

单词 网球比赛
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EAT〕After the tennis match the boys devoured the sandwiches in seconds. 网球比赛结束之后,这些男孩子狼吞虎咽,不一会就把三明治吃光了。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕McEnroe often used his bad behaviour in difficult tennis matches to psych out his opponent. 遇到难赢的网球比赛,麦肯罗常常会大发脾气,以此令对手心烦意乱。朗文写作活用〔Wimbledon〕A district of southern Greater London, England. It is the site of a major annual tennis tournament.温布尔登:英格兰大伦敦西南部一区。是每年一度的重要网球比赛地点美国传统〔challenge〕After lunch Carey challenged me to a game of tennis.午饭后,凯里邀请我进行一场网球比赛朗文当代〔clay〕Most tennis is played on hard courts, but a substantial amount is played on clay.多数网球比赛在硬地球场上举行,不过也有相当数量的比赛在红土球场上进行。柯林斯高阶〔crick〕I suffered a cricked neck during a game of tennis.我在一次网球比赛时脖子抽筋了。牛津高阶〔default〕They defaulted in the tennis tournament.他们在网球比赛中弃权。英汉大词典〔deuce〕To make the score of (a tennis game or set) deuce.使(网球比赛中)出现平局美国传统〔drub〕She drubbed her opponent in the tennis match.她在网球比赛中大胜对手。英汉大词典〔finish sb off〕That game of tennis really finished me off.那场网球比赛真的把我累得够呛。剑桥高阶〔get〕Sports A return in tennis on a shot that seems impossible to reach.【体育运动】 难以回击的一球:一局网球比赛中的最后一击并且似乎不可能接住美国传统〔lose〕We won at volleyball, and lost at tennis.我们赢了排球比赛,但在网球比赛中输了。英汉大词典〔match point〕The final point needed to win a sports match, especially in tennis.决胜分:取胜所需的最后得分,尤指在网球比赛美国传统〔match〕A tennis contest won by the player or side that wins a specified number of sets, usually two out of three or three out of five.网球赛:一方赢得规定盘数便告结束的网球比赛,通常是三盘两胜或五盘三胜美国传统〔net〕If the ball touches the net during a serve in a game of tennis, you have to serve again.在网球比赛中如果发球触网,必须重发。剑桥高阶〔officiate〕She officiated at the tennis match.她在这场网球比赛中担任裁判。韦氏高阶〔off〕It's been an off year for good tennis.今年的网球比赛打得都很差劲。外研社新世纪〔out〕Sports A serve or return that falls out of bounds in a court game.【体育运动】 界外球:网球比赛中落入球场外的发球或回球美国传统〔overrule〕In tennis, the umpire can overrule the line judge.在网球比赛中,主裁判可以否决边裁的裁断。剑桥高阶〔partner〕I used to partner him in tennis matches.我过去常在网球比赛中与他搭档。朗文当代〔play〕Irene won't be able to play in the tennis match on Saturday.艾琳星期六不能参加网球比赛剑桥高阶〔progress〕There was a tennis match in progress.当时正在进行一场网球比赛牛津搭配〔rally〕An exchange of several strokes, before a point is won, as in tennis.连续对打:得一分之前打的几个回合,如在网球比赛美国传统〔rally〕Sports To exchange several strokes before a point is won, as in tennis.【体育运动】 连续对打:在得一分前交换了几个回合,如在网球比赛美国传统〔set point〕A situation in which the set will be won by the player who scores the next point in a net game such as tennis.关键胜分:网球比赛中决定赢者的最后一分的情况美国传统〔set〕Sports A group of tennis games constituting one division or unit of a match.【体育运动】 一局:构成比赛一部分或一个单元的一组网球比赛美国传统〔spellbinder〕The final game of the tennis match was a real spellbinder.网球比赛的最后一局确实是吸引观众的。剑桥高阶〔split〕We split the first two (tennis) sets with the Italian gentlemen.我们和那两位意大利男运动员在网球比赛的头两盘各赢一盘。英汉大词典〔take on〕She took him on in a game of tennis.她和他在网球比赛中对阵。韦氏高阶〔viewing〕Tennis makes excellent viewing.网球比赛是极好看的电视节目。外研社新世纪〔weather〕Stormy weather prevented any play in today's tennis.暴风雨使今天的所有网球比赛都无法进行。牛津搭配After the match, the two tennis players sped away/off in waiting cars.网球比赛结束后,两位选手登上等候在旁的汽车,迅速地离开了。剑桥国际At the end of the tennis match, the two players shook hands.网球比赛结束后,两位选手握手。剑桥国际He was just limbering up before his tennis match.网球比赛前他先活动一下身体。剑桥国际Her return of serve was the strongest part of her tennis game.她对发球的回击是她在网球比赛中最大长处。剑桥国际I feel hot and thirsty after my game of squash.软式网球比赛后我又热又渴。剑桥国际If the ball touches the net during a service in a game of tennis, you have to serve again.如果网球比赛发球时球触网,你必须重新发球。剑桥国际In tennis, ball boys wait on the sidelines (= the area just outside the area of play) to pick up balls that have been played.网球比赛中,球童等在边线拾起打过的球。剑桥国际In tennis, the umpire can overrule the line judge if they think that a ball has been incorrectly called in or out.在网球比赛中,如果主裁判认为一个球被错判界内或界外的话,他可以否决边裁的判决。剑桥国际Lendl is fully exploiting his opponent's weak backhand in this tennis match.兰德尔在这场网球比赛中充分利用了对手反手击球不强的弱点。剑桥国际Rachel's playing in a netball match on Wednesday afternoon.雷切尔星期三下午参加落网球比赛剑桥国际The station always has a filler ready in case the speech / ceremony / tennis match ends earlier than expected.电(视)台总是预备着一些补白用的(音乐或谈话)节目以防演说/仪式/网球比赛比预计时间提前结束。剑桥国际The tennis match was rained (Br) off/(Am) out (= was stopped because of rain).网球比赛因下雨而中止了。剑桥国际This tennis tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.这次网球比赛业余爱好者与专业球员都可参加。剑桥国际




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