

单词 自由企业
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PRIVATE〕Even in the United States, free enterprise is subject to government controls. 即使在美国,自由企业制也要受政府的管制。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Spencer insisted that free enterprise was the key to social progress. 斯潘塞坚称,自由企业制是社会进步的关键。朗文写作活用〔compatibility〕Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.他认为自由企业制并不违背俄罗斯的价值观和传统。柯林斯高阶〔compatible〕Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.他争辩道, 自由企业与俄国的价值观和传统是相容的。外研社新世纪〔free enterprise〕The freedom of private businesses to operate competitively for profit with minimal government regulation.自由企业制:政府很少干预,私人营业为在竞争中获利益允许自主经营美国传统〔private enterprise〕A privately owned business enterprise, especially one operating under a system of free enterprise or laissez-faire capitalism.自由企业,私营企业:私人所有制的商业企业,尤指在自由企业制或自由竞争资本主义制度下进行经营活动的美国传统〔unevenly〕Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.在自由企业式的资本主义社会里,资源分配极不均衡。柯林斯高阶〔unevenly〕Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.在自由企业式资本主义社会内部, 资源的分配是非常不公平的。外研社新世纪He's very sceptical about the notion of untrammelled free enterprise.他很怀疑无约束自由企业的概念。剑桥国际




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