

单词 表示同情
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mouthed〕I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.我言不由衷地说了一些表示同情的客套话。柯林斯高阶〔SYMPATHIZE〕In several of their letters, Hartley and Burns commiserated about the problems of old age. 哈特利和伯恩斯好几次在信中对老年问题表示同情朗文写作活用〔bereavement〕We all sympathize with you in your bereavement.我们大家都对你痛失亲人表示同情英汉大词典〔beyond〕Although he could give her sympathy, any practical help would almost certainly be beyond him.虽然他可以对她表示同情,但是他几乎根本无法提供任何实际的帮助。柯林斯高阶〔bled〕My heart bleeds for you.我对你表示同情21世纪英汉〔classic〕It was a classic of interrogation: first the bully, then the kind one who offers sympathy.那是典型的审问方式:先来一个人威胁恐吓, 再来一个“好心”人表示同情外研社新世纪〔cluck〕The teacher clucked sympathetically at the child's story.对那小孩讲述的遭遇,老师啧啧地表示同情牛津高阶〔commiserate〕Friends offered words of commiseration.朋友们表示同情韦氏高阶〔commiserate〕She commiserated with the losers on their defeat.她对失败的一方表示同情牛津高阶〔commiserate〕We commiserated with the losers.我们对落败者表示同情牛津同义词〔commiserate〕When I lost, he commiserated with me.我落败的时候,他向我表示同情柯林斯高阶〔commiserate〕When I lost, he commiserated with me.我遭遇失败时, 他向我表示同情外研社新世纪〔commiseration〕Congratulations to the winners, and commiserations to the losers.本人愿对胜利者表示祝贺之忱,也愿对失利者表示同情之意。文馨英汉〔commiseration〕Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the losers.对胜者表示祝贺,对失败者表示同情朗文当代〔commiseration〕I offered him my commiseration.我对他表示同情牛津高阶〔commiseration〕She expressed her commiserations on my misfortune.她对我的不幸表示同情文馨英汉〔compassion〕She shows compassion to the sick.她对病人表示同情韦氏高阶〔condole〕I condoled with him in his loss.我对他的损失表示同情美国传统〔condole〕We condole with you in your misfortune.我们对你的不幸表示同情英汉大词典〔demand〕He was sympathetic to their demands.他对他们的要求表示同情麦克米伦高阶〔express to〕She expressed her sympathy to the bereaved family.她对丧失亲人的家庭表示同情21世纪英汉〔go〕Our sympathy went out to her on the death of her husband.我们对她丈夫的去世表示同情英汉大词典〔growing pains〕There's some sympathy for this new country's growing pains, but that sympathy is fast wearing out.一些人对这个新国家建国初期遇到的困难表示同情,但是那种同情很快就消失了。柯林斯高阶〔incline〕He listens, and sometimes he inclines his head sympathetically.他边听边时不时地点点头表示同情麦克米伦高阶〔mouth〕I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.我言不由衷地说了些表示同情的 客套话。外研社新世纪〔pat〕Tom patted me on the shoulder.汤姆轻拍我的肩膀(为了引起注意或表示同情)。文馨英汉〔pity〕These nouns signify sympathetic, kindly concern aroused by the misfortune, affliction, or suffering of another.这些名词都表示对别人的不幸、痛苦或困难表示同情或善意的关注。美国传统〔pity〕To show compassion for.对…表示同情美国传统〔powerlessness〕He was sympathetic, but powerless to help.他表示同情,但爱莫能助。柯林斯高阶〔powerless〕He was sympathetic, but powerless to help.他表示同情, 但爱莫能助。外研社新世纪〔prick〕Most were sympathetic once we pricked their consciences.大多数人在我们谴责他们的良心时, 都会表示同情外研社新世纪〔sympathetically〕She sympathetically asked how she could help.她表示同情地问怎样才能帮上忙。韦氏高阶〔sympathize〕He would sympathize but he wouldn't understand.他可能会表示同情, 但不会理解。外研社新世纪〔sympathize〕He would sympathize but he wouldn't understand.他可能会表示同情,但不会理解。柯林斯高阶〔sympathize〕I sympathize but how can I help? 我表示同情,但是我怎么才能帮上忙?韦氏高阶〔sympathize〕I sympathize with you.我对你表示同情韦氏高阶〔sympathize〕It is hard not to sympathize with her dilemma.很难不对她的困境表示同情牛津搭配〔sympathize〕To feel or express compassion, as for another's suffering; commiserate.同情或表示同情:如对他人的苦难感到或表示同情;怜悯美国传统〔sympathy〕I wanted to express my sympathies on your resignation.对你的辞职我表示同情柯林斯高阶〔sympathy〕My sympathies go out to the boy's mother.我向男孩的母亲表示同情朗文当代〔sympathy〕She showed no sympathy when I described my problem.我把我的问题讲出来,她没有表示同情牛津同义词〔sympathy〕We expressed our sympathy for her loss.我们对她的损失表示同情外研社新世纪〔sympathy〕We expressed our sympathy for her loss.我们对她的损失表示同情柯林斯高阶〔take〕She stood feeling lost until an elderly man took pity on her.她不知所措地站着,直到有个老人来向她表示同情朗文当代〔unconvinced〕She was sympathetic but still unconvinced.她表示同情, 但同时仍然持怀疑态度。外研社新世纪〔understand〕To have sympathy or tolerance.表示同情或谅解美国传统He never empathizes with the less fortunate. 他对那些不如他幸运的人从不表示同情译典通He oscillated between disgust at their behaviour and sympathy for the terrible situation which had caused it.他一会儿嫌恶他们的行为,一会儿又对他们处在造成这种行为的可怕的环境中表示同情剑桥国际I was just commiserating with Dan over the loss of his pet rabbit.我对丹失去了他的宠物兔子表示同情剑桥国际I was just sympathizing with Susie over her mother-in-law troubles.我对苏西做婆婆的苦恼表示同情剑桥国际I was toiling up the hill with four heavy bags when he took pity on me.当他对我表示同情时,我正背着4个沉重的包使劲地往山上爬。剑桥国际The play is a sympathetic comment on individuals who stray from the norms of the society in which they live.这个剧本对某些偏离了他们所生活的社会的规范的人表示同情剑桥国际




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