

单词 facilitate
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EASY〕Both centers are electronically linked to facilitate communication. 两个中心都由电子方式连接,以方便交流。朗文写作活用〔EASY〕Legislation is urgently needed to facilitate police counterterrorist operations. 急需要立法,以方便警方的反恐行动。朗文写作活用〔ability〕These nouns denote the qualities in a person that permit or facilitate achievement or accomplishment.这些名词都表示某人具有取得进步或成功的素质。美国传统〔access〕We facilitate access to all the data you need.我们会协助您访问所需的所有数据。外研社新世纪〔aglet〕A tag or metal sheath on the end of a lace, cord, or ribbon to facilitate its passing through eyelet holes.金属小箍:鞋带或其它绳带两端的金属箍,使鞋带能容易地穿过网眼美国传统〔animal magnetism〕A special personal power or presence held to facilitate the hypnotism of others.动物磁力:能对他人起催眠效果的一种特殊的个人能力或存在美国传统〔cofferdam〕A watertight chamber attached to the side of a ship to facilitate repairs below the water line.潜箱:一种不漏水的容器,附着在船旁边以便在吃水线以下进行修理美国传统〔ditch〕The drainage system consisted of a few open ditches to facilitate run-off.排水系统包括几条方便排水的明沟。牛津搭配〔draft〕A slight taper given a die to facilitate the removal of a casting.转子:嵌在模具上的细长拨销,使铸件容易被切割美国传统〔drain〕Medicine A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or body cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material.【医学】 引流管:插入伤口或体腔,以便排出液体或脓状物的装置,如管子美国传统〔episiotomy〕Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery.外阴切开术:分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术美国传统〔expedite〕To speed up the progress of; facilitate.加速…的进程;促进美国传统〔facilitate〕Computers can be used to facilitate language learning.计算机可以用来方便语言学习。朗文当代〔facilitate〕Cutting taxes may facilitate economic recovery.减税可能会有利于经济复苏。韦氏高阶〔facilitate〕He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.他认为他的强硬立场推动了经济的复苏。外研社新世纪〔facilitate〕He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.他认为他的强硬立场推动了经济的复苏。柯林斯高阶〔facilitate〕Her rise to power was facilitated by her influential friends.她的掌权多亏她的那些有权势的朋友。韦氏高阶〔facilitate〕It would facilitate matters if they were more co-operative.如果他们再合作些就容易多了。21世纪英汉〔facilitate〕Modern inventions facilitate housework.现代的许多发明使家务简单多了。21世纪英汉〔facilitate〕Structured teaching facilitates learning.有条理的教导有利于学习。牛津高阶〔facilitate〕Such a port would facilitate the passage of oil from the Middle East to Japan.这样一个港口将会使中东至日本的石油运输变得便捷。英汉大词典〔facilitate〕The counsellor may be able to facilitate communication between the couple.顾问也许能够促进这对夫妇之间的交流。麦克米伦高阶〔facilitate〕The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.当前的体系不利于实施高效的工作流程。剑桥高阶〔facilitate〕The moderator's role is to facilitate the discussion by asking appropriate questions.主持人的作用就是通过提出恰当的问题让讨论顺利展开。韦氏高阶〔facilitate〕The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.新机场将促进旅游业的发展。外研社新世纪〔facilitate〕The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.新机场将促进旅游业的发展。柯林斯高阶〔facilitate〕The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.新坡道将方便轮椅进入。剑桥高阶〔facilitate〕The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth.新贸易协定应当会加快经济发展。牛津高阶〔facilitate〕The use of computers has greatly facilitated the company's ability to keep accurate records.计算机的运用大大提高了该公司进行精确记录的能力。牛津搭配〔flux〕A substance applied to a surface to be joined by welding, soldering, or brazing to facilitate the flowing of solder and prevent formation of oxides.焊剂:施于熔接或焊接以防止氧化、促进焊面结合的物质美国传统〔forwarder〕One that forwards, especially an agent that facilitates and assures the passage of received goods to their destination.代运人,转运商:传递东西的人,尤指确保接送货物到达其目的地的代理人美国传统〔gap junction〕An intercellular network of protein channels that facilitates the cell-to-cell passage of ions, hormones, and neurotransmitters.间隙连接:细胞间蛋白质的输入途径,能促进细胞与细胞间离子、荷尔蒙与神经传递素的通过美国传统〔grease〕To facilitate the progress of.加快…的进展美国传统〔herb〕Ali recommends taking herbs to facilitate recovery.阿里建议服用药草来促进康复。牛津搭配〔identification〕The examination facilitates the early identification of any health problems.体检有助于尽早发现健康隐患。牛津搭配〔implementation〕Hospitals have been given extra funds to facilitate the implementation of the changes.医院已经得到特别资金,用来促进改革措施的贯彻执行。牛津搭配〔introduction〕More liberal policies have facilitated the introduction of new technologies.更加宽松的政策促进了新技术的引进。牛津搭配〔ionophore〕Any of a group of organic compounds that facilitate the transport of ions across the cell membrane.离子载体:为离子穿越细胞膜提供运输载体的一组有机化合物中的任何一种美国传统〔link〕Computer Science An identifying term attached to an element in a system to facilitate connection to other identified elements.【计算机科学】 连接,链路:系统元件上的识别项目,可简化同其他被识别项目的连接美国传统〔matter〕If it would facilitate matters, I would be happy to come to New York.如果对事态发展有利,我很乐意来纽约。柯林斯高阶〔pioneer〕A soldier who performs construction and demolition work in the field to facilitate troop movements.轻工兵:战场上,完成建造和破坏工作以便大部队行动的士兵美国传统〔power steering〕A device driven by the engine of a vehicle that facilitates the turning of the steering wheel by the driver.转向动力装置:机动车上由引擎带动的装置,它使驾驶员能够转动方向盘美国传统〔process〕The Web facilitates an interactive process of learning.网络促进学习的互动过程。牛津搭配〔reckoner〕A handbook of mathematical tables used to facilitate computation.计算表:用于帮助方便计算的手册或算术表格美国传统〔restoration〕The government did much to facilitate these restorations.为了方便这些修复工作的进行,政府做了不少工作。牛津搭配〔return〕The organization facilitates the return of refugees and displaced persons.该机构帮助难民及流亡者回家。牛津搭配〔slimnastics〕Physical exercises designed to facilitate weight loss.减肥操:设计用来促使体重下降的体力训练美国传统〔slot〕A gap between a main and an auxiliary airfoil to provide space for airflow and facilitate the smooth passage of air over the wing.(飞机的)翼缝:主机翼与辅机翼之间的沟,用于提供空气流动的空间和帮助空气平稳地流过机翼美国传统〔snowshoe〕A racket-shaped frame containing interlaced leather strips that can be attached to the foot to facilitate walking on deep snow.雪鞋:一种球拍状结构,有相互交织的皮革带子,可以附在脚上,以便在很深的积雪中行走美国传统〔tab〕A projection, flap, or short strip attached to an object to facilitate opening, handling, or identification.标签,突出物:附于某物上,便于开启、手拿或辨认的突起物、垂下物或短条美国传统〔terminal〕A passive conductor at such a position used to facilitate the connection.接线柱:其位置用于连结电路的导体美国传统〔thrombin〕An enzyme in blood that facilitates blood clotting by reacting with fibrinogen to form fibrin.凝血酶:血液中的一种通过与纤维蛋白原反应生成纤维蛋白而促进血凝固的酶美国传统〔tool〕A device, such as a saw, used to perform or facilitate manual or mechanical work.器具,工具:用来进行或促进手工或机械工作的器具,例如锯子美国传统〔tracheostomy〕A tracheotomy performed in order to insert a catheter or tube into the trachea, especially to facilitate breathing.为了将一导管或管道插入气管而施行的气管切开术,尤指为了促进呼吸美国传统〔transillumination〕The passing of a light through the walls of a body part or organ to facilitate medical inspection.透视法:用一束光照过身体的一部分或器官以进行医学检查美国传统〔tuyère〕The pipe, nozzle, or other opening through which air is forced into a blast furnace or forge to facilitate combustion.鼓风口:将空气吹进锻炉或鼓风炉以促进燃烧的鼓风口、鼓风管或其他开口美国传统〔viewer〕Any of various optical devices used to facilitate the viewing of photographic transparencies by illuminating or magnifying them.观察器:通过变亮或者放大来提高图像清晰度的一种视觉设备美国传统She used her contacts at the company to facilitate a deal.为了促成交易,她动用了公司里的熟人。牛津商务The company offered to facilitate an international conference in the following year.这家公司主动要求援助举办下一年的国际会议。剑桥国际The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.当前的机构不利于高效率的工作流程。剑桥国际The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.这种新坡道便利了轮椅进入。剑桥国际




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