

单词 证明文件
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔and/or〕Bring your passport and/or other means of identification.带上你的护照以及/或者其他身份证明文件外研社新世纪〔bearer〕Spanish identity documents state the bearer's profession.西班牙身份证明文件写明了持有人的职业。外研社新世纪〔certificate〕To furnish with, testify to, or authorize by a certificate.用证明书证明:通过证明文件给予、证明或认可美国传统〔confirmation〕Practically every new piece of documentary evidence provides additional confirmation that the charges are true.实际上,每一份新的证明文件都进一步证实这些指控属实。牛津搭配〔documentation〕Applicants must provide supporting documentation .申请人必须提供证明文件朗文当代〔documentation〕I couldn't enter the country because I didn't have all the necessary documentation.我不能入境是因为我证明文件不齐备。牛津高阶〔documentation〕The documents or references so supplied.证明文件:提供的文件或参考资料美国传统〔documentation〕You cannot visit the country unless you have the proper documentation.除非你有正规的证明文件,否则你不能到这个国家游览。韦氏高阶〔endorse〕To acknowledge (receipt of payment) by signing a bill, draft, or other instrument.开发票,开证明文件:通过签署帐单、汇票或其它正式文件而承认已收到付款美国传统〔forger〕They used forged documents to leave the country.他们使用伪造的证明文件离开了这个国家。柯林斯高阶〔identification〕Bring some form of identification, preferably a passport.带上身份证明文件,最好是护照。朗文当代〔identification〕Do you have any identification? 你有什么身份证明文件吗?朗文当代〔letter〕Often letters A certified document granting rights to its bearer. 常作 letters 许可证:证明持有者某些权力的证明文件美国传统〔means〕Do you have any means of identification ? 你有什么身份证明文件吗?朗文当代〔probate〕Judicial certification of the validity of a will.遗嘱检验文件:遗嘱有效的法律证明文件美国传统〔produce〕You'll be asked to produce documents proving where you live.你需要出示居住地证明文件外研社新世纪〔standard operating procedure〕Checking references before we lend money is standard operating procedure.发放贷款之前核实证明文件是标准操作程序。剑桥高阶〔support〕You can't make a statement like that without any supporting documentation.在没有任何证明文件的情况下,你不能那样妄作论断。剑桥高阶〔ticket〕A certifying document, especially a captain's or pilot's license.执照:尤指船长或飞行员的执照等证明文件美国传统Before the court case, we had to file/give a deposition.开庭之前我们得把证明书归档/呈交证明文件剑桥国际He conned his way into the job using false references.他使用假的证明文件骗取了那份工作。牛津商务I couldn't enter the country because I didn't have all the necessary documentation.我无法入境,因为我的证明文件不齐全。牛津商务




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