

单词 缅怀
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕The ceremony was held to honour the tens of thousands of servicemen and servicewomen who lost their lives in the war. 这次典礼是为了缅怀在战争中牺牲的成千上万的军人。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕At Llewellyn's funeral service, she was remembered as a patriotic American who had served her country well. 在卢埃林的葬礼上,她被人视为为国尽忠的爱国的美国人而受到缅怀朗文写作活用〔Gentile〕The war memorial was dedicated to both Jews and Gentiles.这座战争纪念碑既是为了纪念犹太人也是为了缅怀非犹太人。剑桥高阶〔REMEMBER〕At club meetings, we like to reminisce, remembering old times. 在俱乐部的聚会上,我们喜欢缅怀过去,回忆往事。朗文写作活用〔alive〕His parents have released new pictures of their son to keep his memory alive.他父母发布了他的新照片来缅怀他。外研社新世纪〔bethink〕He lives in the past now,bethinking himself of happier days.他现在追念过去,缅怀往昔更美好的日子。21世纪英汉〔cherish〕I will always cherish that memory.我将一直缅怀那段记忆。韦氏高阶〔commemorate〕Each year on this date we commemorate our ancestors with a special ceremony.每年这一天我们都以特别的仪式来缅怀我们的祖先。韦氏高阶〔commemorate〕Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the war.我们齐聚在这座教堂里,缅怀那些在大战中丧生的人们。剑桥高阶〔glory〕The reunion is an opportunity for the soldiers to remember their past glories.这次重聚给了老兵们一个缅怀他们昔日赫赫战功的机会。剑桥高阶〔hero〕The song remembers the brave heroes who died for their country.这首歌缅怀为国捐躯的勇士。牛津搭配〔honour〕We are gathered here to honour the memory of this great man.我们聚集在这里缅怀这位伟大人物。英汉大词典〔living〕On this anniversary of the tragedy we remember the living as well as the dead.在那场悲剧的周年纪念之际,我们既要缅怀死者也不能忘记生者。剑桥高阶〔loving〕I'd like to play this next song for the Berger family in loving memory of Jim Berger.我想把接下来这首歌送给伯杰一家, 作为对吉姆•伯杰的深切缅怀外研社新世纪〔loving〕To my dear departed Grandad in loving memory.深切缅怀我已逝的祖父。外研社新世纪〔monument〕Her recordings of the complete Preludes and Fugues are the finest monuments to a much lamented artist.她录制的完整版《前奏曲与赋格曲》是她作为一位令人无比缅怀的艺术家最上乘的不朽之作。外研社新世纪〔o'er〕As long as mist hangs o'er the mountains, the deeds of the brave will be remembered.勇士的壮举将永远为后人缅怀,正如缭绕群山的薄雾永远不会消散。柯林斯高阶〔observe〕They observed a moment of silence to remember their loved ones.他们默哀片刻以缅怀亲人。韦氏高阶〔praise〕As we give praise to God, let us remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves.在我们赞颂上帝时,让我们缅怀那些没我们幸运的人。剑桥高阶〔remember〕Bravery is the thing he left behind for posterity to remember him by.勇武是他留给后代缅怀的品质。英汉大词典〔remember〕On this day, let us remember our nation's veterans.今天,让我们缅怀我们国家的老兵。韦氏高阶〔remember〕She is remembered for her contributions to physics.她因对物理学做出的贡献而受到人们缅怀韦氏高阶〔remembrance〕Something remembered; a reminiscence.回忆往事;缅怀往事美国传统〔remembrance〕The country holds him in grateful remembrance.全国人民怀着感激之情缅怀他。英汉大词典〔reminiscence〕The act or process of recollecting past experiences or events.缅怀往事:缅怀过去的经历或事件的动作或者过程美国传统〔reminiscent〕Inclined to engage in reminiscence.好缅怀往事的美国传统〔reminisce〕He reminisced with old buddies at his high school reunion.在高中校友聚会上,他和老朋友们一起缅怀往事。韦氏高阶〔reminisce〕He reminisces of years gone by.他常缅怀逝去的岁月。英汉大词典〔reminisce〕To recollect and tell of past experiences or events.缅怀往事:回忆过去的经历或事件,话旧美国传统〔sea〕He would often reminisce about his first experience of the sea.他经常缅怀第一次航海经历。英汉大词典〔unveil〕The memorial to those who had died in the war was unveiled by the Queen.缅怀战争死难者的纪念碑由女王揭幕。剑桥高阶My grandfather used to reminisce about his years in the navy.我祖父过去常缅怀在海军的那段岁月。剑桥国际There was a respectful two-minute silence as we remembered the soldiers who had died in the war.当我们缅怀死于战争的士兵时,举行了一段2分钟的恭敬的默哀。剑桥国际Today we remember those who laid down their lives for their country.今天我们缅怀那些为其祖国而献出生命的人们。剑桥国际




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