

单词 自己做饭
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADULT〕He' s a grown man - he should be able to cook for himself! 他是个成年人—应该能自己做饭了!朗文写作活用〔anticipate〕I didn't anticipate having to do the cooking myself! 我没有料到要自己做饭朗文当代〔bind〕It's a terrible bind to have to cook your own meals.必须自己做饭真是太烦人了。外研社新世纪〔cooking〕I do my own cooking and food shopping.我自己做饭,自己采购食品。麦克米伦高阶〔own〕He has to cook his own meals.他必须自己做饭牛津高阶〔own〕I'm going out tonight, so you'll have to cook your own dinner.我今天晚上要外出,所以你得自己做饭了。韦氏高阶〔own〕I'm going to be out tonight, so you'll have to make your own dinner (= prepare it yourself).我今晚要出去,所以你得自己做饭了。剑桥高阶〔self-catering〕The self-catering flats are usually reserved for postgraduate students.可以自己做饭的公寓一般留给研究生住。柯林斯高阶〔self-catering〕We decided to go for self-catering rather than stay in a hotel.我们决定找一个能够自己做饭的住处,而不是住在宾馆里。剑桥高阶〔spinning〕They do their own cooking, spinning, and woodworking.他们自己做饭,纺线,做木工活。柯林斯高阶〔unaccustomed〕These people are unaccustomed to having to do their own cooking.这些人不习惯于必得自己做饭麦克米伦高阶After the dismissal of the cook we had to make our meals ourselves. 我们解雇厨子后得自己做饭了。译典通After years of being looked after by his mother, Bill did not take kindly to having to cook for himself.比尔多年来一直由他母亲照顾,不喜欢也得自己做饭剑桥国际I never bother cooking for myself--I just eat sandwiches if I'm on my own.我从不费心为自己做饭----一个人时我只吃三明治。剑桥国际




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