

单词 红细胞
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RBC〕Red blood cell count.红血球记数;红细胞记数美国传统〔adhere〕Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.细菌一进入血液里,就附着在红细胞表面上。牛津高阶〔attack〕The virus attacks the body's red blood cells.这种病毒侵害身体内的血红细胞麦克米伦高阶〔bloodstream〕Red blood cells transport oxygen through the bloodstream.红细胞通过血液循环输送氧。牛津搭配〔corpuscle〕Deficiency of red corpuscles is caused by a lack of iron.红细胞生成不足是由缺铁引起的。柯林斯高阶〔disk〕Red blood cells are roughly the shape of a disk.红细胞大致呈圆盘状。牛津高阶〔erythroblastosis〕The abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the blood.成红细胞增多症,母红血球增多症:血液中红血球异常出现美国传统〔erythroblast〕Any of the nucleated cells normally found only in bone marrow that develop into erythrocytes.成红细胞,红血球母细胞:一种有核细胞,通常仅能在骨髓中发现并能够发展成为红血球美国传统〔formed〕Red blood cells are formed elements of the blood.红细胞是血液的有机成分。英汉大词典〔help〕Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells.铁有助于促进红细胞的形成。牛津搭配〔hypoxia〕Hypoxia can result in an increase in the production of erythropoietin.缺氧可能导致红细胞生成素增加。剑桥高阶〔isoagglutinin〕An isoantibody normally present in the serum of an individual that causes the agglutination of the red blood cells of another individual of the same species.同种凝集素;同族凝集素:在一个个体的血清中正常存在的同种(同族)抗体,它能导致同种另一个体的红细胞出现凝集现象美国传统〔isoagglutinogen〕An isoantigen that on exposure to its corresponding isoantibody causes agglutination of the red blood cells to which it is attached.同种凝集原;同族凝集原:一个同种(同族)抗原,在接触它相应的同种(同族)抗体的会导致与其附在一起的红细胞发生凝集美国传统〔lysin〕An antibody that is capable of causing the destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, bacteria, or other cellular elements.溶素:一种能够引起红细胞、细菌或其它细胞成份的损害或溶解的抗体美国传统〔produce〕Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.红细胞在骨髓内生成。剑桥高阶〔product〕Hemoglobin is a product of red blood cells.血红蛋白是红细胞的生成物。朗文当代〔regenerate〕Vitamin B assists in red-blood-cell regeneration.维生素B可以促进红细胞再生。柯林斯高阶〔schistocyte〕A fragmented part of a red blood cell.分裂部分:血红细胞的分裂部分美国传统〔schistocyte〕A red blood cell undergoing fragmentation.裂细胞:分裂的血红细胞美国传统〔siderocyte〕A red blood cell containing granules of iron that are not part of the cell's hemoglobin.高铁红细胞:一种含有铁元素的颗粒状红血细胞,这些颗粒不是细胞血红蛋白的组成部分美国传统〔uptake〕The drug increases the number of red cells in the blood, enhancing oxygen uptake by 10 percent.这种药增加了血液里的红细胞数量,从而将摄氧量提高了10%。柯林斯高阶Amgen's blockbuster drug, Epogen 美国安进公司非常成功的药物,红细胞生成素牛津商务In a positive result the red cells agglutinate, resulting in a visible alteration of the appearance of the sample. 在阳性的结果中,红细胞凝集,使样品的外观产生可见的变化。译典通Some people with red-cell mutations such as thalassaemia and sickle cell anaemia inherit an immunity to malaria.有些红细胞突变的人,如地中海式贫血病人和镰状红细胞贫血病人遗传对疟疾的免疫。剑桥国际




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