

单词 给定
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cartesian product〕A set of all pairs of elements (x, y) that can be constructed from given sets, X and Y, such that x belongs to X and y to Y.笛卡尔乘积:从给定的集合X和Y中构成的所有(x,y)元素对集合,其中x属于X,y属于Y美国传统〔approximation〕Mathematics An inexact result adequate for a given purpose.【数学】 近似值:适用于给定目标的不精确结论美国传统〔bioactivity〕The effect of a given agent, such as a vaccine, upon a living organism or on living tissue.生物活性,生物活度:给定制剂,如疫苗对生物或生物组织的影响美国传统〔biomass〕The total mass of living matter within a given unit of environmental area.生物量:在给定单位环境面积中生命物质的总量美国传统〔caseload〕The number of cases handled in a given period, as by an attorney or by a clinic or social services agency.办事量,办案量:一位律师、一个诊所或一个社会服务机构在一段给定的时期内所处理事物的数量美国传统〔circumpolar〕Astronomy Denoting a star that from a given observer's latitude does not go below the horizon.【天文学】 星体拱极的:表明一颗恒星位于不会低于地平线的一个给定观察者的纬度美国传统〔clear〕To gain (a given amount) as net profit or earnings.获得(给定数量)纯利润或纯收入美国传统〔commutation ticket〕A ticket issued at a reduced rate by a railroad or other transportation company for passage over a given route for a specified number of trips.定期车票:铁路或其他运输公司降价发行的票,用于给定路线特定旅程的通过美国传统〔component〕Mathematics One of a set of two or more vectors having a sum equal to a given vector.【数学】 要素:其和等于给定向量的两个或多个向量中的一个美国传统〔concordance rate〕A quantitative statistical expression for the concordance of a given genetic trait.一致率:为给定基因特征的一致性所作的数学统计表现方式美国传统〔cone〕The surface generated by a straight line, the generator, passing through a fixed point, the vertex, and moving along a fixed curve, the directrix.锥面:由一条直线,即母线,通过一固定点,即顶点,沿一给定曲线,即准线,连续移动而产生的平面美国传统〔confidence interval〕A statistical range with a specified probability that a given parameter lies within the range.置信区间:给定的参数以一定概率落在某一区间内美国传统〔crosswind〕A wind blowing at right angles to a given direction, as to an aircraft's line of flight.侧风:与给定方向成直角吹的风,如与飞行航线成直角的风美国传统〔cube root〕A number whose cube is equal to a given number.立方根:一个数字的立方与所给定数相等美国传统〔curvature〕The ratio of the change in the angle of a tangent that moves over a given arc to the length of the arc.曲率:切线通过给定弧线的角度变化与弧线长度之间的比率美国传统〔debate〕A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition.辩论比赛:在正式的辩论竞赛中,两个对立的队就一给定的命题进行辩论美国传统〔denominate〕To give a name to; designate.命名:给定一个名称;任命美国传统〔deport〕To behave or conduct (oneself) in a given manner; comport.举动:按某种给定的模式行动;举止美国传统〔direction〕The statement in degrees of the angle measured between due north and a given line or course on a compass.方向角度:正北方和罗盘上给定的路线或路径之间测得的角度范围美国传统〔dispersion〕Separation of a complex wave into its component parts according to a given characteristic, such as frequency or wavelength.频散;弥散:复合波根据给定特征,如频率或波长,而分成各组成部分美国传统〔dosimeter〕An instrument that measures and indicates the amount of x-rays or radiation absorbed in a given period.剂量计:测量并指示在给定时间里所接受X射线或其它辐射的剂量的仪器美国传统〔erect〕Mathematics To construct (a perpendicular, for example) from or on a given base.【数学】 作一垂直线:从某一给定基线建(如一条垂线)美国传统〔evolute〕The locus of the centers of curvature of a given curve.渐屈线:一给定曲线率中心的轨迹美国传统〔expandor〕A transducer designed for a given range of input voltages that produces a larger range of output voltages.扩展器:在某一给定范围的输入电压内产生较大输出电压的转换器美国传统〔extension〕Mathematics A set that includes a given and similar set as a subset.【数学】 子集:包含一个给定的或相似的子集的集合美国传统〔fair-trade agreement〕A commercial agreement under which distributors sell products of a given class at no less than a minimum price set by the manufacturer.公平贸易协议:经销商以不低于制造商设置的价格出售某一给定类型的商品的商业协议美国传统〔fidelity〕Exact correspondence with fact or with a given quality, condition, or event; accuracy.逼真:与事实或给定的性质、状态或事件完全一致;逼真美国传统〔filterable〕That can pass through a given pore size.可滤过的:能通过一给定微孔尺寸的美国传统〔generate〕Computer Science To produce (a program) by instructing a computer to follow given parameters with a skeleton program.【计算机科学】 生成,产生:通过命令计算机按照用于框架程序的给定参数来编制一个(程序)美国传统〔given name〕A name given to a person at birth or at baptism.教名:一个人出生或洗礼时被给定的名字美国传统〔gradient〕Physics The rate at which a physical quantity, such as temperature or pressure, changes relative to change in a given variable, especially distance.【物理学】 梯度:一个物理量,如温度或压力,相对于另一给定可变量(尤指距离)的变化的变化率美国传统〔health〕The overall condition of an organism at a given time.生理机能的全面状况:一个给定时间内某生命体的全面状况美国传统〔holohedral〕Having as many planes as required for complete symmetry in a given crystal system.全面的,全对称晶形的:具有在给定的晶体系统中全面对称的全部平面的美国传统〔incarnation〕One who is believed to personify a given abstract quality or idea.典型化身:被认为是某一给定的品质或想法的化身的人美国传统〔indefinite integral〕A function whose derivative is a given function.不定积分:其导数是一给定函数的函数美国传统〔integration〕Mathematics The process of finding the equation or function of which a given quantity or function is the derivative.【数学】 积分:求一个以给定的量或函数为导数的方程或函数解的过程美国传统〔locus〕The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome.基因座:在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置美国传统〔loop〕Computer Science A sequence of instructions that repeats either a specified number of times or until a particular condition prevails.【计算机科学】 循环指令:一系列重复至给定次数或直至达到某种条件的指令美国传统〔luminous intensity〕The luminous flux density per solid angle as measured in a given direction relative to the emitting source.发光强度:在光源的某一给定方向上测量的固定单位角度上光通量密度美国传统〔make〕To measure up to a given standard.达到给定的标准美国传统〔maximum〕The greatest value assumed by a function over a given interval.极大值:在给定区间内的函数最大值美国传统〔memory〕Statistics The set of past events affecting a given event in a stochastic process.【统计学】 过去发生的事:在一随机过程中影响一给定事件的过去发生的一组事件美国传统〔mileage〕The number of miles traveled by a motor vehicle on a given quantity of fuel.行车里程:在给定的油量内一部机动车所行驶的英里里程美国传统〔mileage〕Total miles covered or traveled in a given time.里速度:在给定时间内运行或行驶的总英里数美国传统〔milestone〕A stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles from a given point.里程碑,里程标:路边所设立的石制标志,以英里指示从给定的一点到该路标的距离美国传统〔modulus〕Abbr. modA number by which two given numbers can be divided and produce the same remainder.缩写 mod模数:一个整数,当分别被两个给定整数除时,得到相同的余数美国传统〔overset〕To set too much material for a given space.超排资料:为给定的空间排上过多的资料美国传统〔overset〕To set too much type for (a given space).超排字行:对于(给定的空间)排过多铅字美国传统〔partial fraction〕One of a set of fractions having an algebraic sum equal to a specified fraction.部分分式:一组真分式,它们加起来的代数总和等于一个给定的真分式美国传统〔perpendicular〕A device, such as a plumb line, used in marking the vertical from a given point.垂规,铅垂线:一种装置,如铅垂线,用于从给定点标记竖直方向美国传统〔perpendicular〕Mathematics A line or plane perpendicular to a given line or plane.【数学】 正交线(面):一条或一个与给定直线或平面垂直的直线或平面美国传统〔perpetual calendar〕A chart or mechanical device that indicates the day of the week corresponding to any given date over a period of many years.万年历:一种图表或一部机械装置,用来显示在很多年期间任意给定的日期所对应的星期数美国传统〔plant〕A person stationed in a given location as a spy or an observer.间谍:作为间谍或观察者处在给定位置的人美国传统〔position〕A commitment to buy or sell a given amount of securities or commodities.许可的货品交易量:购买或出售给定数量证券或商品的承诺美国传统〔prevalence〕Medicine The total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific time.【医学】 疾病的流行程度:某一特定时间里在给定数目的人群中所有患病的人数美国传统〔profit and loss〕An account showing net profit and loss over a given period.损益帐:在给定时期内显示纯收益和损失的记录美国传统〔profit〕The rate of increase in the net worth of a business enterprise in a given accounting period.净值利润率:在给定的计算期间内商业企业的净值增加的比率美国传统〔ration〕To supply with rations.供给定美国传统〔saturated〕Combined with or containing all the solute that can normally be dissolved at a given temperature.饱和的:在给定温度下,合成或含有通常所能溶解的最多溶剂的美国传统〔scalogram〕A scale for measuring attitude or opinion in which agreement with a given item implies agreement with the items lower in rank.程度检验表:一种检验态度或意见的表格,其中对某一给定项目的认可即暗示对较低层次上项目的认可美国传统〔schematism〕The patterned disposition of constituents within a given system.系统性组合:在给定系统中处理其组成部分的模式美国传统〔sentry〕A guard, especially a soldier posted at a given spot to prevent the passage of unauthorized persons.消兵:一名守卫,尤指在某一给定位置站岗防止未批准人员通行的士兵美国传统〔set〕To compose (music) to fit a given text.谱曲:为适合某给定体裁而谱(曲)美国传统〔set〕To write (words) to fit a given melodic line.作词:为给定旋律的乐谱填(词)美国传统〔situate〕To place under particular circumstances or in a given condition.使处于:将…置于特殊的气氛或给定的条件美国传统〔sixth〕A tone separated by this interval from a given tone.六度音:由给定声音通过六度音程分离出来的声音美国传统〔sky〕The expanse of air over any given point on Earth; the upper atmosphere as seen from Earth's surface.天,天空:在地球上给定地点上方空气的宽阔区域;大气层上部,如从地球表面看上去美国传统〔social disease〕A disease having its highest incidence among socioeconomic groups predisposed to it by a given set of adverse living or working conditions.社会性疾病:社会经济团体中最容易发生的疾病,因在给定的一系列不利的环境中生活或工作美国传统〔square〕To find a square equal in area to (the area of a given figure).求面积:寻找与一个给定形状区域相等的正方形美国传统〔stay〕These verbs mean to continue to be in a given place.这些动词表示继续保持在某一给定位置。美国传统〔strophe〕The first of a pair of stanzas of alternating form on which the structure of a given poem is based.第一诗节:形式变化的一对诗节中的第一节,在此基础上形成了一首给定诗的结构美国传统〔symmetric group〕A group consisting of all possible permutations of a given number of items.对称群:由某些给定数量的项的所有可能的排列组成的一组美国传统〔temperature gradient〕The rate of change of temperature with displacement in a given direction from a given reference point.温度梯度:从一给定的参考点,伴随着在给定方向上温度变化的速率美国传统〔third〕A tone separated by three degrees from a given tone, especially the third tone of a scale.第三音:距给定音三度的音调,特指音阶中第三个音美国传统〔trajectory〕Mathematics A curve that cuts all of a given family of curves or surfaces at the same angle.【数学】 常角轨道,轨线:以同样的角度切割给定系统所有曲线或平面的曲线美国传统〔transpose〕A matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix.转置矩阵:通过使一个给定的矩阵的行和列互换而形成的矩阵美国传统〔transpose〕Music To write or perform (a composition) in a key other than the original or given key.【音乐】 使…变调:用一种与原来或给定调性不同的调性写或演奏(曲子)美国传统〔triad〕Music A chord of three tones, especially one built on a given root tone plus a major or minor third and a perfect fifth.【音乐】 三和弦:由三个音调组成的一个和弦,尤指以给定的基调加上一个大调或小调的三音度和一个完全的五音度美国传统〔tune〕Electronics Adjustment of a receiver or circuit for maximum response to a given signal or frequency.【电子学】 调谐:调整接收器或电路以获得对于给定的信号或频率的最强反应美国传统〔turnover〕The amount of business transacted during a given period of time.营业额,成交量:在给定的时期间成交的总额美国传统〔turnover〕The number of shares of stock sold on the market during a given period of time.证券交易额:在给定的时间内市场出售的股份总数美国传统〔turnover〕The number of times a particular stock of goods is sold and restocked during a given period of time.周转变,周转次数:在给定时期间某一特定商品出售后又进货的次数美国传统〔turnover〕The number of workers hired by an establishment to replace those who have left in a given period of time.人员更替数,补缺人员数:企业或公司在给定时期内新雇用的代替已离去的工人的总数美国传统〔underwrite〕To insure against losses totaling (a given amount).承保:对合计(给定数量)的损失进行保险美国传统〔union〕Mathematics A set, every member of which is an element of one or another of two or more given sets.【数学】 并,并集:一个集合,它的每一要素是两个或更多给定集合中的一个或另一个的要素美国传统〔unit cost〕The cost of a given unit of a product.单位成本:产品的给定单位的成本美国传统〔unsaturated〕Capable of dissolving more of a solute at a given temperature.不饱和的:在一给定温度下能够溶解更多的溶质的美国传统〔upper bound〕A number that is greater than or equal to every number in a given set of real numbers.上界:一个数,大于或等于给定的一系列实数中任何一数美国传统〔variate〕A random variable with a numerical value that is defined on a given sample space.随机变量:在给定的样本空间内定义的,具有一个数值的随机变量美国传统〔variation〕A form that is an altered version of a given theme, diverging from it by melodic ornamentation and by changes in harmony, rhythm, or key.变奏曲:一种给定主旋律的改编版,通过旋律的修饰和节奏或琴键的变化而从中分离出来美国传统〔wave number〕The number of waves per unit distance in a series of waves of a given wavelength; the reciprocal of the wavelength.频率:给定波长的一系列波中每单位长度波的数目;波长的倒数美国传统〔weather〕The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.天气:给定时间和地点的大气状况,牵涉到变量如温度、湿度、风速和气压美国传统〔white noise〕Acoustical or electrical noise of which the intensity is the same at all frequencies within a given band.白噪音:音响或电力嗓音,在给定波段内所有频率上其强度都一样美国传统The magazine has been positioned as an educational product.这份杂志已给定位为教育产品。牛津商务




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