

单词 薄薄的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLD〕I was shivering in my thin sleeping bag. 我在薄薄的睡袋里冷得直打哆嗦。!朗文写作活用〔COVER〕She wiped away the light film of sweat that had formed on her upper lip. 她擦去上唇上薄薄的一层汗。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕Claude gave me a slim gold box for holding my business cards. 克劳德给我一个薄薄的金盒子来装我的名片。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕In her pocket was a thin leather wallet containing six ten dollar bills. 她口袋里有一只薄薄的皮夹子,里面有六张十美元的钞票。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕It was a chilly night, and he had only a thin blanket for warmth. 那是个寒冷的晚上,他却只有一条薄薄的毯子御寒。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕It was impossible for me to sleep under a single flimsy blanket on such a cold night. 这么冷的夜里我只盖一张薄薄的毯子是无法睡觉的。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕Martin wore a thin cotton shirt under his sweater. 马丁在套头毛衣里面穿了件薄薄的棉衬衫。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕Despite the chilly autumn afternoon, she was wearing a thin cotton dress. 尽管秋天下午天气寒冷,她还是穿着薄薄的棉布裙。朗文写作活用〔beat〕The gold is beate n out into thin strips.金子被锤成了薄薄的长条。牛津高阶〔bed〕Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay.在白色石灰石和粉灰色石灰石之间是一层薄薄的黏土。柯林斯高阶〔blanket〕They shivered under their thin blankets.他们在薄薄的毛毯下瑟瑟发抖。牛津搭配〔bloodless〕His lips were thin and bloodless.他的嘴唇薄薄的,没有血色。朗文当代〔brittle〕The pond was covered in a brittle layer of ice.池塘上结了薄薄的一层冰。剑桥高阶〔clad〕She felt hot, despite being clad only in a thin cotton dress.她虽然只穿了件薄薄的棉布连衣裙,但还是觉得热。朗文当代〔coating〕A light coating of snow had fallen.下了一层薄薄的雪。韦氏高阶〔coating〕Apply a thin coating of glue to the surface.在表面涂上薄薄的一层胶水。牛津搭配〔coat〕He applied a light coat of varnish.他涂了一层薄薄的清漆。朗文当代〔cover〕She wore a low-cut dress, partly covered by a thin shawl.她穿了件低胸连衣裙,搭了一条薄薄的披肩。朗文当代〔cover〕The eruption of the volcano covered states as far away as Montana in a fine layer of ash.火山爆发使蒙大拿这么远的州也蒙上了一层薄薄的火山灰。朗文当代〔crust〕The snow had a fine crust on it.雪面上有一层薄薄的冰。外研社新世纪〔curve〕A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips.厨师薄薄的嘴唇一弯, 露出一丝淡淡的、不易察觉的微笑。外研社新世纪〔daylight〕The thin curtains let in the daylight.阳光透过薄薄的窗帘照了进来。牛津搭配〔discoverer〕They discovered how to form the image in a thin layer on the surface.他们发现了如何在表面薄薄的一层上形成影像。柯林斯高阶〔divide〕Only a thin curtain divided her cabin from his.她和他的隔间仅用一条薄薄的帘子隔开。朗文当代〔dry〕He quickly dried himself on the thin towel.他用那块薄薄的毛巾很快把身体擦干了。朗文当代〔dusting〕There was a dusting of snow on the lawn.草坪上有薄薄的一层雪。剑桥高阶〔dusting〕There was a light dusting of snow on the ground.地上有薄薄的一层雪。韦氏高阶〔film〕The books were covered in a thin film of dust.书籍上都覆盖着薄薄的一层灰。牛津搭配〔fine〕Everything was covered in a fine layer of dust.所有东西上面都覆盖了一层薄薄的尘土。麦克米伦高阶〔flour〕Lightly flour a rolling pin.在擀面杖上撒上薄薄的一层面粉。柯林斯高阶〔flour〕Place the dough on a lightly floured board.把揉好的面团放到撒有一层薄薄的面粉的木板上。麦克米伦高阶〔form〕A thin layer of plastic forms a protective coating over the surface.一层薄薄的塑料在表面形成一层保护膜。韦氏高阶〔graft〕The technique involves grafting a very thin slice of bone onto the damaged knee.这种技术是把薄薄的一片骨头移植到受伤的膝盖上去。朗文当代〔hoarfrost〕A light hoarfrost covered the fields.一层薄薄的冰霜覆盖了田野。朗文当代〔jam〕She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam.她在烤面包片上抹了薄薄的一层山莓酱。牛津搭配〔layer〕A thin layer of dust covered everything.所有的物品上都积了薄薄的一层灰尘。牛津高阶〔layer〕Everything was covered by a thin layer of sand/dust.所有的东西上面都覆盖着一层薄薄的沙子/尘土。韦氏高阶〔layer〕The body had been covered with a thin layer of soil.身体上已经覆盖了薄薄的一层土。牛津搭配〔layer〕The moon was shining through a thin layer of cloud.月光透过薄薄的云层照射下来。朗文当代〔layer〕There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.水面上有一层薄薄的油膜。剑桥高阶〔lip〕His thin red lips stretched into a smile.他咧开薄薄的红润双唇,微微一笑。麦克米伦高阶〔lytta〕A thin cartilaginous strip on the underside of the tongue of certain carnivorous mammals, such as dogs.舌下软骨带:在某种食肉哺乳动物舌下边的一条薄薄的软骨带美国传统〔method〕This method involves cutting a very thin slice from the object.这种方法需要从物体上切下薄薄的一片。牛津搭配〔mustard〕Spread the bread thinly with mustard.往面包上抹一层薄薄的芥末酱。牛津搭配〔oily〕Cleansing creams leave an oily film on the face.洁面霜在脸上留下薄薄的一层油脂。外研社新世纪〔over〕Over the body lay a thin white sheet.尸体上盖着一层薄薄的白布单。朗文当代〔patina〕He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.他任由大杯内壁积聚上一层薄薄的咖啡垢。柯林斯高阶〔patina〕His tomb was covered with a yellow patina of lichen.他的墓地上长了一层薄薄的黄色地衣。剑桥高阶〔plaster〕The wind plastered their thin overalls against their bodies.他们那薄薄的罩衣被风吹得紧贴在身上。英汉大词典〔protection〕Their flimsy tent gave/offered little protection against the severe storm.他们薄薄的帐篷几乎无法抵挡狂风暴雨的袭击。剑桥高阶〔protect〕A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind.一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。柯林斯高阶〔rack〕A thin mass of wind-driven clouds.行云,流云:薄薄的一层被风吹动的云美国传统〔rain〕It was pouring with rain (=it was raining very hard) and Laura only had a thin dress on.大雨倾盆,劳拉却只穿了一条薄薄的裙子。朗文当代〔roller〕As the hot metal passed between the huge rollers it was pressed into thin sheets.炽热的金属块从巨大的轧辊中穿过,马上被挤压成薄薄的金属片。剑桥高阶〔roll〕Pizza dough should be rolled thinly.做比萨饼的面团要擀得薄薄的朗文当代〔scroll saw〕A hand or power saw with a narrow ribbonlike blade for cutting curved or irregular shapes.钢丝锯:有一片薄薄的带子般锯片的一种手锯或动力锯,用于切割弯曲的或无规则的物体美国传统〔seam〕A thin layer or stratum, as of coal or rock.矿层,煤层:薄薄的一层或层面,如煤或岩石的美国传统〔sheath〕The nerves are protected by thin sheaths of fatty tissue.神经由薄薄的脂肪鞘保护着。剑桥高阶〔shiver〕He shivered with cold in his thin cotton shirt.他只穿着薄薄的棉布衬衫,冻得瑟瑟发抖。剑桥高阶〔silt〕The wreck was covered in a fine layer of silt.沉船被一层薄薄的淤泥覆盖。牛津搭配〔silver-plate〕To coat (an object) with a thin layer of silver, especially by electroplating.镀银于:给(一个物体)镀上薄薄的一层银,尤指通过电镀美国传统〔size〕Size the wall lightly with glue, then hang your paper.在墙上涂一层薄薄的胶水,然后贴上墙纸。英汉大词典〔slate〕A fine-grained metamorphic rock that splits into thin, smooth-surfaced layers.板岩,页岩:一种颗粒细密的变质岩,可分成许多薄薄的、表面光滑的层面美国传统〔sleet〕A thin icy coating that forms when rain or sleet freezes, as on trees or streets.雨凇:雨或冻雨冻结时形成的薄薄的冰外壳,如在树上或街道上美国传统〔slice〕Slice the cucumber thinly.把黄瓜切成薄薄的片。牛津高阶〔slim〕He published only three slim volumes of verse in his short life.他在短暂的一生中只出版了三本薄薄的诗集。外研社新世纪〔slim〕He published only three slim volumes of verse in his short life.在他短暂的一生里,他只出版过 3 卷薄薄的诗集。柯林斯高阶〔slim〕The slim booklets describe a range of services and facilities.这些薄薄的小册子介绍了一系列服务和设施。柯林斯高阶〔slim〕This encyclopaedia is slim — under 200 pages.这本百科全书薄薄的,不到200页。英汉大词典〔spread〕Spread the toast thinly with jam.在烤面包片上抹一层薄薄的果酱。朗文当代〔sprinkling〕The hilltops were covered with a sprinkling of snow.山顶上覆盖着薄薄的一层雪。朗文当代〔squamosal〕Of or relating to the thin, platelike part of the human temporal bone or to a corresponding part in other vertebrates.鳞状骨的:人体内暂时性骨头上薄薄的盘状物或与之有关的,或者其他脊椎动物相应的类似特征的美国传统〔squamous〕Of or relating to the thin, platelike part of the temporal bone.鳞部的:颞骨薄薄的、盘状部分的或者与之相关的美国传统〔stream〕She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her.她穿的那件薄薄的粉色连衣裙在身后飘舞。外研社新世纪〔swathe〕She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics.她用薄薄的黑色织物裹住了自己硕大的身躯。柯林斯高阶〔thinly〕A thin layer of topsoil was swept away.薄薄的一层表土被冲走了。柯林斯高阶〔thinly〕The table was thinly coated/covered/layered in dust.桌子上蒙了一层薄薄的灰尘。韦氏高阶〔thin〕A thin layer of topsoil was swept away.薄薄的表土层被冲走了。外研社新世纪〔thin〕She's only wearing a thin summer jacket (=a jacket made of light material) .她只穿了一件薄薄的夏季短上衣。朗文当代〔thin〕The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil.尸体被埋藏在薄薄的一层土下面。牛津高阶〔thin〕The box was covered with a thin layer of dust.箱子上蒙着一层薄薄的灰尘。麦克米伦高阶〔thin〕The road was covered with a thin layer of ice.路面上覆盖着一层薄薄的冰。朗文当代〔through〕I could see right through the thin curtains.我透过薄薄的窗帘就可以看到。朗文当代〔transmit〕These thin crystals transmit much of the power.这些薄薄的晶体传导了大部分的动力。外研社新世纪〔veil〕The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere.火山爆发在高层大气中留下了一层薄薄的尘土。柯林斯高阶〔veil〕The moon was hidden behind a veil of clouds.月亮躲在薄薄的云层后面。朗文当代〔volume〕This thin little volume is a delightful read.这本薄薄的小册子读起来很有意思。韦氏高阶〔wafer-thin〕Cut the fennel into wafer-thin slices.把茴香切成薄薄的小片。柯林斯高阶〔wash〕Just before the paint dries, I give it a light wash.油漆即将干透时,我又在上面涂上薄薄的一层。剑桥高阶〔wash〕The last wash of sunlight shone through the clouds.最后一线薄薄的阳光透过云层射了出来。麦克米伦高阶A fine layer of dust covers everything. 所有的东西都盖了一层薄薄的灰尘。译典通A thin film of oil was floating on the surface (= top part) of the sea.海面上漂浮着一层薄薄的油。剑桥国际He shivered with cold in his thin cotton shirt.他只穿着薄薄的棉布衬衫,冷得瑟瑟发抖。剑桥国际His tomb was covered with a yellow patina of lichen.他的墓地覆盖了一层薄薄的黄色的地衣。剑桥国际Just before the paint dries, I give it a light wash.油漆快干时,我再往上面涂上薄薄的一层。剑桥国际She filmed a slice of bread with butter. 她涂一层薄薄的奶油在一片面包上。译典通The nerves are surrounded and protected by thin sheaths of fatty tissue.神经是由薄薄的脂肪组织层所包围和保护的。剑桥国际Their flimsy tent gave/offered hardly any protection against the severe storm.他们薄薄的帐篷几乎无法保护他们不受猛烈的暴风雨的袭击。剑桥国际There was a light covering (=thin layer) of snow when I woke up.我醒来时地上铺了薄薄的积雪。剑桥国际You can make your own distorting mirror by pasting a sheet of kitchen foil to a piece of thin cardboard.你可以将一张厨房食品包装箔贴在一块薄薄的硬纸板上做成自己的哈哈镜。剑桥国际




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