

单词 脑海
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕The memory of that awful day is forever etched in my mind. 那一天的可怕记忆永远印在我的脑海里。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The sound echoed in Matt's head like a clanging cymbal. 那声音在马特的脑海里回响,犹如铿锵的钱声。朗文写作活用〔a blinding flash〕The answer came to her in a blinding flash.答案突然闪现在她脑海中。剑桥高阶〔abstract〕Money was a commodity she never thought about except in the abstract.钱在她的脑海中只是个抽象的东西。外研社新世纪〔all in his head〕I keep hearing that song in my head. = That song keeps running through my head. = I can't get that song out of my head.那首歌一直萦绕在我的脑海里。韦氏高阶〔banish〕The past few days had been banished from his mind.过去几天的记忆已经从他的脑海中清空了。外研社新世纪〔blank〕I tried to blank out everything he had said.我尽量把他的话从脑海中全部抹去。朗文当代〔brain〕I've had that song on the brain all day.那首歌整天都在我的脑海中萦绕。外研社新世纪〔brand〕Imagery of the war has branded itself into the national consciousness.战争的印象深深地铭刻在人民的脑海美国传统〔chase〕I couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts were chasing through my mind.我睡不着。无数念头浮现于我的脑海英汉大词典〔conjure up〕When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up in exact colour almost every event of his life.他闭上眼睛时,几乎他一生中经历的每一件事情都会真切地浮现在他的脑海柯林斯高阶〔conjure up〕When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.想到冒险, 我们很多人脑海里浮现出的是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。外研社新世纪〔consciousness〕That idea has been creeping into our consciousness for some time.不知不觉间,那种想法在我们脑海里渐渐形成已经有一段时间了。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕He pushed the thought back into the darkest corner of his mind.他将这个想法藏在脑海的最深处。牛津搭配〔dwell in〕What the chairman said dwells in my mind.主席说的一番话一直萦绕在我的脑海里。21世纪英汉〔echo〕The shout echoed off the wall. The speaker's words echoed in her mind.咆哮声被墙壁回响过来;演说者的话在她的脑海中回荡着美国传统〔enduring〕I shall be left with many enduring memories of the time I spent in India.在印度的时光会在我脑海中留下难以磨灭的记忆。剑桥高阶〔fantasy〕Wild fantasies arose in his mind.离谱的怪念头在他的脑海涌现。外研社新世纪〔fix〕Amy watched the child's intent face eagerly, trying to fix it in her mind.埃米急切地看着孩子那张神情专注的脸,想把它记在脑海里。柯林斯高阶〔fix〕It is somehow fixed in my mind that my fate and that woman's are intertwined.我和那个女人的命运已经交织在一起了,这个想法在我脑海挥之不去。剑桥高阶〔flash〕A terrible thought flashed through my mind.一个可怕的想法闪过我的脑海牛津高阶〔flash〕The idea for the movie came to her in a flash of inspiration.一个关于那部电影的想法突然闪过她的脑海韦氏高阶〔flash〕The possibility that Frank was lying flashed through my mind.弗兰克可能在撒谎的想法闪过我的脑海朗文当代〔flit〕A thought flitted through my mind.我脑海中掠过一个念头。牛津高阶〔flit〕Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind.关于那个晚上的影像和记忆在她脑海中一一闪现。柯林斯高阶〔float〕Another scene floated up to the surface of his mind.又一幕景象浮现在他脑海中。英汉大词典〔form〕An idea formed in his mind.他的脑海里有了一个念头。柯林斯高阶〔germinate〕He wrote to Eliot about a 'big book' that was germinating in his mind.他写信告诉埃利奥特他脑海中正在酝酿的一本“巨著”。柯林斯高阶〔germinate〕I felt an idea germinating in my head/mind.我感到一个想法开始在脑海中萌生。剑桥高阶〔glimmer〕The faint glimmer of an idea had crept into his mind. () 一个想法在他的脑海中隐约闪现。牛津搭配〔glory〕The glory of the idea blossomed in his mind.在他的脑海中这一想法变得越来越宏大。柯林斯高阶〔go through〕That song keeps going through my head.那首歌在我脑海里回荡。韦氏高阶〔haunt〕Images from the war still haunt him.战争的影像仍萦绕在他的脑海里。麦克米伦高阶〔haunt〕The memory of that day still haunts me.我的脑海中常常回想起那天的情景。牛津高阶〔head〕I can't get that song out of my head.那首歌在我脑海中挥之不去。柯林斯高阶〔head〕I can't get that tune/that man out of my head (= I cannot stop hearing the tune in my mind/thinking about that man).我的脑海里始终摆脱不了那个旋律/人。剑桥高阶〔head〕It was an accident, said a voice inside his head.一个声音在他脑海里说,那是一场意外。牛津搭配〔horizon〕Gambling filled up the horizons of their minds.他们的脑海里只有赌博。英汉大词典〔ideal〕Existing only in the mind; imaginary.想象的:仅存在于脑海中的;想象的美国传统〔image〕A mental picture of something not real or present.幻象:非真实或不现实的事情在脑海中的反映美国传统〔image〕I had an image of him striding across the road laughing as usual.我脑海里有他一如往常笑着大步穿过马路的模样。外研社新世纪〔image〕She had a sudden mental image of herself in a wedding dress.她脑海里闪现出自己身披婚纱的样子。牛津搭配〔image〕To picture (something) mentally; imagine.设想,想象:在脑海中描绘(某物);想象美国传统〔imagination〕Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my imagination.早在我真正踏足之前很久,非洲就已在我的脑海中活灵活现了。柯林斯高阶〔imagination〕The actor rehearsed the lines in his imagination.演员在脑海中复习了一遍台词。美国传统〔imagination〕The formation of a mental image of something that is neither perceived as real nor present to the senses.想象,虚构:对既无法看到,又无法确切感受到的事物在脑海中形成印象的过程美国传统〔imprint〕He could not dislodge the images imprinted on his brain.他难以把刻在脑海中的形象抹去。柯林斯高阶〔indelible〕The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain.他经历的恐怖事件在他脑海中刻下了深深的,或许是难以磨灭的印记。柯林斯高阶〔jostle〕A thousand thoughts were jostling around inside my mind.千头万绪在我脑海中涌动。朗文当代〔leaf〕He leafed through the problems in his mind.他在脑海里把问题匆匆逐一考虑一番。英汉大词典〔linger〕It will linger forever in the minds of many people.它将永远留在许多人的脑海中。牛津搭配〔memory〕She is still haunted by the memory of that night.那天晚上的记忆在她脑海里挥之不去。外研社新世纪〔memory〕The memory of that night is still clear in his mind.那天晚上的记忆在他的脑海中仍然非常清晰。麦克米伦高阶〔microsecond〕Innumerable thoughts raced through his mind; they came in microseconds.无数念头在他的脑海里飞掠而过,速度之快以微秒计。英汉大词典〔mill〕Conflicting fancies milled about in his mind.相互矛盾的种种幻想在他脑海中打转。英汉大词典〔mind〕I can't get that image out of my mind. = I can't stop seeing that image in my mind. = That image is stuck in my mind.我没办法把那幅影像从我脑海中抹去。韦氏高阶〔mind〕She went over the day's events in her mind.她在脑海里反复琢磨白天发生的事。外研社新世纪〔mind〕There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind.各种念头在我脑海中闪过。牛津高阶〔muddy〕I retained only a muddy image of the event.对于这一事件,我的脑海中只留下模糊的印象。英汉大词典〔nag〕Something was nagging at my mind.有件事一直萦回在我脑海里,使我感到苦恼。英汉大词典〔niggle away〕The puzzle niggled away in Arnold's mind.这个谜团在阿诺德脑海里挥之不去。外研社新世纪〔niggle〕The puzzle niggled away in Arnold's mind.这个谜团在阿诺德脑海里挥之不去。柯林斯高阶〔oblivion〕All of them were being swept towards oblivion.他们都正在从人们脑海中消失。英汉大词典〔picture〕I tried to form a mental picture of the building being described.我努力在脑海中勾画出所描述的建筑物的样子。牛津搭配〔picture〕I tried to put the picture from my mind.我试图将这幅画面从脑海中抹去。柯林斯高阶〔picture〕She had a mental picture of Samuel's face.她脑海中浮现出塞缪尔的模样。麦克米伦高阶〔pop into〕The image of the woman popped into his head out of the blue.那个女人的形象突然出现在他的脑海里。21世纪英汉〔prepossess〕To preoccupy the mind of to the exclusion of other thoughts or feelings.使先充溢(某种想法或感情):脑海中先具有了某种想法或感情,从而杜绝了其他想法美国传统〔presentative〕Having the capacity or function of bringing an idea or image to mind.能形成意向或意念的:具有能够在脑海中出现观点或形象的能力或功能的美国传统〔print〕The memory of that day was indelibly printed on his brain.那天的记忆永不磨灭地深印在他的脑海里。牛津高阶〔print〕To impress firmly in the mind or memory.深印,铭记:使深深留在脑海中或记忆中美国传统〔recur to〕The pleasant old days often recurred to me.往日的欢乐景象常常浮现在我的脑海21世纪英汉〔register〕The words registered slowly in her mind.这些话慢慢地留在了她脑海里。牛津搭配〔relivable〕I relived those happy old days over and over in my mind.在我的脑海中我不断重温那愉快的往日。21世纪英汉〔relive〕But again she begins to relive that distant event.但她又一次开始在脑海中重新经历那件相隔已久的往事。英汉大词典〔resonate〕The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head.低音电吉他开始砰砰作响,巨大的声音一直在我的脑海里回响。柯林斯高阶〔round and round〕The words went round and round in Charlie's mind.那些话在查利的脑海里挥之不去。外研社新世纪〔spring to mind〕Say the word "Australia" and a vision of beaches and blue seas immediately springs to mind.一提起“澳大利亚”几个字,脑海中立刻呈现出沙滩和蔚蓝的大海。剑桥高阶〔spring〕A cry sprang from her lips. A thought springs to mind.她突然一声尖叫。一种想法突然出现在脑海美国传统〔spring〕An objection sprang to mind.一项反对的理由在脑海中突然闪现。英汉大词典〔storm〕Wild thoughts were storming in her head.各种各样的狂想在她脑海中翻腾。英汉大词典〔surge up〕Memories surged up in Don's mind.回忆中的场景在唐脑海里一幕幕涌现。外研社新世纪〔surge〕Memories surged up in Don's mind.一幕幕回忆在唐脑海里涌现。柯林斯高阶〔thought〕An image of his boss came into his mind, but he brushed the thought aside.老板的形象闯入他的脑海,但他将其拂去。牛津搭配〔thought〕Such a thought never entered my head.这样的念头从未进入过我的脑海牛津搭配〔through〕Her words kept running through my mind/head (= I kept hearing her words in my imagination).她的话一直在我脑海里回荡。剑桥高阶〔through〕The melody that ran through his brain was composed of bad notes.回荡在他脑海里的旋律都走调了。柯林斯高阶〔unbidden〕The name came unbidden to Cook's mind.库克的脑海里不由自主地闪现出一个名字。外研社新世纪〔vanish〕All thoughts of romance vanished from his mind.他脑海中所有浪漫的想法都消失了。牛津搭配〔word〕Her words conjured up a strange picture in her mind.她的话在她脑海中勾勒出一幅奇特的画面。牛津搭配A vivid picture was present to his mind. 一幅生动的画面出现在他的脑海里。译典通All the people were asked to form a mental picture of the man who had been described and then to match it to photographs.要求所有的人在脑海里对所描述的人形成一个图像,然后和照片相配。剑桥国际Bored out of its mind, the monkey stares out of the cage with unseeing eyes.脑海里百无聊赖, 那猴子以视而不见的目光向笼子外面看着。剑桥国际During the day he left her alone but at night his image would come unbidden into her mind.白天他不影响她的独处, 但在晚上他的形象会不由自主地出现在她的脑海里。剑桥国际Her image was fixed in his mind. 她的形象深深印在他的脑海里。译典通Ideas passed in quick procession through her mind. 她脑海里闪过一连串的念头。译典通Our imaginations were still haunted by the war.战争时常浮现在我们的脑海中。剑桥国际That tune has been going round and round in my head all day (= I can't stop singing it silently to myself).那个曲调一整天都在我的脑海中旋绕。剑桥国际When Frank suggested coming to stay for a couple of days, warning/alarm bells rang (in my head) (= I thought something was wrong).弗兰克说要来呆几天时,我的脑海里响起了警钟。剑桥国际When he realised he had lost his keys he retraced in his mind his movements that day.当他意识到丢失了钥匙后,便在脑海里回忆自己当天的行动。剑桥国际




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