

单词 融合
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTERESTING〕Singapore's exotic mix of cultures - mostly Chinese, Indian, and Malay - makes it a fascinating holiday destination. 新加坡是多国文化—主要是中国、印度和马来西亚—的大融合,因而成为迷人的度假胜地。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕His philosophy is a fusion of intellect and spiritual belief. 他的哲学融合了理智和灵性的信仰。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The ballet company's repertoire blends tradition and creative innovation. 这个芭蕾舞团的节目把传统和创新融合在一起。朗文写作活用〔Mingus〕American jazz bassist and composer of complex works that knitted together elements of jazz, classical, and gospel.敏格斯,查尔斯:将爵士、古典及福音的元素融合成复杂的音乐作品的美国爵士低音贝斯手及作词作曲家美国传统〔Osset〕A member of a people of mixed Iranian and Caucasian origin inhabiting Ossetia.奥塞梯人:一个居住在奥塞梯地区的由伊朗人和高加索人融合而成的民族中的一员美国传统〔RACE〕In the 1960s the government passed a law to promote racial integration in schools. 20世纪60年代政府通过一项法令,以促进学校里的种族融合朗文写作活用〔Scytho-Dravidian〕Of or relating to an ethnic group of northwest India having mixed Iranian and Dravidian characteristics.锡西厄-达罗毗荼人的:印度西北部的融合了伊朗人和达罗毗荼人特征的一个少数民族的,或与其有关的美国传统〔TYPE〕The new library is a blend of various architectural styles. 这座新图书馆是几种建筑风格的融合体。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Indonesian civilization is an extreme mixture of races, religions, and cultures. 印度尼西亚文明是种族、宗教和文化的高度融合朗文写作活用〔adhere〕His followers adhere to a blend of Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian teachings.他的追随者信奉佛教、印度教和基督教这三教教义的融合体。麦克米伦高阶〔advance〕The design incorporates the most recent technological advances.这一设计融合了最新的科技成果。牛津搭配〔amalgam〕Several different styles of music come together in an unusual amalgam.几种不同风格的音乐非同寻常地融合在一起。韦氏高阶〔apomict〕A plant that reproduces by or is reproduced by apomixis.无配生殖植物,无融合生殖植物:可进行无配生殖的植物或由无配生殖产生的植物美国传统〔assimilate into〕The newcomers tried to assimilate into the community.新来的移民尽力使自己融合到当地社会中去。21世纪英汉〔assimilate〕Picasso assimilated an amazing variety of techniques in his art.毕加索在他的画作中融合了大量不同的艺术技巧。麦克米伦高阶〔assimilate〕They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.他们提倡社会融合,促进少数民族群体融入社会文化。柯林斯高阶〔association〕Chemistry Any of various processes of combination, such as hydration, solvation, or complex-ion formation, depending on relatively weak chemical bonding.【化学】 缔合:靠相对弱的化学束缚而产生的化合过程的一种,如水合、融合或结合美国传统〔balance〕The food had a perfect balance of sweet and spicy flavors.这种食品很好地融合了甜和辣两种味道。韦氏高阶〔beguile〕The movie is a beguiling blend of humor and tragedy.这部电影融合了幽默和悲剧的魅力。韦氏高阶〔blend〕His 'cosmic vision' is to blend Christianity with 'the wisdom of all world religions'.他的“宇宙视野”就是将基督教与“全世界所有宗教的智慧”融合起来。外研社新世纪〔blend〕The public areas offer a subtle blend of traditional charm with modern amenities.这些公共场所将传统魅力和现代设施巧妙地融合在了一起。柯林斯高阶〔blend〕The sweetness of the yoghurt blends nicely with the sharpness of the lemons.酸奶的甜味和柠檬的强烈味道融合得非常好。麦克米伦高阶〔blend〕Their music is a blend of jazz and African rhythms.他们的音乐融合了爵士乐和非洲音乐。剑桥高阶〔busing〕The transportation of schoolchildren by bus to schools outside their neighborhoods, especially as a means of achieving racial integration.用校车送孩子们上学:用公共汽车将孩子们送到离家远的地方上学,特别作为达到种族融合目的的一种方式美国传统〔bus〕To transport (schoolchildren) by bus to schools outside their neighborhoods, especially as a means of achieving racial integration.用校车接送学生:用校车将(学生)运到远离住所的地方上学,尤指作为达到种族融合目的的一种方式美国传统〔capoeira〕An Afro-Brazilian dance form that incorporates self-defense maneuvers.卡波埃拉舞:融合自卫作战动作的巴西黑人舞蹈美国传统〔carina〕A keel-shaped ridge or structure, such as that on the breastbone of a bird or of the fused lower two petals of flowers of many members of the pea family.龙骨状突起,龙骨瓣:龙骨状脊或结构,如鸟的突出胸骨或豆科中很多植物的两片下层融合在一起的花瓣的龙骨状结构美国传统〔cirrus〕Zoology A slender, flexible appendage, such as the fused cilia of certain protozoans.【动物学】 触须:一种细长、柔软的突出物,如某些原生动物的融合的纤毛美国传统〔coherent〕Botany Sticking to but not fused with a part or an organ of the same kind.【植物学】 附着的:与同类的部分或组织粘着但不融合美国传统〔cold fusion〕A hypothetical form of nuclear fusion occurring without the use of extreme temperature or pressure.低温核融合:在没有使用极端温度或压力的情况下产生的原子核聚变假设形式美国传统〔concrete〕She is interested in art concreted with nature.她对与自然融合的艺术很感兴趣。21世纪英汉〔confluent〕Pathology Merging or running together so as to form a mass, as sores in a rash.【病理学】 融合性的:一块出现或发生并形成块体的,例如皮疹中的炎症美国传统〔conglomeration〕The conglomeration of financial sectors has accelerated considerably over the last twenty years.金融部门的融合在过去20年来大大加快了。外研社新世纪〔decisive〕We will take decisive steps towards political union with Europe.我们将朝着与欧洲政治上融合的方向迈出关键的步子。朗文当代〔form〕The two traditions have merged to form a new culture.这两种传统融合在一起,形成了一种新的文化。韦氏高阶〔fuse〕His music of that period fused the rhythms of jazz with classical forms.他那个时期的音乐融合了爵士乐的节奏和古典音乐的形式。外研社新世纪〔fuse〕Our different ideas fused into a plan.我们不同的想法融合成一项计划。牛津高阶〔fuse〕The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals.雪花好像融合在一起形成了冰晶。柯林斯高阶〔fusion〕Her work is a fusion of several different styles.她的作品是几种不同风格的融合朗文当代〔fusion〕His previous fusions of jazz, pop and African melodies have proved highly successful.事实证明他先前融合了爵士乐、流行乐和非洲旋律的作品非常成功。柯林斯高阶〔fusion〕Leonardo represents the fusion of art and science.莱昂纳多代表着艺术和科学的融合麦克米伦高阶〔fusion〕The fusion of different cultural influences is evident in her sculpture.不同文化的融合在她的雕塑作品中有明显体现。韦氏高阶〔fusion〕Their music is described as "an explosive fusion of Latin American and modern jazz rhythms".他们的音乐被描述为“拉美和现代爵士节奏的爆炸性融合”。剑桥高阶〔gamopetalous〕Having or characterizing a corolla with partially or wholly fused petals.合瓣的:带有部分或全部融合的花瓣的花冠的,或以此为特性的美国传统〔harmonize〕The singers harmonized their voices beautifully.歌手们的声音美妙地融合在一起。韦氏高阶〔immiscible〕Oil is immiscible with/in water.油和水不相融合剑桥高阶〔immiscible〕Water and oil are immiscible.水和油不相融合文馨英汉〔immiscible〕Water and oil are immiscible.水和油不能融合英汉大词典〔immix〕To commingle; blend.混合;融合美国传统〔individuation〕In Jungian psychology, the gradual integration and unification of the self through the resolution of successive layers of psychological conflict.个性形成:荣格精神分析法的一个概念,即经过多层次的心理冲突后,自我意识逐渐趋于统一和融合美国传统〔integrate〕Lots of people in Chicago don't see that racial border. They see progress towards integration.在芝加哥很多人看不到那条种族边界。他们看到的是朝向种族融合的进步。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕Psychology To bring about the integration of (personality traits).【心理学】 同化:导致(性格特点)的融合美国传统〔integration〕Lots of people in Chicago don't see that racial border. They see progress towards integration.芝加哥的很多人并未看到那条种族界线。他们看到的是朝向种族融合的进步。外研社新世纪〔integration〕The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation.种族或宗教融合:在社会或组织中,使不同的种族或宗教派别的人处于无限制的平等的关系中;取消种族隔离美国传统〔intercourse〕Life is a pleasant blend of work and social intercourse.生活是工作和社交的和谐融合牛津搭配〔intergrade〕One population of animals or plants may intergrade with another.一类动物或植物群体会和另一类动物或植物群体逐渐融合英汉大词典〔intergrade〕To merge into each other in a series of stages, forms, or types.逐渐融合:在一系列的阶段、形式或类型中互相融合美国传统〔intermingled〕This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities.这使得两种文化能相互融合,却又不失其个性。柯林斯高阶〔isolate〕This policy will isolate minority groups and prevent integration.这一政策将孤立少数人群社区,阻碍融合剑桥高阶〔marriage〕His music is a marriage of jazz, blues, and pop.他的音乐里融合了爵士、布鲁斯以及流行乐的元素。剑桥高阶〔meet〕His is a nature in which courage and caution meet.他的个性融合了勇气与慎重。文馨英汉〔meld〕He melded country music with blues to create rock and roll.他把蓝调音乐融合进乡村音乐创造出了摇滚乐。朗文当代〔melt〕The distance melts the varied colours into one.远处几种不同的颜色会融合成一种颜色。英汉大词典〔melt〕The reds and golds melted into each other as the sun sank.日落时红色和金黄色逐渐融合在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔merge〕Along the coast the mountains gradually merge with the shore.沿着海岸线,山渐渐和海融合在一起。韦氏高阶〔merge〕To blend together, especially in gradual stages.融合在一起,尤指逐步地融合美国传统〔mix up〕Part of the plan was that the town should not fall into office, industrial and residential zones, but mix the three up together.计划的一部分是:这座城市不应该划分为办公区、工业区和居住区,而应把三个部分融合在一起。柯林斯高阶〔mix〕Oil and water don't mix. Even if you shake them together they separate into two layers.油与水不相融合。即使你将其混在一起摇晃,它们也会分为两层。剑桥高阶〔mix〕Oil does not mix with water.油不能和水融合在一起美国传统〔mix〕Their musical style mixes elements of Eastern culture and Western pop.他们的音乐风格融合了东方文化和西方流行音乐中的元素。朗文当代〔mix〕To combine or blend into one mass or mixture.混合,混杂:合成或融合成一团或一个合成物美国传统〔mongrel〕The new house was a mongrel, with a mix of styles from different times and places.这栋新房子是个大杂烩,融合了不同时代和地域的风格。韦氏高阶〔myxamoeba〕A slime mold at a stage when it is an amoebalike free-swimming cell and before it fuses to form a plasmodium.粘变形体,变形细菌:某一阶段的粘霉菌,当它是一个象变形虫自由游动的细胞和在它融合形成变形体之前美国传统〔oogamous〕Characterized by or having small motile male gametes and large nonmotile female gametes.卵配生殖的,异配生殖的:其特征为活跃能动的小雄性生殖细胞和非活动的小雌性生殖细胞的融合美国传统〔order〕Tom is a combination of the characteristics of the three boys, he belongs to the composite order of architecture.汤姆融合了那3个男孩的特点,他属于混合型。英汉大词典〔plasmogamy〕Fusion of two or more cells or protoplasts without fusion of the nuclei, as occurs in higher terrestrial fungi.胞质配合:发生在较高级的陆生真菌中的两个或多个细胞或原生质体的融合,而细胞核不融合美国传统〔polar nucleus〕Either of two nuclei located centrally in a flowering plant embryo sac that eventually fuse to form the endosperm nucleus.极核:位于一株开花植物的胚囊中央的两个细胞核的任一个,这两个细胞核最终融合而形成内胚乳细胞核美国传统〔religion〕The tribe practised a religion that mixed native beliefs and Christianity.这个部落信仰的是融合了本地教和基督教的一种宗教。朗文当代〔straddle〕It's described as a new kind of dance music which straddles jazz and soul.这被称为一种融合了爵士乐和灵乐的新式舞曲。剑桥高阶〔sublime〕Her songs are a sublime fusion of pop and Brazilian music.她的歌曲把流行乐和巴西音乐巧妙地融合在一起。朗文当代〔syncretism〕Linguistics The merging of two or more originally different inflectional forms.【语言学】 融合:原来不同的两个或多个的屈折变化形式词的合并美国传统〔synthesis〕He describes his latest record as "a synthesis of African and Latin rhythms".他说他的最新唱片“融合了非洲和拉丁音乐的韵律”。剑桥高阶〔synthesis〕His novels are a rich synthesis of Balkan history and mythology.他的小说融合了大量巴尔干半岛的历史和神话故事。柯林斯高阶〔tokenism〕The policy of making only a perfunctory effort or symbolic gesture toward the accomplishment of a goal, such as racial integration.表面文章:一种只对一个要完成的目标、如种族融合而作一些随意的努力或象征性的姿态的策略美国传统〔tooth〕To become interlocked; mesh.啮合:咬合在一起;融合美国传统〔uninitiated〕For the uninitiated, Western Swing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm & blues, rock & roll and country music.对于外行人来说,西部摇摆是爵士乐、节奏布鲁斯、摇滚乐和乡村音乐的融合柯林斯高阶〔unite〕If ever a dance company could unite the differing worlds of rock and ballet, the Joffrey Ballet is it.如果有哪个歌舞团能把芭蕾和摇滚融合在一起的话,那这个歌舞团就是乔弗利芭蕾舞团。剑桥高阶〔unmelted〕Chicago's separate, unmelted ethnic groups 芝加哥分散的未融合的各少数民族集团英汉大词典〔wed〕The novel weds tragedy and comedy.这部小说融合了悲剧和喜剧。韦氏高阶〔work in〕Work in the potato and milk until the mixture comes together.把土豆和牛奶掺进去,直到混合物融合在一起为止。柯林斯高阶〔zouk〕A popular dance music of the French West Indies, combining African drumming styles with influences from American and Caribbean popular music.左克舞曲:法属西印度群岛流行舞曲,融合非洲鼓乐风格和美洲、加勒比流行音乐美国传统Although the building is new, its frontage blends in well with its surroundings.尽管这大楼是新造的,它的正面却与周围环境很好地融合起来。剑桥国际He describes opera as the glorious fusion of music and high drama.他把歌剧描绘成音乐和高雅戏剧的光辉融合剑桥国际New Orleans is one of the great melting pots of America.新奥尔良是美国的不同民族融合的地区之一。剑桥国际Pink, blue and orange colours merged in the evening sky.粉红色、蓝色和桔黄色在傍晚的天空中融合在一起。剑桥国际The chameleon survives by blending in with (= looking similar to) its background.变色蜥蜴通过与周围颜色相融合生存下来。剑桥国际The film interlocks an overview of American history with the life stories of individual immigrant families.这部影片将美国的历史概貌与单个移民家庭的生活经历融合在一起。剑桥国际The mellowed brickwork blends well with the surroundings.古色古香的砖墙与周围环境很好地融合在一起。剑桥国际There's a lot of integration in the schools because of the various racial communities that live in the area.由于本地区有多种不同的种族群体居住,学校里有高度种族融合剑桥国际They found a senior statesman to head the project --someone who could make the worlds of politics and business work together.他们找到一位已下野的资深政治家领导这个计划----他能将政治界和经济界融合协作起来。剑桥国际




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