类的材料制成,尤指士兵或工人使用的美国传统〔stress fracture〕The gymnast developed a stress fracture in her ankle.这位女体操运动员的踝关节出现了应力性骨折。韦氏高阶〔tear〕I tore some ligaments in my ankle.我踝关节韧带拉伤了。外研社新世纪〔thoroughpin〕An abnormal swelling on either side of the hock joint of horses and related animals.穿钉肿:马或其它动物踝关节上方两侧滑膜异常的肿胀美国传统〔toehold〕Sports A wrestling hold in which one competitor wrenches the other's foot.【体育运动】 反踝关节扭脚趾:一种一个迭手握住对方的脚的一种摔交握法美国传统〔trip〕He tripped up on a cable and broke his ankle.他被电缆线绊了一跤,摔坏了踝关节麦克米伦高阶〔twist〕A sprain or wrench, as of an ankle.扭伤,如踝关节美国传统〔wrick〕I've wricked my neck (ankle, back).我扭伤了脖子(踝关节,腰背)。英汉大词典She fell over and twisted her ankle as she was scrambling down the scree.当她爬下山麓碎石堆的时候,她摔倒在地,扭伤了踝关节剑桥国际Three minutes into the match, Jackson limped off the pitch with a serious ankle injury.比赛开始三分钟后杰克逊踝关节严重受伤,一瘸一拐地走下球场。剑桥国际




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