

单词 腓尼基
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ashtoreth〕The ancient Syrian and Phoenician goddess of sexual love and fertility.阿什托雷思:古代叙利亚和腓尼基人的性爱与繁殖女神美国传统〔Dagon〕The chief god of the ancient Philistines and later the Phoenicians, represented as half-man and half-fish.大衮:古代非利士人和后来腓尼基人的主神,以半人半鱼的形象出现美国传统〔Jezebel〕Phoenician princess and queen of Israel as the wife of Ahab. According to the Old Testament, she encouraged idolatry and was ultimately killed by Jehu.耶洗别:腓尼基的公主和以色列国王亚哈之妻。据《旧约》记载,她鼓励对神的崇拜,最后被耶户所杀美国传统〔Moloch〕Bible In the Old Testament, the god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom children were sacrificed.【圣经】 摩洛神:在旧约中亚们人和腓尼基人所信奉的神灵,用儿童向他献祭美国传统〔Phoenician〕A native or inhabitant of ancient Phoenicia.腓尼基人:古代腓尼基土著人或居民美国传统〔Phoenician〕Of or relating to ancient Phoenicia or its people, language, or culture.腓尼基的,腓尼基人的:古代腓尼基或其民族、语言或文化的美国传统〔Phoenician〕The Semitic language of ancient Phoenicia.腓尼基语:古代腓尼基人讲的闪族语言美国传统〔Punic〕The dialect of Phoenician spoken in ancient Carthage.古迦太基语:古迦太基人所说的腓尼基方言美国传统〔ascribable〕The alphabet is usually ascribed to the phoenicians.通常把字母表归因于腓尼基人。21世纪英汉




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