

单词 记事本
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DOWN〕The doctor glanced down at the notepad on his desk. 医生低头扫了一眼桌上的记事本朗文写作活用〔FINISH〕No you can't have another notepad - you haven't finished that one yet. 不,你不能再要一本记事本了—那本你还没用完。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Her address is in my diary but I haven't got it with me. 她的地址在我记事本上,但是我没带记事本朗文写作活用〔INFORMATION〕He wrote down all the prices in a little notebook. 他把所有价格都记在一个小记事本上。朗文写作活用〔blue book〕A blank notebook with blue covers in which to write the answers to examination questions.蓝皮书:有蓝色封皮的空白记事本,上面写有考试题目的答案美国传统〔datebook〕I wrote it down in my datebook so I wouldn't forget.我把此事记在记事本上,这样就不会忘记了。牛津搭配〔diary〕I didn't have the meeting in my diary.我的记事本里没有这个会议的记录。牛津搭配〔diary〕Put it in your diary before you forget.用记事本记下,免得忘了。牛津搭配〔except〕A date book would make a great gift, except that a lot of people already have one.记事本可以作为不错的礼物,只是许多人都已经有一本了。朗文当代〔fish out〕She fished out a Filofax and looked at it closely.她掏出一个备忘记事本, 仔细地查看。外研社新世纪〔jot down〕Keep a pad handy to jot down queries.手边放一个记事本, 以便随时记下问题。外研社新世纪〔mix-up〕Geoffrey rushed in late pleading a mix-up in his diary.杰弗里很晚才冲进来,说是把记事本上的时间搞错了。朗文当代〔notepad〕Have a pencil and notepad ready.准备好铅笔和记事本外研社新世纪〔notepad〕I wrote down her number on my notepad.我在记事本上写下她的号码。韦氏高阶〔notepad〕She scribbled something in her notepad.她在她的记事本上乱写了一通。外研社新世纪〔notepad〕We always keep a notepad by the phone.我们总是在电话旁放一个记事本外研社新世纪〔put〕Friday at 11? I'll put it in my diary.星期五 11 点?我要把它记在记事本里。牛津高阶〔put〕I've put the date of the party down in my diary.我已经把聚会的日期记在了我的记事本里。剑桥高阶〔put〕The meeting's on the 22nd. Put it down in your diary.会议日期是 22 号。把它记在你的记事本里。牛津高阶〔table〕He huddled over the torch, rechecking the diving plan he had tabled in a tiny notebook.他凑到手电筒跟前, 重新检查列在小记事本的潜水计划表。外研社新世纪〔tap〕Brian tapped out a name on his small electronic organizer.布赖恩在他的小电子记事本上打出一个名字。朗文当代〔tear off〕He tore off the top page of a notepad.他撕掉了记事本的第一页。外研社新世纪〔tickler〕A memorandum, book, or file to aid the memory.备忘录,记事本:帮助记忆的备忘录、书本或档案美国传统〔turn〕She turned up the missing papers under her blotter.她在记事本下找到了丢失的文件美国传统〔unclasp〕He unclasped his briefcase and took out his notes.他打开公文包拿出记事本21世纪英汉〔workbook〕A book in which a record is kept of work proposed or accomplished.工作记事本:记录工作计划和已完成工作的笔记本美国传统A diary is an intimate book. 日记是私人的记事本译典通I've just looked in her diary and she has nothing on on/for Tuesday afternoon.我刚看了她的记事本,星期二下午她没有安排。剑桥国际The details of Sue's entire business and personal lives are held between the black leather covers of her Filofax.休的全部事务和个人生活的细节都记在她的那个黑皮面的记事本里。剑桥国际The meeting's on the 22nd. Put it down in your diary.会议日期是 22 号。将它记在你的记事本里。牛津商务They carefully examined our requisitions for paper clips and notepads.他们仔细检查了我们曲别针和记事本的申领单。牛津商务




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