

单词 罪恶感
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assuage〕She was just trying to assuage her guilt by playing the devoted mother.她装出一副慈母的样子只是想要减轻自己的罪恶感柯林斯高阶〔emotional blackmail〕This is just emotional blackmail to make mothers feel guilty for going to work.让母亲因为出去工作而产生罪恶感实在是情感勒索。剑桥高阶〔guilt trip〕A usually prolonged feeling of guilt or culpability.罪恶感:通常为延长的罪恶或是苛责感美国传统〔guilt trip〕To make or try to make (someone) feel guilty.使有罪恶感:使得或是试着使得(某人)感到罪恶感美国传统〔guilt-trip〕To make or try to make (someone) feel guilty.使有罪恶感:使得或是试着使得(某人)感到罪恶感美国传统〔guilty〕I feel almost guilty that so many good things are happening to us.我们遇到了这么多好事,我几乎觉得有点儿罪恶感了。牛津搭配〔guilty〕One of my guilty pleasures is watching MTV's reality shows.一项令我有罪恶感的消遣是看音乐电视中的真人秀节目。外研社新世纪〔have〕He had an awful feeling of guilt.他有一种深深的罪恶感朗文当代〔lie〕My sins lie heavily on my mind.沉重的罪恶感压在我的心头。外研社新世纪〔pang〕She felt a sudden pang of guilt.一阵罪恶感突然涌上她的心头。朗文当代〔penitential〕The ice-cream is remarkably low in fat but in no way penitential.这种冰激凌虽然含脂量特别低, 但吃了肯定会有罪恶感的。外研社新世纪〔plague〕He is plagued by a sense of guilt.他一直被一种罪恶感所折磨。韦氏高阶〔sear〕Guilt seared his conscience.他的良心受着罪恶感的煎熬。麦克米伦高阶〔tie〕Her behaviour is tied up with her feelings of guilt.她的行为与她的罪恶感有关。牛津高阶〔wicked〕I always feel very wicked when eating cream cakes.吃奶油蛋糕时我总会有一种罪恶感外研社新世纪Not even his complete forgiveness freed her from her feelings of guilt about her infidelity.甚至连他完全的原谅都无法消除她对于自己不忠的罪恶感剑桥国际Throughout the novel, the protagonist demonstrates a continual oscillation between guilt and a sense of victimization.在整部小说里,主人公一直表现出处于罪恶感与受迫害感之间摇摆的矛盾心态。剑桥国际




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