

单词 肉馅
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOT〕I heated up yesterday's chicken pie and had it for lunch today. 我把昨天的鸡肉馅饼热了一下,今天当午餐吃了。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕There was a ban on meat pies, gelatine, and other British beef products. 牛肉馅饼、动物胶和其他英国的牛肉产品受到禁止。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕It's a vegetarian pie, but it tastes just like meat! 那是个素馅饼,但味道就像肉馅饼!朗文写作活用〔beef Wellington〕A fillet of beef covered with pâté de foie gras, encased in pastry, and baked.威灵顿牛肉馅饼:夹在馅饼或点心里的涂以鹅肝酱的牛肉片美国传统〔charcuterie〕Sausages, ham, pâtés, and other cooked or processed meat foods.熟肉:香肠、火腿、肉馅饼及其他经烧烤或加工的肉制食品美国传统〔club sandwich〕A sandwich composed of two or three slices of bread with a filling of various meats, tomato, lettuce, and dressing.总汇三明治:一种三明治,由两片或三片面包夹各种肉馅、西红柿、莴苣及调味品制成美国传统〔fatty〕Cut down on fatty meat such as sausages and pork pies.少吃香肠和猪肉馅饼之类的肥肉。外研社新世纪〔frittata〕An open-faced omelet, often cooked with meat, cheese, or vegetables.菜肉馅煎蛋饼:一种有馅但无上面一层的煎蛋卷,常和肉、奶酪和蔬菜一起烹调美国传统〔hamburger〕A patty of such meat.牛肉馅饼:有这样肉馅的馅饼美国传统〔lasagna〕A dish made by baking such pasta with layers of tomato sauce and fillings such as cheese or ground meat.烤奶酪肉馅面条:通过烘烤带有一层层的番茄汁和填有如奶酪和肉馅等调料的面团而制成的菜肴美国传统〔off〕I'm sorry, the fish pie is off today, sir.先生,很抱歉,今天没有鱼肉馅饼了。朗文当代〔panada〕A paste or gruel of bread crumbs, toast, or flour combined with milk, stock, or water and used for making soups, binding forcemeats, or thickening sauces.面糊:将碎面包、烤面包或面粉放在牛奶、肉汤或水里煮成的面糊,用于作汤、肉馅或果酱美国传统〔pasty〕A pie or turnover, especially one filled with seasoned meat or fish.肉馅饼:馅饼或半圆形卷饼,尤指内有加了调料的肉体或鱼的美国传统〔patty shell〕A decorative, edible shell of baked puff pastry that is made to be filled with other food, such as creamed meat, seafood, vegetables, or fruit.馅饼皮:烤制发酵面团的装饰性可食用的皮,用来填塞其他食品,如奶油肉馅、海鲜、蔬菜或水果美国传统〔patty〕A small pie; a pasty.小馅饼;肉馅美国传统〔pierogi〕A semicircular dumpling with any of various fillings, such as finely chopped meat or vegetables, that is often sautéed after being boiled.俄式肉馅小卷饼:里面包有各种像是碎肉或蔬菜等材料的半圆形包饼,通常是煮熟后再煎的美国传统〔pie〕Would you like some more steak pie? 你想再要点猪肉馅饼吗?剑桥高阶〔potpie〕A mixture of meat or poultry and vegetables covered with a pastry crust and baked in a deep dish.肉馅饼:放在深盘中烘制的覆有一层硬面皮的猪肉或禽肉与蔬菜的混合物美国传统〔pound up〕Pound up the mince in a mortar.在臼中把肉馅捣烂。外研社新世纪〔rissole〕A small, pastry-enclosed croquette of a minced meat or fish, usually fried in deep fat.炸肉(鱼)饼,炸肉(鱼)圆:一种小的、外包有面糊的肉馅或鱼肉馅炸丸子,常在深油中炸美国传统〔scrapple〕A mush of ground pork and cornmeal that is set in a mold and then sliced and fried.玉米肉馅:放在一个容器中的碎肉和玉米糊,然后切成片并煎炸成饼美国传统〔shepherd's pie〕A meat pie baked in a crust of mashed potatoes.肉馅土豆泥饼:一种夹在捣碎的土豆馅饼皮里经烘烤制成的肉馅美国传统〔what〕Tom eagerly finished up what was left of the champagne and chicken pie.汤姆狼吞虎咽地扫光了剩下的香槟和鸡肉馅饼。麦克米伦高阶〔won ton〕A noodle-dough dumpling filled typically with spiced minced pork or other ground meat, usually boiled in soup or fried and eaten as a side dish.馄饨,云吞:一种面团,一般填满加调料的猪肉馅或其他肉馅,通常在汤中煮或油炸作为一种配菜吃美国传统I had a delicious squab pie for my lunch.我午餐吃了美味的乳鸽肉馅饼。剑桥国际Meat jellies are made by boiling animal bones and are often used in meat pies and pates 肉冻是通过熬动物骨头制成的,常用来做肉馅饼和馅饼 。剑桥国际She ate a stodgy meal of meat pie and chips.她饱餐了一顿肉馅饼和炸土豆片。剑桥国际This is meant to be a meat pie but it has a sort of cheesy taste.这应当是块肉馅饼,可是有种奶酪的味道。剑桥国际




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