

单词 船中
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORWARD〕A ship was nosing its way through the small fishing boats in the harbour. 轮船小心翼翼地在港湾里的小渔船中穿行。朗文写作活用〔Leith〕A district of Edinburgh, Scotland, on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth. It is a noted seaport and shipbuilding center.利斯:英国苏格兰爱丁堡市的一个区,位于福思湾的南岸。它是有名的海港和造船中美国传统〔adrift〕The mutineers cast the officers adrift in a small boat.叛乱者把军官们放到一艘小船中, 任他们随水漂流。外研社新世纪〔amidships〕Midway between the bow and the stern.在船中部:位于船头和船尾的中间位置美国传统〔amidships〕The berths are located amidships.舱位在船中部。韦氏高阶〔bench〕Nautical A thwart in a boat.【航海】 船中的横坐板美国传统〔boiler room〕An area, as in a building or on a ship, that houses one or more steam boilers or hot-water tanks.锅炉间,锅炉房:房屋或轮船中配置有一个或多个蒸汽锅或热水器的地方美国传统〔bound〕The drugs were found on a container ship that was bound for Spain.在一条开往西班牙的集装箱船中发现了毒品。麦克米伦高阶〔brail〕A small net for drawing fish from a trap or a larger net into a boat.抄网:从罗网或一个稍大的网中拖鱼进入船中的小网美国传统〔bumpkin〕A short spar projecting from the deck of a ship, used to extend a sail or secure a block or stay.短桅:船中板上突出的短桅,用来起航或稳住滑轮或停船美国传统〔cabin〕The enclosed space in an aircraft or spacecraft for the crew, passengers, or cargo.机舱:飞机或飞船中为乘务员,旅客或货物而设的封闭的小室美国传统〔derelict〕He steered the dinghy through the maze of derelicts.他驾驶着小艇在有如迷宫般的海上弃船中穿行。外研社新世纪〔inboard〕Nautical Within the hull or toward the center of a vessel.【航海】 船内的:在舱内的或朝着船中部的美国传统〔mainmast〕The taller mast, whether forward or aft, of a two-masted sailing vessel.主桅:双桅帆船中较高的桅杆,无论是位于船头的还是船尾的美国传统〔nearness〕The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away.两艘驳船中较近的那艘可能有一英里远。柯林斯高阶〔officer〕A person licensed in the merchant marine as master, mate, chief engineer, or assistant engineer.商船的高级船员:一个在商船中有执照的船长、大副、总工程师或助理工程师美国传统〔presently〕Of 200 boats, only 20 are presently operational.200条船中,目前只有20条可用。剑桥高阶〔queen〕This ship is the queen of all the ocean liners.这条船是所有远洋轮船中最豪华的。韦氏高阶〔ribbing〕An arrangement of ribs, as in a boat.肋状排列:肋条的安排,如船中美国传统〔seacock〕A valve in the hull of a boat or ship that may be opened to let in water so as to flood a ballast tank, for example.船底阀:小船或轮船壳体上的阀,水通过此阀门可进入船中,如放满压舱槽美国传统〔shipwreck〕The contents of shipwrecks belong to the state.一切沉船中的物品均属国家所有。牛津高阶〔shoot〕Nautical The interval between strokes in rowing.【航海】 划船中两次划桨之间的间隔美国传统〔stoker〕One who is employed to feed fuel to and tend a furnace, as on a steam locomotive or a steamship.司炉,烧火工:被雇佣来往火炉内添加燃料和照看火炉的人,如蒸汽火车车头或蒸汽船中的火炉工美国传统〔stroke〕A single completed movement of the limbs and body, as in swimming or rowing.一划:关节和身体的一次完整运动,如游泳或划船中美国传统〔treenail〕A wooden peg that swells when wet and is used to fasten timbers, especially in shipbuilding.木钉:一种遇湿时膨涨的木制钉子,用于固定木头,尤指在造船中美国传统Of 200 boats, only 20 are presently operational. 200 只船中目前只有20只可用。剑桥国际




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