

单词 face value
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕Netta accepted Amelia's explanation at face value and didn't ask any more questions. 妮塔拿阿梅莉亚的解释当真,没有进一步追问。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕The letter, if we take it at face value, suggests that Richard is quite happy in his job. 若只看表面,这封信是说理查德对自己的工作很满意。朗文写作活用〔Treasury bill〕A short-term obligation of the U.S. Treasury having a maturity period of one year or less and sold at a discount from face value.短期国库券:美国财政部发行的一种短期债券,一年或少于一年到期,以票面价值打折的形式出售美国传统〔accept〕These figures should not be accepted at face value.不应该对这些数字信以为真。牛津搭配〔at face value〕We bought the tickets at face value.我们按票面价值买了票。韦氏高阶〔double indemnity〕A clause in an insurance policy that provides for payment of double the face value of the contract in case of accidental death.双倍赔偿额:保险单上的条款,在意外死亡时付给双倍于合同协议的赔偿金美国传统〔eagle〕A gold coin formerly used in the United States, stamped with an eagle on the reverse side and having a face value of ten dollars.银鹰徽金币:一种在美国正式使用过的金币,背面印有鹰的图案,其面值为十美元美国传统〔face value〕Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken at face value.对各相关团体的公开言论不必太过当真。柯林斯高阶〔face value〕Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken at face value.对各有关团体的公开声明不必太过当真。外研社新世纪〔face value〕Taken at face value, the figures look very encouraging.若只看表面,数字很令人鼓舞。牛津高阶〔face value〕These threats should not be taken at face value.这些威胁不应该按字面意思来理解。麦克米伦高阶〔face value〕Tickets were selling at twice their face value.这些票以其面值两倍的价钱售出。柯林斯高阶〔face value〕Tickets were selling at twice their face value.这些票以其面值两倍的价钱售出。外研社新世纪〔face value〕You shouldn't always take his remarks at face value.他的话你不应该总是听表面意思。朗文当代〔margin〕The difference between the market value of collateral and the face value of a loan.贷款保证金的市面价格与面额之间的差价美国传统〔nominal〕Of, relating to, or being the amount or face value of a sum of money or a stock certificate, for example, and not the purchasing power or market value.面值的,非市场价值的:属于、关于或是一笔钱或者股票证券的票面价值量的,而并非购买力市场价值美国传统〔par〕Of or relating to monetary face value.票面的:货币面额价值的或与之有关的美国传统〔seigniorage〕Revenue or a profit taken from the minting of coins, usually the difference between the value of the bullion used and the face value of the coin. 铸造利差:通过铸造硬币所获的收益或利润,通常是指所使用的贵金属内含值与硬币面值之差美国传统〔surplus〕Excess of a corporation's net assets over the face value of its capital stock.超净资产:一家公司的总资产超过该公司股票面值的部分美国传统〔take sth at face value〕I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me.我对这提议信以为真,并没料到他们可能想要骗我。剑桥高阶〔tenth〕He traded stocks for one tenth their face value.他以票面价值的十分之一交易了股票。韦氏高阶〔value〕At yesterday's auction an old coin sold for many times more than its face value.在昨天的拍卖会上,一枚古币以高出面值许多倍的价格售出。牛津搭配I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me.我信以为真地接受了这个提议,没料到他们可能想要欺骗我。剑桥国际Mary took his stories at face value and did not know he was joking. 玛丽对他的陈述信以为真,却不知道他是在开玩笑。译典通The face value of the coin is £1, but it's intrinsic value (=the value of the metal) is only a few pence.这个硬币的票面价值是1英镑,但它的本身价值只是几便士。剑桥国际The bond is trading at only half of its face value.这种债券只按其票面价值的一半进行交易。牛津商务The bonds are redeemable at their face value after five years.债券五年后可按面值赎回。牛津商务The note has a face value of £20 but part of the design is missing so it is worth much more to a collector .这张钞票面额20英镑,但因一部分图案漏印,它的价值对一个钱币收藏者来说大大超过面值。剑桥国际




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