

单词 脂肪
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LITTLE〕Non-dairy toppings tend to have lower fat content than whipping cream. 非奶油浇料的脂肪含量一般低于搅打奶油。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕Potatoes have almost no fat, but they're very filling. 马铃薯几乎不含脂肪,但是吃了很饱。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕The casserole is low in calories and fat. 这砂锅菜肴热量和脂肪含量很低。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Cut off the excess fat from the meat before cooking. 烹调前切掉肉上多余的脂肪朗文写作活用〔accumulate〕Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs.脂肪常常堆积在臀部和大腿部位。朗文当代〔animal〕Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats.鱼油不如动物脂肪饱和。牛津高阶〔animal〕Try to cut down on the amount of animal fat that you eat.要尽量减少动物脂肪的摄入量。麦克米伦高阶〔bind〕Egg binds fat and flour.蛋能把脂肪和面粉粘合在一起。英汉大词典〔blubber〕The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.幼鲸长了一层厚脂肪层以抵御寒冷的海水。外研社新世纪〔bone〕The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat.人体主要由骨骼、肌肉和脂肪构成。外研社新世纪〔burn〕Evidence is mounting that vigorous exercise does more than burn fat.越来越多的证据表明剧烈运动不仅会消耗脂肪外研社新世纪〔butter〕A vegetable fat having a nearly solid consistency at ordinary temperatures.植物脂:在常温下几乎能保持接近固态的植物脂肪美国传统〔calorific〕Fatty foods have a high calorific value.高脂肪类食物热值较高。剑桥高阶〔caution〕I received a caution from the doctor about fat in my diet.医生劝告我注意饮食中的脂肪美国传统〔cocoa〕A powder made from cacao seeds after they have been fermented, roasted, shelled, ground, and freed of most of their fat.可可粉:由可可豆经过发酵、烘烤、除壳、研磨和除去大部分脂肪而做成的粉美国传统〔congeal〕The fat has congealed on the sausages.脂肪已经凝固在香肠上了。外研社新世纪〔constantly〕We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake.不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量。柯林斯高阶〔content〕Chocolate has a high fat content.巧克力脂肪含量很高。剑桥高阶〔content〕Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter.葵花油做成的人造黄油和一般黄油的脂肪含量一样。外研社新世纪〔correlate〕A high-fat diet correlates with a greater risk of heart disease.高脂肪饮食与增加心脏病发作的风险密切相关。牛津高阶〔digest〕He has to avoid fat because his body can't digest it.他得避免摄入脂肪,因为他的身体消化不了。牛津搭配〔disorder〕Consumption of fatty acids may help prevent the disorder.消耗脂肪酸可能有助于预防这种疾病。牛津搭配〔evaluate〕Too many of us have not seriously evaluated the amount of fat contained in the foods we eat.我们中太多人都没有认真计算过所吃的食物含有多少脂肪外研社新世纪〔exclude〕Try excluding fat from your diet.平时用餐时试一试不吃含脂肪的食物。牛津高阶〔fat body〕A food reserve of fatty tissue in the larval stages of certain insects.脂肪体:在某些昆虫的幼虫时期,储有的食物脂肪组织美国传统〔fatness〕An easy way to cut the amount of fat in your diet is to avoid eating red meats.减少饮食中脂肪摄入量的简单方法就是避免吃红肉。柯林斯高阶〔fatness〕Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.由于没有消耗卡路里,你吃的所有东西都会变成脂肪柯林斯高阶〔fatty alcohol〕Any of various alcohols derived from plant or animal oils and fats and used in plastics and pharmaceuticals.脂肪醇:取自植物或动物油和脂肪的多种醇,用于塑料和制药美国传统〔fatty〕Have salmon or other fatty fish more often.多吃一点鲑鱼或其他含脂肪的鱼。外研社新世纪〔fat〕An easy way to cut the amount of fat in your diet is to avoid eating red meats.减少饮食中脂肪摄入量的简单方法是避免吃红肉。外研社新世纪〔fat〕Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups.脂肪,油脂:柔软的、固态的或半固态的有机成分,包括甘油酯、脂肪酸以及它们的衍生有机成分美国传统〔fat〕Asiatic sheep turn their food into fat and store it.亚洲羊把食物转化为脂肪并积贮起来。英汉大词典〔fat〕Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.因为你没有消耗热量, 吃进去的东西都变成了脂肪组织。外研社新世纪〔fat〕Exercise helps you burn off excess fat.运动有助于消耗多余的脂肪牛津搭配〔fat〕Fats contain more calories than carbohydrates.脂肪比碳水化合物含有更多的热量。牛津搭配〔fat〕Full of fat or oil; greasy.多油的:富含脂肪或油的;多脂的美国传统〔fat〕The waistline is usually the first area where fat accumulates.最先有脂肪堆积的部位通常是腰部。牛津搭配〔fat〕You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates.你应该减少摄入脂肪和碳水化合物。牛津高阶〔fill up〕Fill up on potatoes, bread, and pasta, which are high in carbohydrate and low in fat.用土豆、面包和意大利面食填饱肚子, 这些食物富含碳水化合物, 脂肪含量低。外研社新世纪〔fixed oil〕A nonvolatile oil, especially a fatty oil of vegetable origin.不挥发油,固定油:一种尤指从植物中榨出的含脂肪的不挥发的油美国传统〔flesh〕Excess fatty tissue; plumpness.丰满:多余的脂肪组织;肥胖美国传统〔fur〕Eating too much fat furs up your arteries which slows down the flow of blood.摄入过多脂肪会阻塞你的动脉,减缓血液流动。剑桥高阶〔glyceride〕A natural or synthetic ester of glycerol and fatty acids.甘油酯:以甘油和脂肪酸天然存在的或合成的酯美国传统〔high〕Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat.不要过多食用浓酱汁、油炸食品和甜腻的油酥点心, 因为这些食品的脂肪含量高。外研社新世纪〔hydrogenate〕To combine with or subject to the action of hydrogen, especially to combine (an unsaturated oil) with hydrogen to produce a solid fat.使与氢化合,使氢化:与氢的作用相结合,或受氢作用的影响,尤其是将(不饱和的油)与氢结合产生一种固体脂肪美国传统〔insulator〕Fat is an excellent insulator against the cold.脂肪是极好的抵御寒冷的绝热体。柯林斯高阶〔intake〕You should limit your daily intake of fats and sugars.你应当限制自己每天脂肪和糖的摄取量。韦氏高阶〔lay off〕I need to lay off fatty foods and lose some weight.我需要停止食用高脂肪食物,减轻体重。韦氏高阶〔lead〕Sugar and fat can easily lead to obesity.糖和脂肪很容易导致肥胖。牛津搭配〔lean〕Containing little or no fat.含有很少的,不含脂肪美国传统〔lipase〕Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of fats into glycerol and fatty acids.脂(肪)酶:一种能促进脂肪水解形成甘油和脂肪酸的酶类美国传统〔lipoid〕Resembling fat; fatty.类脂的;脂肪美国传统〔lipotropin〕A hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland that promotes the utilization of fat by the body and is a precursor to the endorphins.促脂素:一种垂体前叶腺产生的激素,可促进身体对脂肪的利用,是内啡肽的前体美国传统〔liquid〕Fats are solid at room temperature, and oil is liquid at room temperature.脂肪在室温下为固态,油在室温下为液态。柯林斯高阶〔loaded〕Crisps are loaded with fat and salt.炸薯片脂肪和食盐含量很高。外研社新世纪〔load〕Don't load upon rich dairy products like butter and whole milk.不要多吃黄油和全脂奶一类的高脂肪乳制品。英汉大词典〔love handle〕A deposit of fat at the waistline. Often used in the plural.腰围间隙脂肪的积贮,经常用复数形式美国传统〔low〕Vegetables are low in fat and calories and high in nutrition.蔬菜的脂肪和卡路里含量低,而且营养丰富。麦克米伦高阶〔low〕Yogurt is usually very low in fat.酸奶的脂肪含量通常很低。牛津高阶〔minimum〕She had reduced her consumption of fat and sugar to an absolute minimum.她已把脂肪和糖的消费量减少到最低程度。朗文当代〔much〕See just how much fat and cholesterol you're eating.看看你究竟摄入了多少脂肪和胆固醇。柯林斯高阶〔normal〕Designating an aliphatic hydrocarbon having a straight and unbranched chain of carbon atoms.正(链)的:指定脂肪族碳氢化合物含有一直且无分枝的碳原子链美国传统〔nutritionist〕Nutritionists say only 33% of our calorie intake should be from fat.营养学家认为来自脂肪的热量应该只占摄入热量的33%。外研社新世纪〔obesity〕A diet that is high in fat and sugar can lead to obesity.高脂肪和高塘饮食会导致肥胖症。剑桥高阶〔oxidize〕When you heat fat, it oxidizes easily.脂肪在燃烧时迅速氧化。剑桥高阶〔pemmican〕A food made chiefly from beef, dried fruit, and suet, used as emergency rations.牛肉糜压缩饼:一种主要由牛肉、水果干和硬脂肪压制成的干肉饼,用作食物紧缺时的定量配给口粮美国传统〔polyunsaturate〕This margarine is high in polyunsaturates.这种人造黄油富含多重不饱和脂肪酸。剑桥高阶〔poor〕Fats and sugar are very rich in energy but poor in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.脂肪和糖富含能量, 但缺少维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维。外研社新世纪〔prepared〕Commercially prepared food is often loaded with saturated fat.为商业目的生产的食物往往含有饱和脂肪牛津搭配〔proportion〕Women's bodies tend to have a higher proportion of fat to water.女性的身体内脂肪与水分的比例往往更高。柯林斯高阶〔reduce〕Try to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.要尽量减少饮食中的脂肪麦克米伦高阶〔rid〕She will have to get rid of the excess weight on her hips.她得减去臀部多余的脂肪柯林斯高阶〔risk〕Excess body fat is a serious/significant health risk.人体脂肪过多严重危害健康。韦氏高阶〔roll〕A roll of fat stuck out from under his shirt.一堆脂肪从他的衬衫下挺出来。韦氏高阶〔saponify〕To convert (a fat or an oil) into soap.使(脂肪或油)成肥皂美国传统〔saturated〕Saturated fats are not easily processed by the body.饱和脂肪在身体中不易消化。韦氏高阶〔shea butter〕A whitish or yellowish fat obtained from the seeds of the shea tree, used as food and for making soap and candles.牛油果油:一种从牛油果树的种子中提取的浅白或浅黄色脂肪,用作食物、制皂和蜡烛美国传统〔spread〕Use a low-fat spread instead of butter.不要抹黄油,抹点低脂肪的东西吧。牛津高阶〔strain off〕Brown the mince in a frying pan, strain off the excess fat and add the chopped onions.把肉末在煎锅中煎至褐色, 撇去多余的脂肪, 然后放入剁碎的洋葱。外研社新世纪〔substitution〕Substitution of applesauce for oil is one way of reducing the fat in recipes.用苹果酱替代食用油是减少食谱中脂肪用量的一种做法。韦氏高阶〔tallow〕Any of various similar fats, such as those obtained from plants.油脂:任一种类似脂肪,如从植物中提炼出的油脂美国传统〔thing〕My doctor told me to avoid fatty things like donuts and potato chips.我的医生叫我避开甜甜圈和薯条那些高脂肪的食品韦氏高阶〔trans fat〕Trans fatty acids considered as a group.转脂肪酸总称美国传统〔weakness〕He can't overcome his weakness for fatty foods.他无法抵挡高脂肪食物的诱惑。牛津搭配〔whole milk〕Milk from which no constituent, such as fat, has been removed.全乳,全脂牛奶:任何成分(如脂肪)都未被除去的牛奶美国传统A well-balanced vegetarian diet can be a lot healthier for you than the average meat-eater's diet because it contains less fat and more fibre.对你来说平衡良好的素食饮食比食肉者的饮食要健康得多,因为前者含脂肪少一些而含纤维多一些。剑桥国际Dr Elwood said the belief that milk could be harmful was based on the hypothesis that fat causes heart disease.埃尔伍德医生说牛奶对身体有害的看法是基于脂肪会引起心脏病这一前提的。剑桥国际Many doctors frown upon a diet which contains a lot of fat.许多医生都不赞成饮食中脂肪含量太高。剑桥国际Most vegetable fats and oils are polyunsaturated.绝大多数蔬菜脂肪和食用油为多不饱和脂肪剑桥国际Recent health reports have advised us to reduce fat consumption.最近的健康报告建议我们减少脂肪消费。剑桥国际She's bought one of those massage machines that pummels at your adipose tissue (=fat).她买了一种敲打脂肪组织的按摩器。剑桥国际The disease might be caused by fat globules blocking the blood vessels of the nervous system.这病可能是由脂肪球阻塞神经系统的血管而引起的。剑桥国际The doctor advised him specifically not to eat fatty food. 医生特别劝他不要吃多脂肪的食物。译典通The nerves are surrounded and protected by thin sheaths of fatty tissue.神经是由薄薄的脂肪组织层所包围和保护的。剑桥国际The new style of hamburger is based on lean meat with water replacing much of the fat.新型的汉堡包主要是采用以水分代替大部分脂肪的瘦肉。剑桥国际The plethora of fat within the body easily leads itself to diabetes. 身体内脂肪的过剩容易导致糖尿病。译典通The proportion of fat to flour is different in pastry and sponge.在馅饼和海绵蛋糕中,脂肪和面粉的比例是不同的。剑桥国际The western diet is generally thought to contain too much fat and sugar.西方饮食一般被认为含有过多的脂肪和糖。剑桥国际There is conflicting evidence about whether the level of cholesterol in the blood stream is related to the amount of fat that we eat.关于血流中的胆固醇水平是否和我们每天摄入的脂肪量有关的问题现在有相互矛盾的证据。剑桥国际This product contains no animal fat.这种产品不含动物脂肪剑桥国际




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