

单词 证据
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCUSE〕These are serious allegations. Do you have any evidence to support them? 这些指控非同小可,你有证据可以证明你的话吗?朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕It was decided that there was sufficient evidence to convict Marconi. 他们认为有足够的证据可以给马科尼定罪。朗文写作活用〔GET〕By the late 1950s scientists had already accumulated enough evidence to show a clear link between smoking and cancer. 20世纪50年代末,科学家们已经积累了充分的证据,表明吸烟与癌症之间有明显关系。朗文写作活用〔GET〕When all the evidence is assembled, it will be clear that Michael is innocent. 等所有证据收集齐,大家就会清楚迈克尔是无罪的。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕The killer left an incriminating trail of footprints across the lawn. 凶手在草地上留下了一串可以作为犯罪证据的脚印。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕We found no persuasive evidence of illegal activity. 我们没有找到非法活动的有力证据朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕The team is living proof of the old saying that it's not whom you play that counts, but when you play them. 常言道“比赛的胜负不在对手是谁而在天时之利”,那支队就是个活证据朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕There is no proof that he did it. 没有证据表明是他干的。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕People have been looking for evidence of life on other planets for years. 人们多年来一直在寻找其他星球上有生命存在的证据朗文写作活用〔TELL〕After seeing new evidence the judge overruled the court's original decision. 见到新的证据后,法官推翻了法庭的原判。朗文写作活用〔absolute〕There was no absolute proof of fraud.没有确凿的证据能证明是诈骗行为。剑桥高阶〔arguable〕The judge held that there was an arguable case of libel.法官认为有一例有证据证明的诽谤案。麦克米伦高阶〔argue〕The evidence argues a change in policy.证据表明政策有了变动。剑桥高阶〔assemble〕He is assembling evidence concerning a murder.他正在收集一桩谋杀案的证据柯林斯高阶〔back up〕She backed her argument up with written evidence. = Written evidence backed her argument up.她用书面证据来支持自己的论点。韦氏高阶〔case〕Is there evidence to support his case? 有证据作为他诉讼的依据吗? 英汉大词典〔case〕The case against her was very weak.对她的指控证据非常不足。牛津搭配〔case〕What evidence do you have to support your case? 你有什么证据来支持你的论点?牛津搭配〔charge〕Police dropped the charges against him because of insufficient evidence.由于证据不足,警方放弃了对他的起诉。朗文当代〔clinch〕The new evidence clinches the case.新的证据使这个案子得以结案。韦氏高阶〔collapse〕The trial collapsed amid allegations that officers fabricated evidence.在指控官员们伪造证据的一片申诉声中,审判中止了。麦克米伦高阶〔colour〕We have new evidence that lends colour to the accusation of fraud.我们有新的证据支持欺诈罪的指控。朗文当代〔comb through〕Eight policemen then spent two years combing through the evidence.而后八名警官用两年时间对证据进行了梳理。外研社新世纪〔comb〕They combed through the files for evidence of fraud.他们查遍档案搜寻欺诈的证据牛津高阶〔conclusion〕Abbr. con.Law The close of a plea or deed.缩写 con.【法律】 答辩总结:法庭辩论上的最后陈述的请求或证据美国传统〔conclusively〕Her attorneys claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders took place.她的律师声称并无确凿证据表明发生了谋杀。柯林斯高阶〔consist of〕The job mainly consists of classifying evidence.这项工作主要是对证据进行分类。韦氏高阶〔convincing〕There was no convincing evidence that the proposals would reduce harm to children.没有可靠的证据证实这些提案会减少对孩子的危害。外研社新世纪〔definitive〕The police have no definitive proof of her guilt.警察并未掌握她犯罪的确凿证据剑桥高阶〔denunciation〕The act or an instance of denouncing, especially a public condemnation or censure.指责:贬低人的证据或行为,尤指公开指责或驳斥美国传统〔detective〕A person, usually a member of a police force, who investigates crimes and obtains evidence or information.侦探:通常指警察队伍中,调查犯罪并获取证据或信息的人美国传统〔discharge〕Baker was discharged after the evidence against her was found to be flawed.由于对贝克不利的证据证实是错误的,因此她被释放。麦克米伦高阶〔document〕The lawyer worked to document his case.那位律师为他的案件提供证据21世纪英汉〔dossier〕The company is compiling a dossier of evidence to back its allegations.该公司正在汇编一份证据材料, 来支持其所提出的指控。外研社新世纪〔enough〕The police didn't have enough evidence to convict him.警方没有足够的证据给他定罪。朗文当代〔error〕The judge was in error when she allowed the evidence to be admitted.女法官判断失误,允许了那项证据被采纳。韦氏高阶〔evidence〕All the evidence indicates suicide.所有证据都显示是自杀。英汉大词典〔evidence〕He evidenced his accusation with some material evidence.他以一些物证作为控告的证据21世纪英汉〔evidence〕Law The documentary or oral statements and the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law.【法律】 证词,证据:法庭上作为证据的文件或口头形式的陈述和实物美国传统〔evidence〕The court was shown photographic evidence.有人向法庭出示了影像证据牛津搭配〔evidence〕The jury had a great deal of evidence to sort through before reaching a verdict.在做出裁决前,陪审团要对大量的证据进行归整。韦氏高阶〔evidence〕The team have been collecting evidence about war crimes.这个小组正在搜集有关战争罪行的证据牛津搭配〔exonerate〕A review of the evidence led to her complete exoneration.对证据的审查证明她完全无罪。韦氏高阶〔flimsy〕They have only the flimsiest of evidence against him.对他的指控,他们有的也只是很不可信的证据韦氏高阶〔instinct〕There is scientific evidence to support our instinct that being surrounded by plants is good for health.我们觉得周围植物环绕会有益健康,这种直觉有科学证据支持。柯林斯高阶〔internationalize〕There is no evidence of any serious attempt to internationalize regulations pertaining to these substances.没有任何证据显示有人曾真正努力把与这些物质有关的规章置于国际管控之下。外研社新世纪〔invent〕They invented a very convincing alibi.他们编造了很有说服力的不在犯罪现场的证据朗文当代〔involvement〕There is no evidence of his direct involvement in the bombing.没有证据说明他直接参与了这起爆炸事件。麦克米伦高阶〔jail〕More than 30 of those arrested were released from jail for lack of evidence.因证据不足,被捕的人当中有 30 多人从看守所放了出来。朗文当代〔lay before〕Now what we need is definite proof that we can lay before the prime minister.如今,我们需要的是可呈交给首相的确凿证据柯林斯高阶〔lower〕There is some evidence that sunlight is effective in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.有证据表明阳光有降低血压和胆固醇的效果。外研社新世纪〔mitigation〕In mitigation, she could offer evidence of a deprived childhood.她可以提供童年贫困的证据, 以减轻罪责。外研社新世纪〔paucity〕The very paucity of evidence tells a tale.正是证据不足本身就颇说明问题。英汉大词典〔perdu(e)〕The information (evidence) has been lying perdu(e).这消息(证据)一直未受到注意。英汉大词典〔perjure〕To render (oneself) guilty of perjury by deliberately testifying falsely under oath.使做伪证:使某人犯有在宣誓后故意提供假证据的罪责美国传统〔persuasive〕The evidence was not really persuasive enough.证据并不是太有说服力。牛津搭配〔photographically〕The bank is able to provide photographic evidence of who used the machine.银行能提供用过该机器的顾客的影像证据柯林斯高阶〔positive〕We have positive proof that he was a blackmailer.我们有确凿的证据证明他曾敲诈勒索。外研社新世纪〔proceed against sb〕Lack of evidence meant that the Council could not proceed against Mr Naylor.证据不足意味着市政会不能起诉内勒先生。剑桥高阶〔proof〕Economists have been concerned with establishing proofs for their arguments.经济学家一直致力于为他们的观点寻找证据外研社新世纪〔proof〕Economists have been concerned with establishing proofs for their arguments.经济学家一直致力于为他们的观点寻找证据柯林斯高阶〔proof〕What proof have you that this was ordered?你有什么证据证明有人下了令?外研社新世纪〔question〕New evidence has called into question the testimony of this witness.新证据已经使人对这位证人的证词产生了怀疑。麦克米伦高阶〔rag〕There is not a rag of evidence.丝毫证据也没有。英汉大词典〔rash〕It would be rash to rely on such evidence.以这样的证据为依据有些欠考虑。外研社新世纪〔refute〕The evidence refutes all claims that the student loan scheme is not working.这份证据驳斥了有关学生贷款计划毫无成效的说法。麦克米伦高阶〔reopen〕The district attorney reopened the murder case because new evidence was found.由于发现了新证据,地方检察官重新开始审理这起凶杀案。韦氏高阶〔reveal〕It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.据透露,重要的证据被隐瞒了。牛津高阶〔review〕After reviewing the evidence, the grand jury decided to discuss the case.审查完证据之后,大陪审团决定讨论该案件。麦克米伦高阶〔rock-solid〕I'll need rock solid proof.我需要确凿的证据柯林斯高阶〔role〕Thomas downplays the role of these letters as historical evidence.托马斯贬低了这些信件作为历史证据的作用。牛津搭配〔room〕The evidence was clear, and there was little room for doubt.证据确凿,无可怀疑。朗文当代〔scintilla〕There's not even a scintilla of evidence to support his story.甚至没有丝毫的证据可以证明他的说法。韦氏高阶〔seize on〕Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn't really happening.各报纸纷纷以此结果为证据来证明全球变暖并没有真正发生。柯林斯高阶〔solitary〕There was not a solitary shred of evidence(= none at all).一丁点证据都没有。牛津高阶〔strand〕The police are slowly putting the strands of evidence together.警方正慢慢地把证据的各条线索串联起来。韦氏高阶〔strip sth away〕If you strip away all the rhetoric, you're left with an opinion that isn't backed up by facts.如果你剥掉所有说辞,剩下的就是一个没有证据支持的观点而已。剑桥高阶〔suggest〕The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers.这一证据显示,单身父亲比单身母亲更有可能去工作。朗文当代〔support〕The evidence strongly supports his claims.这一证据有力地证实了他的说法。牛津搭配〔suppress〕The police were accused of suppressing vital evidence.警方被指隐瞒关键证据牛津高阶〔swear〕Law To give evidence or testimony under oath.【法律】 起誓后作证:在誓言保证下提供证据或证词美国传统〔tangible〕He has no tangible evidence of John's guilt.他没有确凿的证据证明约翰有罪。朗文当代〔tenuous〕He could demonstrate only a tenuous claim to ownership.对于所有权,他拿出的证据根本站不住脚。韦氏高阶〔turn〕The police have apparently turned up some new evidence.警方显然已发现一些新的证据英汉大词典〔unearth〕A private detective has unearthed some fresh evidence.一个私家侦探已经找到了新的证据剑桥高阶〔walk〕If more evidence isn't found, Harris will walk.如果找不到更多的证据,哈里斯将被无罪释放。朗文当代〔walk〕If police don't get the right evidence, he'll walk.如果警方找不到合适的证据,他就可以解脱嫌疑。剑桥高阶〔weak〕The case is weak because it is based on very little real evidence.这一案例没有说服力,因为它的真实证据非常少。麦克米伦高阶For millions of Americans witnessing the event it was a prima facie case of police brutality.由于数百万美国人亲眼目睹了这起事件,它成了初步证据确凿的警察施暴案件。剑桥国际He got ten years in prison for withholding evidence and obstructing the course of justice.他因隐瞒证据、阻挠执法而被判入狱十年。剑桥国际He was convicted on the evidence of secretly recorded telephone conversations.秘密录下的电话录音是他被定罪的证据剑桥国际He would not specify which new evidence the police would be examining. 他不会明确说明警方将调查什么新的证据剑桥国际Her confession was ruled inadmissible as evidence because it was given under pressure from the police.她的供词被判定不能作为证据,因为这是在警方压力下作出的。剑桥国际In our search for evidence, we were stymied by the absence of any recent documents.缺乏近期的文件资料为我们寻求证据设置了障碍。剑桥国际The judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence. 法官因缺乏证据而拒不受理这宗案件。译典通The preponderance of the scientific evidence suggests that a diet that is lower in fat and total calories is better for you.大量的科学证据表明具有较低脂肪和总热量的饮食对你更有好处。剑桥国际The traces of petrol found on his clothing provided the forensic evidence proving that he had started the fire deliberately.他衣服上的汽油痕迹提供了法庭证据,证明他是故意纵火。剑桥国际There is growing evidence that environmental protection makes good business sense.越来越多的证据表明,环境保护能产生良好的经营意识。剑桥国际They think she killed her husband but they've no concrete evidence / proof.他们认为她杀了丈夫,可他们没有具体证据剑桥国际We need tangible evidence if we're going to take legal action.如果我们要采取法律行动,需要实实在在的证据剑桥国际




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