

单词 绕地
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AROUND/ROUND〕The satellite will orbit the Earth for the next 15 years. 这颗人造卫星将绕地球轨道运行15年。朗文写作活用〔Oceanus〕A Titan god of the outer sea encircling the earth and the father of the Oceanides and the river gods.奥西娜斯:环绕地球的外部海域的泰坦神,为所有海洋女神和河神之父美国传统〔Ptolemy〕Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer who based his astronomy on the belief that all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth.托勒密:亚历山大天文学家,数学家和地理学家,他把他的天文学建立在所有的天体都绕地球运转这样一种信仰之上美国传统〔TURN〕The Earth rotates on its axis once every twenty-four hours. 地球每24小时绕地轴旋转一周。朗文写作活用〔around〕The moon goes around the earth.月亮围绕地球转。剑桥高阶〔axis〕The earth spins on its axis.地球绕地轴旋转。牛津搭配〔capsule〕A Russian space capsule is currently orbiting the Earth.一个俄罗斯太空舱目前正在绕地球轨道飞行。柯林斯高阶〔circuit〕The moon circuits round the earth.月球绕地球运行。21世纪英汉〔circumnavigate〕The ship circumnavigated the world.这艘船环绕地球航行了一周。韦氏高阶〔circumterrestrial〕Revolving around or surrounding the earth.绕地球运行的,围绕地球的美国传统〔civilization〕Astronauts circling the earth are able to keep in touch with civilization by means of radio.环绕地球飞行的宇航员可通过无线电与文明世界保持联系。英汉大词典〔corkscrew〕The horses have to be corkscrewed into the diminutive stables.不得不把这几匹马曲曲绕绕地赶进狭小的马厩。英汉大词典〔earth〕The earth revolves on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。牛津搭配〔elliptical〕The moon follows an elliptical path around the Earth.月球围绕地球沿椭圆形轨道运行。韦氏高阶〔end〕We can assume that the moon will continue to go around the earth until the end of time.我们可以认定月亮会一直不停地继续围绕地球旋转。柯林斯高阶〔engird〕The equator engirds the earth.赤道环绕地球。21世纪英汉〔engird〕The equator engirds the earth.赤道环绕地球。英汉大词典〔girdle〕Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth.气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的火山灰带。柯林斯高阶〔globe〕The boats are capable of circling the globe in 65 days.这些船只可在 65 天内绕地球航行一周。牛津搭配〔imaginary〕The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth.赤道是假想的环绕地球的大圆。英汉大词典〔imaginary〕The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。牛津高阶〔orbit〕A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth.一颗新的人造衞星被送上了环绕地球的轨道。牛津高阶〔orbit〕In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the earth.1957年,苏联发射了第一颗绕地卫星。柯林斯高阶〔orbit〕Once in space, the spacecraft will go into orbit around Earth.一旦进入太空,航天器将进入环绕地球的轨道。剑桥高阶〔orbit〕The Moon orbits around the Earth.月球围绕地球运行。韦氏高阶〔orbit〕The Moon orbits the Earth.月球围绕地球运行。韦氏高阶〔orbit〕The satellite orbits the Earth every 48 hours.这颗人造卫星每 48 小时绕地球运行一周。朗文当代〔orb〕One of a series of concentric transparent spheres thought by ancient and medieval astronomers to revolve about Earth and carry the celestial bodies.透明天球层:古代和中世纪天文学家想象的、围绕地球并承载着天体的一系列透明天球之一美国传统〔parallel〕Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.纬线,纬度圈:与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条美国传统〔perigee〕The point nearest the earth's center in the orbit of the moon or a satellite.近地点:在月球或其它卫星绕地运行的椭圆轨道上最靠近地球的一点美国传统〔pole〕Most weather satellites are stationed over the Equator or travel over the poles.大部分气象卫星定位于赤道上空或绕地球两极飞行。剑桥高阶〔quarter〕One fourth of the period of the moon's revolution around Earth.阴历月的四分之一:月亮围绕地球公转一周的四分之一美国传统〔revolution〕The Earth makes one revolution on its axis in about 24 hours.地球绕地轴自转一周约24小时。韦氏高阶〔revolve around〕The satellite revolves around the Earth once every hundred minutes.人造卫星每100分钟绕地球运转一圈。外研社新世纪〔revolve〕The earth revolves on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。英汉大词典〔revolve〕The satellite revolves around the Earth once every hundred minutes.这颗人造卫星每100分钟围绕地球旋转一周。柯林斯高阶〔rotate〕The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.地球每 24 小时绕地轴自转一周。朗文当代〔rotate〕The Earth rotates on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。韦氏高阶〔rotate〕The earth rotates on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。牛津搭配〔rotate〕The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.人造卫星围绕地球旋转的同时也在缓慢自转。剑桥高阶〔rotation〕The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.在每一个闰年里,地球绕地轴自转366圈。剑桥高阶〔round〕In a circular progression or movement; around.围绕地:成圆圈前进或运动地;环行的美国传统〔round〕The man-made satellite rounds the earth every day.人造卫星每天环绕地球飞行。21世纪英汉〔round〕The moon goes round the earth.月球围绕地球转。剑桥高阶〔round〕Until the 16th century people believed that the sun went round the earth.直到 16 世纪人们一直认为太阳围绕地球转。朗文当代〔satellite〕About 100 Russian satellites are orbiting the earth.约有 100 颗俄罗斯卫星在绕地球运行。牛津搭配〔spin〕The Earth spins on its axis.地球绕地轴旋转。麦克米伦高阶〔spin〕The Earth spins on its own axis.地球绕地轴自转。外研社新世纪〔spin〕The earth spins on its axis.地球绕地轴旋转。剑桥高阶〔spin〕The earth spins on its axis.地球绕地轴旋转。英汉大词典〔translunar〕Extending beyond the moon or the moon's orbit around Earth.越过月球外侧的:在月球以外的或超过月球围绕地球轨道的美国传统〔turn〕The earth turns on its axis once every 24 hours.地球每24小时绕地轴自转一周。剑桥高阶〔turn〕The earth turns on its own axis.地球绕地轴自转。21世纪英汉Most weather satellites are stationed over the Equator or travel over the poles.大部分气象卫星定位于赤道上空或绕地球两极飞行。剑桥国际The Moon goes round (= travels in a circle about) the Earth.月球围绕地球转。剑桥国际The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year.在每个闰年,地球绕地轴自转366圈。剑桥国际The moon circuits round the earth. 月亮绕地球环行。译典通The moon goes around the Earth.月球绕地球转动。剑桥国际The moon makes one revolution of/around the Earth in approximately 29 1/2 days.月球 大约29 1/2 天围绕地球旋转一周。剑桥国际The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.卫星在绕地球旋转的同时缓慢地自转。剑桥国际The spacecraft will fly round the Earth to gain momentum for its trip to Jupiter.太空船绕地球飞行以得到它向木星飞行的动力。剑桥国际




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