

单词 色迷迷
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOK〕He stood in the doorway, with a leer on his face, refusing to let her past. 他站在门口,脸上带一副色迷迷的表情,不让她过去。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕I'm not sure if he's eyeing me up or just staring at me. 我不肯定他是色迷迷地看着我,还是只是盯着我看而已。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕Stopping his work for a second, the garage attendant leered at the girls in the car. 加油站的服务员暂停了手中的工作,色迷迷地望着汽车里的女孩们。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕The old man leered suggestively at the waitress. 那老头色迷迷地看着那女服务员。朗文写作活用〔SMILE〕He leaned over the girl with a leer and she could smell the whisky on his breath. 他色迷迷地笑着靠向那女孩,她闻到了他口中的威士忌气味。朗文写作活用〔bedroom〕He has bedroom eyes (= looks as if he is interested in sex).他有一双色迷迷的眼睛。剑桥高阶〔eye sb up〕That guy in the grey jacket has been eyeing you up all evening.那个穿灰夹克的家伙整个晚上都在色迷迷地盯着你看。剑桥高阶〔eye〕There was a group of lads at the bar, eyeing up every girl who walked in.酒吧里有一群小伙子,色迷迷地打量着走进来的每一个女孩。朗文当代〔lech after sb〕He's always leching after younger women.他对年轻女人总是色迷迷的。剑桥高阶〔lecherous〕He gave her a lecherous look.他色迷迷地看了她一眼。剑桥高阶〔leer at〕He leered at the girl in pigtails.他色迷迷的斜眼看着梳辫子的姑娘。21世纪英汉〔leer〕He gave her a dirty leer.他对她色迷迷地斜睨一眼。英汉大词典〔leer〕He gave her a leering look.他色迷迷地看了她一眼。韦氏高阶〔leer〕He has been leering at a girl at the next table.他一直在色迷迷地斜眼看桌边的女孩。21世纪英汉〔leer〕He is leering at his neighbour's pretty young wife.他正色迷迷地斜眼看邻居漂亮的年轻太太。英汉大词典〔leer〕He looked back at Kenworthy and leered.他回头看了看肯沃西,色迷迷地笑了。柯林斯高阶〔leer〕He was always leering at female members of staff.他总是用色迷迷的眼光看女员工。剑桥高阶〔leer〕Men were standing around, swilling beer and occasionally leering at passing females.男人们站在一起, 大口地喝着啤酒, 间或色迷迷地斜眼打量路过的女人。外研社新世纪〔leer〕She complained that some disgusting man was leering at her.她抱怨说有个恶心的男人正色迷迷地看着她。韦氏高阶〔leer〕She was sick of old men leering at her.她讨厌老男人色迷迷的目光。朗文当代〔leer〕The soldier leered at Thomasina.那个当兵的对着托马西娜色迷迷地笑。外研社新世纪〔lustful〕He looked at her with lustful eyes.他色迷迷地望着她。韦氏高阶〔lustful〕She ignored his lustful glances.她没有理会他色迷迷的眼神。朗文当代〔ogle at〕Paula is not used to everyone ogling at her while she undresses backstage.葆拉还不习惯在后台换衣服时所有人都色迷迷地盯着她看。外研社新世纪〔ogle〕An impertinent, flirtatious, or amorous stare.挑逗性凝视:无礼的、轻浮的或色迷迷的盯视美国传统〔ogle〕Dan was ogling all the women as they walked past.丹色迷迷地看着所有从他身边走过的女人。麦克米伦高阶〔ogle〕I saw you ogling the woman in the red dress! 我看到你色迷迷地盯着那个穿红色连衣裙的女人!剑桥高阶〔ogle〕Paula is not used to everyone ogling at her while she undresses backstage.葆拉还不习惯在后台换衣服时所有人都色迷迷地盯着她看。柯林斯高阶〔ogle〕To stare at impertinently, flirtatiously, or amorously.挑逗性注视:失礼地、轻浮地或色迷迷地盯着看美国传统〔perv〕She caught him perving at/over a picture of a naked woman.她逮住他正在色迷迷地看裸体女人照片。剑桥高阶〔suggestive〕He leered suggestively.他色迷迷地斜瞟一眼。牛津高阶〔vulgar〕He eyed her vulgarly.他色迷迷地瞅着她。牛津高阶〔wandering〕Her husband has a wandering eye.她丈夫的眼神总是色迷迷的。韦氏高阶〔wolfish〕He gave her a wolfish grin (= smiled at her in a sexually interested way).他对她色迷迷地笑了笑。剑桥高阶He looked at her with lust (= strong sexual desire) in his eyes.他色迷迷地望着她。剑桥国际I hate going to bars on my own because men look at you in such a predatory way.我不想自己一个人去酒吧,因为那里的男人以一种色迷迷的眼神看着你。剑桥国际They were just sitting having a drink, when suddenly he lunged at her (= moved forward and took hold of her in a sexual way).他们正坐着喝饮料时,他(色迷迷地)一把抓住了她。剑桥国际Those two blokes over there are eyeing us up (= looking at us in a way which shows sexual interest).那边那两个家伙正色迷迷地盯着我们看。剑桥国际




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