

单词 起拍
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clap〕The band played a familiar tune which had everyone clapping along.乐队演奏了一支熟悉的曲子,大家都跟着一起拍手。剑桥高阶〔gather〕Could the bride's family all gather together for a photo? 请新娘一家人聚在一起拍个照,好吗?朗文当代〔mush〕Whenever famous actresses get together to make a 'woman's film', you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush.著名女演员们一旦聚在一起拍一部“女性电影”, 那肯定是一堆多愁善感的故事。外研社新世纪〔personality〕She is pictured with TV personality Carol Vorderman.她和电视名人卡罗尔·沃德曼一起拍照。麦克米伦高阶〔photograph〕Can I have my photograph taken with you? 我可以和你一起拍张照片吗?牛津搭配〔photograph〕I prefer photographing people rather than places.比起拍风景,我更喜欢拍人物照。剑桥高阶〔refrain〕Priscilla could barely refrain from clapping her hands together.普丽西拉几乎忍不住要随着一起拍手了。牛津搭配〔tap〕The music set everyone's feet tapping.乐曲使得每个人都用脚轻轻打起拍子来。牛津高阶Although weary, the riders appeared together for a photograph after the race.虽然很累,骑手们赛后还是聚在一起拍了张照。剑桥国际I prefer photographing people rather than places.比起拍风景,我更喜欢给人拍照。剑桥国际The band played a familiar tune which had everyone clapping along.乐队奏出了一支熟悉的曲调,每个人都跟着一起拍手。剑桥国际




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