

单词 纳入
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔English〕To adapt into English; Anglicize.把…采纳入英语;使英国化美国传统〔National Health Service〕An increasing number of these treatments are now available on the National Health Service.现在越来越多这样的治疗项目已纳入国民医疗保健系统。外研社新世纪〔National Health Service〕An increasing number of these treatments are now available on the National Health Service.现在越来越多这样的治疗项目已纳入国民医疗保健系统。柯林斯高阶〔ambit〕They believe that all the outstanding issues should fall within the ambit of the talks.他们认为,所有悬而未决的问题都应纳入会谈范围之内。剑桥高阶〔bracket〕To include or exclude by establishing specific boundaries.明确类别:用设立明确边界的方法纳入或排除美国传统〔build into〕We have to build computers into the school curriculum.我们必须把计算机课纳入学校课程。外研社新世纪〔build〕We have to build computers into the school curriculum.我们必须把计算机纳入到学校的课程中。柯林斯高阶〔confidentiality〕They urged lawmakers to include confidentiality provisions in any new system.他们敦促立法者将保密规定纳入所有新推行的制度中。牛津搭配〔conservation〕The commission calls for a bold, new conservation ethic that embraces the oceans as a public trust.委员会提议建立一套全新、大胆的自然保护准则,将海洋纳入公众管辖范围。牛津搭配〔consideration〕The whole affair is bound to be taken into consideration when the Indian side is picked.如果选的是印度一方,整个事件必定会纳入考虑范围之中。柯林斯高阶〔curriculum〕Spanish is in the curriculum.西班牙语已纳入课程内容。牛津高阶〔curriculum〕Spanish is on the curriculum.西班牙语已纳入课程内容。牛津高阶〔curriculum〕They all have to study French because it's on the curriculum.因为法语已纳入课程规划,所以他们都必须学。牛津搭配〔directive〕The proposals are contained in a European directive on wild birds.这些建议纳入了欧洲关于野生鸟类的指导政策中。牛津搭配〔disability〕Many children with mild disabilities are integrated in general education.许多患有轻度残疾的儿童纳入了普通教育。牛津搭配〔dovetail into〕We dovetailed our investigation into the new works.我们把我们的研究纳入这部新著作中来。(或:我们借助这部新著作进行研究。)21世纪英汉〔drachma〕In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.1992 年 4 月间希腊的德拉克马是唯一一种还未纳入欧洲货币体系兑换机制的欧共体成员国货币。柯林斯高阶〔embedded〕This agreement will be embedded in a state treaty to be signed soon.这个协议将被纳入即将签署的国家条约。外研社新世纪〔embedded〕This agreement will be embedded in a state treaty to be signed soon.这份协议将被纳入即将签署的国家条约中。柯林斯高阶〔embed〕The aim is to embed in the civil service the best modern management practices.目标是把最好的现代管理方法纳入行政体系。外研社新世纪〔embody〕The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution.提案已被纳入了决议草案。外研社新世纪〔enter〕Financial matters entered into the discussion.财政问题纳入讨论之列美国传统〔enter〕The phrase has already entered the language.这条习语已经被纳入该语言了。柯林斯高阶〔ethos〕The company made environmental awareness part of its business ethos.这家公司把环保意识纳入了自己的商业道德观。韦氏高阶〔exploitative〕The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界纳入到了剥削性的世界体系中。外研社新世纪〔factor〕In doing our calculations we need to factor in inflation.计算时,我们应该把通货膨胀纳入考虑范围。韦氏高阶〔factor〕Very large safety factors are built in to the regulatory process.监管进程中大量纳入了安全方面的因素。外研社新世纪〔factor〕We need to factor inflation into our calculations.我们应该把通货膨胀纳入计算。韦氏高阶〔file〕To enter (a legal document) on public official record.归于官方的档案:把(一份法律文件)纳入公务记录美国传统〔frame〕He is back in the frame for the Norway game on Friday.他被重新纳入星期五与挪威队比赛的人选范围。麦克米伦高阶〔ideological〕We have no ideological objection to involving private companies in the healthcare system.我们在思想上不反对把私营公司纳入医疗保健体系。麦克米伦高阶〔include〕The results came in too late for us to include them in the study.这些结果出来得太晩,我们没能把它们纳入到研究中。韦氏高阶〔incorporate〕Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan.你的很多建议已纳入计划中。牛津高阶〔incorporate〕Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.调查中取得的建议已被纳入了最终的设计之中。剑桥高阶〔incorporate〕The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.该党宣誓要把环境因素纳入它所有的政策当中。柯林斯高阶〔incorporate〕The party vowed to incorporate environmental considerations into all its policies.该党派郑重宣告要把环境因素纳入其所有的政策。外研社新世纪〔incorporate〕The treaty has never been incorporated into British law.该条约从未被纳入英国法律。外研社新世纪〔incorporate〕They incorporated his proposals into (或 in) their plan.他们把他的提议纳入他们的计划。英汉大词典〔incorporate〕We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.我们在设计中纳入了所有最新的安全装置。牛津高阶〔initiate〕She was initiated into the secret society.她被纳入了秘密会社。外研社新世纪〔insinuate〕Somehow he always manages to insinuate himself into our plans.不知用什么手段他总是能把他自己纳入到我们的计划中。麦克米伦高阶〔institutionalization〕The goal is to institutionalize family planning into community life.目标是将计划生育纳入社区生活中。柯林斯高阶〔intake〕The act of taking in.纳入纳入的行为美国传统〔intake〕The quantity taken in.纳入美国传统〔integrate into〕The committee integrated some of the suggestions into its plan.该委员会将部分建议纳入了它的计划。21世纪英汉〔integrate〕We provide resources that can be integrated into the national teaching programme.我们提供可纳入全国教学计划的资源。麦克米伦高阶〔introduce〕To put inside or into; insert or inject.纳入,放入:置于…里面或内部;插入或注入美国传统〔introject〕To incorporate (characteristics of a person or an object) into one's own psyche unconsciously.使形成内心形象:下意识地将(人或物的特征)纳入自己的心灵美国传统〔line〕He is fourth in line to be admitted to the society.他将是被接纳入会的第四个。英汉大词典〔lock〕The currency is now locked into the European Monetary System.该货币现已被纳入欧洲货币体系中。麦克米伦高阶〔mainstream〕Deaf children can often be included in mainstream education.失聪儿童通常都可以纳入主流教育。朗文当代〔mainstream〕Environmental ideas have been absorbed into the mainstream of European politics.环境观点已被纳入欧洲政治的主流。朗文当代〔mainstream〕The poor should be mainstreamed into the private health-insurance system.穷人应该被纳入私人健康保险体系。韦氏高阶〔measure〕Last year's intake just didn't measure up.去年纳入的人数没有达到预期的要求。牛津高阶〔microcosm〕The audience was selected to create a microcosm of American society.观众是经过选择的,以把美国社会各阶层人士都纳入其中。剑桥高阶〔orbit〕In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union.20世纪70年代后期, 老挝被纳入越南和苏联的势力范围。外研社新世纪〔orbit〕In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union.20世纪70年代末,老挝被纳入了越南和苏联的势力范围。柯林斯高阶〔ownership〕The estate passed into public ownership.这一片私有土地已纳入公有。牛津搭配〔playlist〕We've playlisted many artists like Beth Orton who got picked up down the line by others.我们把很多像贝丝·奥顿这样的艺术家纳入了播放表,他们之后也逐渐为其他人所认识。柯林斯高阶〔playlist〕We've playlisted many artists like Beth Orton who got picked up down the line by others.我们把很多像贝丝•奥顿这样的艺术家纳入了播放表, 他们之后也逐渐为他人所知。外研社新世纪〔preservation order〕The entire city is under a preservation order.整个城市都被纳入了保护令的保护范围。柯林斯高阶〔preservation order〕The entire city is under a preservation order.整座城市都被纳入了保护令的保护范围。外研社新世纪〔quota〕The maximum number, especially of people, that may be admitted to a nation, a group, or an institution.限额:被招纳入一个国家、小组或机构所允许的最大数目,尤指人美国传统〔reception〕He decided to run for a seat on the school committee only a year after his reception into the community.他被纳入这个社区仅一年,就决定在校董会竞选一个职位。韦氏高阶〔reception〕He was honoured by reception into the Academy.他被光荣地接纳入学会。英汉大词典〔recognize〕Law To enter into a recognizance.【法律】 具结:纳入具结书美国传统〔reintegrate〕We should reintegrate our nation's economy into the world economy.我们应当将国家经济重新纳入世界经济中去。21世纪英汉〔rezone〕Our 8-year-old son was rezoned to the new school.我家8岁的儿子因区划改变而被纳入那所新学校读书。英汉大词典〔select few〕Only a select few will be accepted into the program.只有被选中的一小部分会被纳入这个计划。韦氏高阶〔shelve〕Atlanta has shelved plans to include golf in the 1996 Games.亚特兰大已搁置了将高尔夫球纳入 1996 年奥运会的计划。柯林斯高阶〔structuralize〕National culture structuralizes individual behaviour.民族文化使个人行为纳入一种模式。英汉大词典〔structuralize〕To form, organize, or incorporate into a structure.形成,组织或使纳入结构美国传统〔subject〕Therefore it was a good opportunity to subject the region under their jurisdiction.因此, 这是把该地区纳入管辖范围的一个良机。外研社新世纪〔subsume〕After that the two alliances might be subsumed into a new European security system.之后, 这两个联盟可能会被纳入一个新的欧洲安全体系之中。外研社新世纪〔subsume〕After that the two alliances might be subsumed into a new European security system.从那以后,这两个联盟将可能会被纳入一个新的欧洲安全体系之中。柯林斯高阶〔subsume〕Art courses have been subsumed under the Humanities Department.艺术课程已被纳入人文系的课程内。麦克米伦高阶〔subsume〕Scottish football would be subsumed by a British League.苏格兰足球将被纳入某个英国足球联赛。柯林斯高阶〔syllabus〕Let's include that in this year's syllabus.咱们把那一项纳入到今年的大纲里吧。牛津搭配〔take〕To take into consideration.把…纳入考虑范围美国传统〔teaching〕Work experience is integrated into the teaching programme / program.工作经历被纳入教学大纲中。牛津搭配〔up〕The plan was up for consideration.这个计划已经纳入了考虑范围。外研社新世纪〔widen〕They are trying to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.他们正在尽量拓宽讨论范围以纳入环境问题。21世纪英汉〔yoke〕The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy.《汽车协定》强行将加拿大安大略省纳入了美国的经济体系中。外研社新世纪〔yoke〕The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy.《汽车协定》强行将安大略纳入了美国的经济体系中。柯林斯高阶Many of your suggestions have been incorporated into the plan.你的许多建议已纳入这个计划中。牛津商务Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.从调查中得来的建议被纳入了最后的设计之中。剑桥国际That students from mainland China should be incorporated into the health insurance scheme has already been set in stone. 有关陆生纳入健保的事已经定案了。译典通They took a pay cut as part of a package of measures to save the company.他们把降薪纳入一揽子公司拯救措施。牛津商务We will incorporate your suggestion in this new plan. 我们将把你的建议纳入这一新的计划。译典通




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