

单词 诽谤罪
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔appear before〕The woman appeared before the judge on a charge of libel.这女人就指控犯诽谤罪受法官审判。21世纪英汉〔defamation〕He sued for defamation.他以诽谤罪提出起诉。柯林斯高阶〔defamation〕He was found guilty of criminal libel and defamation.他被判犯有诽谤罪和损害他人名誉罪。外研社新世纪〔existing〕The existing laws covering libel in this country are thought by many to be inadequate.很多人认为,这个国家现行的有关诽谤罪的法律很不完善。剑桥高阶〔injure〕People who make a false allegation that injures someone else's reputation could be subject to a libel suit.通过虚假指控损害他人名誉者可被控诽谤罪外研社新世纪〔justify〕He maintained that he could and would justify the alleged libel.他坚持说他能够而且将要证明被指控的诽谤罪名不成立。外研社新世纪〔libel〕He sued the newspaper for libel.他控告那家报社犯有诽谤罪牛津高阶〔libel〕If the jury decided there was a libel, it would have to consider its effect on Miss Smith's position.如果陪审团裁定诽谤罪成立,那就必须考虑其对史密斯小姐的职位的影响。柯林斯高阶〔libel〕The newspaper was found guilty of libel.这家报社被判犯有诽谤罪韦氏高阶〔misquote〕He claimed that he had been misquoted and he threatened to sue the magazine for libel.他声称自己的话被错误地引用,并威胁说要以诽谤罪起诉这家杂志。柯林斯高阶〔privileged communication〕A communication that is not subject to charges of slander or libel.可不构成诽谤罪的言论:不受诽谤或中伤起诉约束的言论美国传统〔slander〕Dr. Bach is now suing the company for slander.巴赫博士目前正以诽谤罪起诉该公司。柯林斯高阶〔slander〕He is being sued for slander .他被起诉犯了口头诽谤罪朗文当代〔slander〕I might have grounds for a slander suit.我可能有理由以诽谤罪提起诉讼。牛津搭配〔slander〕She is being sued for slander.她正以诽谤罪被起诉。韦氏高阶〔smear〕She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her private life.这家报纸对她的私生活造谣诬蔑,她决定以诽谤罪起诉。剑桥高阶He brought/(esp. Am) filed a $12 million libel suit against the newspaper, claiming his professional reputation had been damaged by the paper's stories.他以诽谤罪控告报社,声称该报的报道破坏了他的职业名誉,并为此索赔1 200万美元。剑桥国际He slapped a libel suit on a newspaper. 他告一家报纸犯有诽谤罪译典通He was tagged for libel. 他被指控犯了诽谤罪译典通He was up for slander. 他被控犯有诽谤罪而出庭。译典通She brought an action for libel against the Weekend Record newspaper.她以诽谤罪对《周末记录报》提起诉讼。剑桥国际She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her private life.报纸对她的私生活进行污蔑,她决定起诉其犯有诽谤罪剑桥国际The doctor is suing his partner for slander / bringing a slander action against his partner, on the grounds that she had publicly accused him of sexual harassment.医生控告他的合作者犯有诽谤罪,因为她公开谴责他性骚扰。剑桥国际The existing laws (= laws which exist at the present time) covering libel in this country are thought by many to be inadequate.许多人认为这个国家现行的关于诽谤罪的法律是有缺陷的。剑桥国际




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