单词 | 词表 |
例句 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔active〕Indicating that the subject of the sentence is performing or causing the action expressed by the verb. Used of a verb form or voice.主动的,主动语态的:表示句子主语完成或导致动词表达的动作的。用于动词形态或语态美国传统〔alphabetical〕Here is a list of words in alphabetical order.这里有一份按字母顺序排列的单词表。麦克米伦高阶〔anger〕These nouns denote varying degrees of marked displeasure.这些名词表示不同程度的不快。美国传统〔artifice〕These nouns are compared as they denote means for achieving an end by indirection.当这些名词表示为间接达到某目的的手段时作比较。美国传统〔begin〕These verbs are compared as they denote coming or putting into operation, being, or motion or setting about taking the first step, as in a procedure.当这些动词表示开始行动,开始产生或着手采取行动的第一步时,可以互作比较。美国传统〔calculate〕These verbs refer to the determination of a result, such as expense, through the use of mathematical methods.这些动词表示通过使用数学方法对结果的确定,如花费。美国传统〔calm〕These adjectives denote absence of excitement or disturbance.这些形容词表明没有激动兴奋或未被打扰。美国传统〔commit〕These verbs mean to give over to another for a purpose such as care or safekeeping.这些动词表示为了一个目的例如照应或保持安全而移作他用。美国传统〔common〕These adjectives describe what is generally known or frequently encountered.这些形容词表示普遍知道或常常遇到的。美国传统〔contemporary〕These adjectives mean existing or occurring at the same time.这些形容词表示存在或发生于同一时期的。美国传统〔contrary〕These adjectives mean given to acting in opposition to others.这些形容词表示爱与别人或事物相反行事的。美国传统〔controlled〕A controlled vocabulary introduces children to a carefully selected list of words and phrases.受控词表为孩子们提供了一系列仔细筛选出来的单词和短语。外研社新世纪〔couch〕His refusal was couched in strong language.他用强烈的措词表示拒绝。英汉大词典〔couple〕These nouns denote two individuals of the same kind together.这此名词表示同一种类的两个个体在一起。美国传统〔dark〕These adjectives indicate the absence of light or clarity.这些形容词表示缺乏光线或清晰度。美国传统〔decide〕These verbs are compared as they mean to make or cause to make a decision.这些动词表示使作出决定的意思时可以进行比较。美国传统〔dedicate〕To address or inscribe (a literary work, for example) to another as a mark of respect or affection.题献:在(例如,一部文学作品)上题献词表示尊敬或爱戴美国传统〔denote〕What does the word 'curriculum' denote that 'course' does not? curriculum 一词表示的含义中什么是 course 所不包含的?朗文当代〔dialect〕These nouns denote forms of language that vary from the standard.这些名词表示是从标准语言变化来的语言形式。美国传统〔dictionary〕A list of words stored in machine-readable form for reference as by spelling-checking software.电脑字典:以机器可读形式存储的单词表,用拼写检查软件进行参考美国传统〔diction〕These nouns denote choice of words and the way in which they are used.这些名词表示对使用的词和方式的选择。美国传统〔double negative〕A construction that employs two negatives, especially to express a single negation.双重否定:尤指运用两个否定词表示一层否定的结构美国传统〔eager〕These adjectives mean animated by or showing great interest or desire.这些形容词表示因巨大的兴趣或欲望而被激励起来。美国传统〔easy〕These adjectives mean requiring little effort or posing little if any difficulty.这些形容词表示不费力气或费很少劲的意思。美国传统〔eccentricity〕These nouns refer to peculiarity of behavior.这些名词表示行为的特异。美国传统〔effort〕These nouns refer to the expenditure of physical or mental energy to accomplish something.这些名词表示为完成某事而耗费体力或精力。美国传统〔expression〕I'm grateful to you — beyond expression.我对你的感激之情无法用言词表达。英汉大词典〔fair〕These adjectives mean free from favoritism, self-interest, or bias in judgment.这些形容词表示不偏袒、不自私或在判断中无偏见。美国传统〔familiar〕These adjectives describe relationships marked by intimacy.这些形容词表示关系亲近。美国传统〔follow〕These verbs mean to come after something or someone.这些动词表示跟在某物或某人之后。美国传统〔foolish〕These adjectives are applied to what is so devoid of wisdom or good sense as to be laughable.这些形容词表示令人可笑地缺少智慧或缺乏常识。美国传统〔force〕These verbs mean to cause a person or thing to follow a prescribed or dictated course.这些动词表示使某人或某物沿规定的或指定的过程进行。美国传统〔for〕The French word for “good” is “bon.” 法语里bon这个词表示“好”。韦氏高阶〔frightful〕Many critics have expressed shock at the song's frightful lyrics.许多评论家都对这首歌曲糟糕的歌词表示震惊。韦氏高阶〔holophrastic〕Polysynthetic.单独用一个词表达多种涵义的美国传统〔honesty〕These nouns denote the quality of being upright in principle and action.这些名词表示在原则和行动上的正直品质。美国传统〔honor〕These nouns denote admiration, respect, or esteem accorded to another as a right or as due.这些名词表示作为一种权利或应得之物而给予另一个人的敬慕、尊敬或尊重。美国传统〔inflexible〕These adjectives mean not capable of being swayed or diverted from a course.这些形容词表示不从既定路线上偏离或改变的。美国传统〔insanity〕These nouns denote conditions of serious mental disability.这些名词表示严重精神失常的状况。美国传统〔join〕These verbs mean to fasten or affix or become fastened or affixed.这些动词表示紧固、贴附或变得紧固、贴附。美国传统〔joke〕These nouns refer to something that is said or done in order to evoke laughter or amusement.这些名词表示为了引人发笑或逗乐而说的话或做的事。美国传统〔jolly〕These adjectives mean feeling, showing, or marked by good humor and high spirits.这些形容词表示感到、表现出愉快高兴或以愉悦高兴为特征。美国传统〔key〕A table, gloss, or cipher for decoding or interpreting.密码本、索引:用于破译或解释的表格、词表或索引美国传统〔level〕These adjectives are applicable to surfaces without irregularities in the form of elevations or depressions.这些形容词表示高度或深度形式较规则的平面。美国传统〔livelihood〕These nouns denote the means needed to provide the necessities of life.这些名词表示用于提供生活需求的种种手段。美国传统〔living〕These adjectives mean possessed of or exhibiting life.这些形容词表示拥有或显示生命。美国传统〔love〕These nouns denote feelings of warm personal attachment or strong attraction to another person.这些名词表示对另外一个人的温暖的个人依恋或强烈的吸引力。美国传统〔object〕These verbs mean to express opposition to something, most often by presenting arguments against it.这些动词表示对某事的反对,大多数情况通过提出反对观点来表示。美国传统〔oblique〕Grammar Designating any noun case except the nominative or the vocative.【语法】 间接的:由除主格或宾格的名词表示的美国传统〔omission〕We apologize for the accidental omission of the word ‘North'.我们对无意中遗漏了North这个词表示抱歉。麦克米伦高阶〔oppose〕These verbs are compared as they mean to set someone or something in opposition to another, as in an effort to overcome or defeat.这些动词表示把某事或某物放在相反位置上以求取胜时,意思是有区别的。美国传统〔pleasure〕These nouns denote a pleasant feeling, as of happiness or personal satisfaction, evoked by something that is to one's liking.这些名词表示高兴的感觉,如由某人喜爱的东西而引起的快乐或个人的满足。美国传统〔poet〕These nouns denote persons who write verse.这些名词表示写诗的人。美国传统〔rise〕These verbs are compared as they mean to move upward from a lower to a higher position.当这些动词表示从某个较低的位置向某个较高的位置向上移动的意思时,他们均可进行比较。美国传统〔sarcastic〕These adjectives mean having or marked by a feeling of bitterness and a biting or cutting quality.这些形容词表示带有辛辣的感觉和尖刻的或尖酸的意味,或是以这种感觉为特征的。美国传统〔series〕These nouns denote a number of things placed or occurring one after the other.这些名词表示一个接一个地放置或发生的很多事物。美国传统〔servitude〕These nouns signify a state of subjugation to an owner or a master.这些名词表示对所有人或主人的隶属状态。美国传统〔sign〕I explained what I couldn't explain in words by signs.凡不能用言词表达的,我就用手势说明。英汉大词典〔speech〕The faculty or act of expressing or describing thoughts, feelings, or perceptions by the articulation of words.表达能力:用连续的字词表达或描述思想、情感或知觉的能力美国传统〔stay〕These verbs mean to continue to be in a given place.这些动词表示继续保持在某一给定位置。美国传统〔strip〕These verbs signify to remove clothing, coverings, possessions, or attributes from someone or something.这些动词表示脱去某人或某物的衣物,外皮或使某人或某物失去财产或特点。美国传统〔strong〕These adjectives are compared as they mean having or showing vigor, durability, or power of body or spirit.当这些形容词表示有或显示活力、持久性或身体或精神的力量时,它们之间可作比较。美国传统〔subject〕These nouns denote the principal idea or point of a speech, a piece of writing, or an artistic work.这些名词表示演讲、文章或艺术作品的主要思想或要旨。美国传统〔superficial〕These adjectives mean lacking in depth or thoroughness.这些形容词表示缺乏深度或彻底性。美国传统〔support〕These verbs are compared as they mean to give aid or encouragement to a person or cause.这些动词表示帮助或鼓励某人或某项事业时有所区别。美国传统〔suppress〕These verbs mean to hold in check something requiring or struggling to find an outlet.这些动词表示抑制需要找到发泄途径的某事。美国传统〔swing〕These verbs mean to move in a back-and-forth, up-and-down, or to-and-fro pattern.这些动词表示前后、上下或往复运动。美国传统〔synonymy〕A list, book, or system of synonyms.同义词表、汇编或系统美国传统〔term〕He complained in the strongest terms.他以极其强烈的措词表达了自己的不满。剑桥高阶〔translate〕To express in different words; paraphrase.说明:用别的词表示;释义美国传统〔unity〕These nouns denote the condition of accord resulting from an identity or coincidence of interests, purposes, or sympathies among the members of a group.这些名词表示一致的条件,得自识别或符合一群的成员中的兴趣、目的或同情,美国传统〔vindictive〕These adjectives mean desiring or proceeding from a desire for revenge.这些形容词表示有报仇欲望的。美国传统〔wander〕These verbs mean to move about at random or without destination or purpose.这些动词表示不经心地或没有目标目的地走动。美国传统〔warn〕These verbs mean to give someone notice of and put the person on guard against actual or possible danger or risk.这些动词表示通知某人以使其对真实或潜在的危险或险情有所警觉。美国传统〔weak〕These adjectives mean lacking or showing a lack of strength.这些形容词表示缺乏力量的或显示出力量缺乏的。美国传统〔word〕Bold words denote chapter headings.黑体词表示章节标题。牛津搭配〔word〕He worded the reply in such a way that he did not admit making the original error.他在回答中的措词表明他不承认原来犯的错误。剑桥高阶〔yearn〕These verbs mean to have a strong desire for something.这些动词表示对某事物怀有强烈的渴望。美国传统He put a tick beside each word in the glossary that he had learned by heart. 他在词表中每一个已熟记的生词旁做个记号。译典通She writes with such economy--I've never known a writer to say so much in so few words.她写得很简练,我从不知道一位作家能用这么少的词表达这么多的意思。剑桥国际 |
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