

单词 而立
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔affidavit〕A written declaration made under oath before a notary public or other authorized officer.宣誓书:在公证人或其他裁判官员面前经宣誓而立下的书面声明美国传统〔backdoor〕The change was immediately dismissed as a backdoor tax increase.这一改动被认为是变相增税而立刻遭到否决。剑桥高阶〔badge〕Gates earns a merit badge for his ideas on surviving the recession. () 盖茨为度过萧条时期出谋划策,从而立了一功。牛津搭配〔become〕As she reached the age of thirty she became convinced she would remain single all her life.步入而立之年时,她确信自己会独身一辈子。柯林斯高阶〔bow〕They stood in silence with their heads bowed.他们默默地垂头而立牛津高阶〔brace〕She braced herself against the wall.她靠墙而立麦克米伦高阶〔crowd〕Crowds lined the street to watch the parade.人群沿街而立,观看游行。韦氏高阶〔forte-piano〕In a loud, then suddenly soft, manner. Used chiefly as a direction.强而立即转弱的:由强立即转弱地。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔heaven〕Four tall trees stretched up to the heavens.四棵大树参天而立牛津高阶〔lean on〕The old man is leaning on a walking stick.老人依杖而立21世纪英汉〔neighbour〕Each house was packed close behind its neighbour.每幢房子都紧挨着前面的房子而立外研社新世纪〔neighbour〕Each house was packed close behind its neighbour.每幢房子都紧挨着前面的房子而立柯林斯高阶〔press〕They had to press themselves against the wall to let the horse pass.他们不得不贴墙而立,让马通过。麦克米伦高阶〔proximity〕The area has a number of schools in close proximity to each other.这个地区有许多学校比邻而立牛津高阶〔shoot〕She shot a retort to the insult.她因受辱而立即加以回击。英汉大词典〔shoulder〕They were standing shoulder to shoulder.他们并肩而立英汉大词典〔stick out〕There's a rocky promontory that sticks out from the shore.一处岩岬在海岸上突兀而立外研社新世纪〔turn〕It was his ambition to accumulate a million dollars before he turned thirty.他立志要在而立之年以前攒够 100 万美元。柯林斯高阶〔uneasy〕Old farmhouses and new villas stood together in uneasy proximity.破旧的农舍与崭新的别墅比肩而立,很不协调。牛津高阶A grand piano has the strings extending away from the keyboard, whereas an upright piano has the strings set perpendicularly.平台式钢琴的弦是从琴键延伸出来的,而立式钢琴的弦是垂直安置的。剑桥国际Last week the government warned that it would consider legislation to outlaw smoking in public places.上周政府警告说,它将考虑为取缔公共场所吸烟而立法。剑桥国际The police officer had him up against the wall, both arms behind his back.警官让他靠墙而立,两手放在背后。剑桥国际Walls of rock towered vertically on either side of them as they edged their way along the narrow mountain path.石墙在他们两侧垂直而立,他们就从那狭窄的山间小道挤进去。剑桥国际




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