

单词 计算能力
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔computational〕The children had limited linguistic and computational skills.儿童的语言和计算能力有限。剑桥高阶〔decrease〕Across the board, literacy and numeracy are on the decrease.普遍来说, 人们的读写能力和计算能力都在下降。外研社新世纪〔dyscalculia〕Impairment of the ability to solve mathematical problems, usually resulting from brain dysfunction.计算障碍:数学计算能力低下,常由脑部功能损伤而引起美国传统〔literacy〕Teachers have been asked to concentrate on literacy and numeracy.教师们被要求把重点放在培养读写能力和计算能力上。麦克米伦高阶〔literate〕Scientists need to be literate as well as numerate.科学家除了要有计算能力, 还应该有文字表达能力。外研社新世纪〔mathematics〕Your mathematics are not so good.你的计算能力不太好。英汉大词典〔numeracy〕The report suggests that students need to improve their numeracy skills.该报告建议学生需要提高计算能力朗文当代〔numerate〕Able to think and express oneself effectively in quantitative terms.识数的,有计算能力:能够用数量术语有效地思考和表达自己的美国传统〔numerate〕Our graduates are literate and numerate and have very good IT skills.我们的毕业生具备读写和计算能力,而且精通互联网技术。剑桥高阶〔skill〕School-leavers lacked basic literacy and numeracy skills.辍学者缺少基本的读写和计算能力牛津搭配He was 10 and still only just numerate.他十岁了,还只有基本的计算能力剑桥国际His mathematics are weak. 他的计算能力很差。译典通Research suggests that children who leave primary school without a firm grounding in literacy and numeracy never catch up.研究表明小学毕业时没有良好的读写和计算能力的孩子从未能赶上去。剑桥国际The new server breaks the record for computing power.新的服务器打破了计算能力的纪录。牛津商务




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