

单词 补充说明
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔amplify〕No. 10 officials later amplified the PM's remarks.唐宁街10号的官员后来对首相的讲话作了补充说明外研社新世纪〔amplify〕To add to, as by illustrations; make complete.补充说明;使之完整美国传统〔explanation〕See Appendix II for further explanation.请阅附录(二)补充说明英汉大词典〔fair〕It's only fair to add that they were not told about the problem until the last minute.要补充说明以下情况才合理,即他们是最后一刻才获知这个问题。牛津高阶〔footnote〕That biography is an illuminating footnote to our times.那篇传记对我们这个时代是个很有启发性的补充说明英汉大词典〔pendant〕The narrative of the historian forms a fitting pendant to that of the satirist.史学家的记叙为讽刺作家的记叙作了贴切的补充说明英汉大词典〔postscript〕Postscript: Gladys died in1976.补充说明:格拉迪斯于1976年去世。英汉大词典〔sketch in〕We sat in Lily's sunroom while I sketched in the situation.我们坐在莉莉的日光浴室里,我把目前形势的细节情况又补充说明了一下。柯林斯高阶Extra information will be found at the bottom of the page.在这一页的下端附有补充说明剑桥国际




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