

单词 自持
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPEAK〕Rimes, who is rarely at a loss for words, was overcome with emotion as she received her award. 莱姆斯是一个很少会因为激动而说不出话的人,领奖的时候也难以自持朗文写作活用〔bach〕To live alone and keep house as a bachelor.过独身生活:男子独自生活并独自持美国传统〔be/get carried away〕I shouldn't have behaved like that. I just got carried away.我本不该那样表现。我只是激动得不能自持韦氏高阶〔boast oneself of〕She boasted herself of her beauty.她自持美丽。21世纪英汉〔bootstrap〕Computer Science Being or relating to a process that is self-initiating or self-sustaining.【计算机科学】 自持过程:一个自产生或自持续的过程的美国传统〔carry〕I got carried away and started shouting at the television.我激动得不能自持,冲着电视机大叫起来。牛津高阶〔desire〕He was overcome with desire for her.他对她有强烈的情欲而不能自持韦氏高阶〔emotion〕Mary was overcome with emotion.玛丽激动得不能自持牛津高阶〔giddiness〕Being there gave me a giddy pleasure.身处那个地方让我激动得难以自持柯林斯高阶〔giddy〕She felt giddy with excitement as she waited for his train to arrive.在等待他乘坐的火车到来期间, 她兴奋得难以自持外研社新世纪〔overcome〕Overcome with/by emotion, she found herself unable to speak for a few minutes.她激动得难以自持,有好几分钟说不出话来。剑桥高阶〔overcome〕She was almost overcome by a tide of relief.强烈的解脱感使她几乎不能自持牛津搭配〔precipice〕Her terror reached the precipice of uncontrollable panic.她吓得不能自持英汉大词典〔unman〕The news of his friend’s death unmanned him and he wept.他的朋友逝世的消息使他难以自持而哭了起来。21世纪英汉〔unman〕Their kindness quite unmanned her, and she broke down and wept.他们的友善使她难以自持而忍不住哭了起来。英汉大词典〔urge〕I had an overwhelming urge to kiss him.我有一种难以自持的冲动想要吻他。麦克米伦高阶〔wiseacre〕A person regarded as being disagreeably egotistical and self-assured.自作聪明的人:一个被认为是讨厌的自高自大和自持的人美国传统




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