

单词 线脚
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔apophyge〕The outward curve at the top and bottom of a column where the shaft joins the capital or base.柱座凹线脚,柱头凹线脚:柱身同柱顶或柱基连结处,其柱顶部和底座的向外曲线美国传统〔baguette〕Architecture A narrow, convex molding.【建筑学】 圆凸线,小圆线脚:一种细的凸圆线条美国传统〔bed molding〕The molding between the corona and frieze of an entablature.线脚:古典柱式顶部的缘线,位于挑檐滴水板与壁缘之间美国传统〔cavetto〕A concave molding with a cross section that approximates a quarter circle.飞檐的凹圆线脚:截面近于九十度弧的凹线脚美国传统〔cove〕A concave molding.内凹线脚:凹陷的线脚美国传统〔cyma recta〕A cyma in which the upper section is concave and the lower section convex.反S形线脚,上凹:一种反曲线装饰板条,其上部是凹的,而下部是凸的美国传统〔cymatium〕The topmost molding of a classical cornice.反曲线脚:古典建筑的顶部线脚美国传统〔dado〕Architecture The section of a pedestal between base and surbase.【建筑学】 墩身:根基和基柱装饰线脚之间的基底部分美国传统〔gadroon〕An ornamental band, used especially in silverwork, embellished with fluting, reeding, or another continuous pattern.串珠状缘饰:用凹槽、芦苇形线脚或其它串状装饰来点缀的尤用于银器的装饰线脚美国传统〔gadroon〕Architecture A band of convex molding carved with ornamental beading or reeding.【建筑学】 刻纹圆线脚装饰:在圆线脚上加以雕刻小凸嵌线装饰或芦苇形线脚装饰而形成的装绵样式美国传统〔label〕Architecture A molding over a door or window; a dripstone.【建筑学】 门或窗户上面的线脚;滴水石美国传统〔necking〕Architecture A molding between the upper part of a column and the projecting part of the capital.【建筑学】 柱颈线脚:柱子顶部和柱头突出部分之间的线脚美国传统〔ogee〕A molding having the profile of an S-shaped curve.S形线脚:形为S的曲线线脚的铸件美国传统〔ovolo〕A rounded convex molding, often a quarter section of a circle or an ellipse.凸圆线脚装饰:一个圆的凸圆体塑模,通常为一圆或椭圆的四分之一部分美国传统〔reeding〕Architecture A convex decorative molding having parallel strips resembling thin reeds.【建筑学】 芦苇形线脚:一种有形似细芦苇的两条平行线条的凸面装饰线脚美国传统〔stop〕Architecture A projecting stone, often carved, at the end of a molding.【建筑学】 突出的石头:在建筑物线脚末端突出的石头,常有雕刻美国传统〔surbased〕Having a surbase.有柱基座线脚装饰的美国传统〔surbase〕A molding or border above the base of a structure such as a baseboard.柱基座线脚装饰:位于一结构底部上方的装饰线脚或板条,例如护壁板美国传统〔torus〕Architecture A large convex molding, semicircular in cross section, located at the base of a classical column.【建筑学】 凸圆线脚,座盘装饰:一种大的凸起装饰,呈环状半圆形,用于古典雕柱的底座美国传统〔water table〕A projecting ledge, molding, or stringcourse along the side of a building, designed to throw off rainwater.承雨线脚:沿建筑物边探出的架状物、线脚或束带层,设计用来排水美国传统〔woodwork〕Objects made of or work done in wood, especially wooden interior fittings in a house, as moldings, doors, staircases, or windowsills.木制器:用木头制成的物品或用木器做的工作,尤指房屋内木制的内部装置,像线脚、门、楼梯或窗台美国传统A piece of moulding has broken off the picture frame.一条线脚从画框上断开。剑桥国际




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