

单词 资料来源
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bibliography〕Other sources of information are found in the bibliography at the end of this article.其他资料来源见文末文献目录。剑桥高阶〔check〕You must check the evidence against other sources and decide if it is reliable.你必须把证据和其他资料来源进行对照,再来判定它是否可靠。朗文当代〔inaccuracy〕A reporter tries to guard against inaccuracies by checking with a variety of sources.报告人核查资料来源以防止出现差错。外研社新世纪〔obvious〕The most obvious example of an information source is a dictionary.一个资料来源的最明显的例子就是词典。朗文当代〔piece〕Her early life has been pieced together from several different sources.根据几个不同的资料来源,她的早期生活被拼凑整理了出来。朗文当代〔plug into〕The computer program will take data from these sources and automatically plug it into the equation.这个计算机程序将从这些资料来源中提取数据,并自动将数据填入方程式中。韦氏高阶〔resource〕Museums are important resources for teaching history.博物馆为教授历史提供重要资料来源麦克米伦高阶〔source〕Your local library will be a useful source of information.你们当地的图书馆将是很好的资料来源牛津高阶〔suspect〕The theory is rendered suspect by its reliance on now discredited sources.这个理论由于所依赖的资料来源如今被认为不可靠而受到怀疑。牛津搭配Other sources of information are found in the bibliography at the end of this article.其它的资料来源见本文末的文献目录。剑桥国际The historian searched for primary sources of information about the past. 历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源译典通We will appeal to a great variety of sources of information. 我们将求助于多种资料来源译典通




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