

单词 维管束
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bryophyte〕A plant of the Bryophyta, a division of photosynthetic, chiefly terrestrial, nonvascular plants, including the mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.苔藓植物:苔藓植物门的植物,需要光合作用的多为陆生的非维管束植物的一支,包括苔藓、地钱和金鱼藻美国传统〔bundle sheath〕A layer or region of cells surrounding a vascular bundle.维管束鞘:围绕维管束的一层或一部分细胞美国传统〔bundle〕Botany A vascular bundle.【植物学】 维管束美国传统〔interfascicular cambium〕The cambium arising between the vascular bundles.束间形成层:维管束之间的形成层美国传统〔leaf trace〕A strand of vascular tissue that extends between the vascular bundle of a stem and a leaf.叶迹:一束维管组织,伸展于茎和叶的维管束之间美国传统〔pith ray〕The parenchymatous tissue that extends between the vascular bundles of a stem or root.髓射成:一种分布在茎部或根部维管束之间的薄壁组织美国传统〔procambium〕A type of undifferentiated plant tissue that gives rise to vascular tissue.原始形成层:植物分层组织的种类,产生维管束组织美国传统〔transition region〕A zone in a seed plant where the vascular tissue of the root changes into the vascular tissue of the stem.过渡地区:种子植物中的一个部位,其根部的维管束组织变成了茎部的维管束组织美国传统〔xylem〕The supporting and water-conducting tissue of vascular plants, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels; woody tissue.木质部:在维管束植物中的起支撑作用和输水作用的组织,主要由管胞和管道组成;木质组织美国传统




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