

单词 extend
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-enriched〕An extended family enriches life in many ways.大家庭在很多方面会使生活更加丰富多彩。柯林斯高阶〔Bellingshausen Sea〕An arm of the southern Pacific Ocean off the coast of Antarctica extending from Alexander I Island to Thurston Island.别林斯高晋海:南太平洋在南极洲海岸一侧的分支,从亚历山大一世岛延伸至瑟斯顿岛美国传统〔Bon〕A peninsula of northeast Tunisia extending into the Mediterranean Sea across from Sicily.波恩角:突尼斯东北部延伸入地中海的一个半岛,在西西里岛对面美国传统〔DISTANCE〕From the corner of the terrace the path extended down to the sea. 这条小道从平台的一角延伸至海边。朗文写作活用〔Darling Range〕An upland region of southwest Australia extending along the Pacific coast north and south of Perth.达令山脉:澳大利亚西南部一高山地区,沿着太平洋海岸和佩思的北部和南部延伸美国传统〔LAST〕If the investigation is a sustained piece of work extending over a period of weeks, a diary will help to track events. 如果调查是一项长久的工作,要进行好几个星期,那么日记可以帮助把事情记录下来。朗文写作活用〔La Raza〕Mexicans or Mexican Americans considered as a group, sometimes extending to all Spanish-speaking people of the Americas.拉雅族人:墨西哥人或是墨裔美国人的总称,有时也扩展到指代所有说西班牙语的美洲人美国传统〔Lesser Antilles〕An island group of the eastern West Indies extending in an arc from Curaçao to the Virgin Islands.小安的列斯群岛:西印度群岛中的一个群岛,从库拉索岛向处女群岛成弧状延伸美国传统〔Massachusetts Bay〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean off eastern Massachusetts extending from Cape Ann in the north to Cape Cod in the south.马萨诸塞湾:美国马萨诸塞州东部大西洋入口处,北起安角,南到鳕鱼角美国传统〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The Air Transit Authority's jurisdiction extends beyond the airport itself to include warehouses and associated buildings. 空运管理局的管辖权超越了机场本身,还包括仓库和相关建筑。朗文写作活用〔Piedmont〕A plateau region of the eastern United States extending from New York to Alabama between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic coastal plain.皮埃蒙特山麓高原:美国东部一高原地区,从纽约州延伸至阿拉巴马州,位于阿巴拉契亚山脉和大西洋沿岸平原之间美国传统〔Sharon〕A fertile plain of western Israel extending along the Mediterranean coast south of Haifa.沙伦平原:以色列西部的一片肥沃平原,沿海法南部地中海海岸线延伸开来美国传统〔Skaw〕A cape on the northern extremity of Jutland, Denmark, extending into the Skagerrak.斯考:丹麦日德兰半岛北部顶端的一海角,延伸入斯卡格拉克海峡美国传统〔TIME〕The bank says that they can extend the term of our mortgage. 银行说可以延长我们的抵押借款年期。朗文写作活用〔Venezuela〕An inlet of the Caribbean Sea between northwest Venezuela and northern Colombia. It extends southward as Lake Maracaibo.委内瑞拉湾:加勒比海位于委内瑞拉西北部和哥伦比亚北部之间的一个港湾。它向南延伸成为马拉开波湖美国传统〔angular momentum〕The vector sum of the angular momentums of each component particle of an extended body.动量矩:伸展体的每个组成微粒的角动量的矢量值美国传统〔approach〕Extending this approach to the rest of the planet became the focus for our international negotiations.将这一方法推广至全球其他地区成为我们进行国际谈判的核心。牛津搭配〔approach〕This approach can be extended to other fields.这个方法可推广至其他领域。牛津搭配〔as far as the eye can see〕The hills extend as far as the eye can see.极目所至,山丘绵延不断。韦氏高阶〔backstay〕Nautical A rope or shroud extending from the top of a mast aft to a ship's side or stern to help support the mast.【航海】 后支索:从桅杆顶部向船边或船尾延伸以帮助支撑桅杆的绳子或支索美国传统〔beltway〕Her influence extends beyond the Beltway.她的影响力扩大到华盛顿特区之外。韦氏高阶〔bereaved〕Don't forget to extend condolences to the bereaved.别忘了向丧家吊唁。文馨英汉〔beyond〕Our land extends beyond the fence to those trees.我们的土地包括从篱笆到树木的那一大片地方。韦氏高阶〔bodice〕The fitted part of a dress that extends from the waist to the shoulder.女上衣的上部:女连衣裙的上身,从腰部延伸到肩部美国传统〔bowsprit〕A spar, extending forward from the stem of a ship, to which the stays of the foremast are fastened.船首斜桅:从船头柱上伸出来的帆桅,其上用于系前桅的支索美国传统〔brachium〕The part of the upper arm or forelimb extending from the shoulder to the elbow.肱,上臂:从肩至肘之间的上臂部分或前肢美国传统〔branch〕Extend your thinking about each solution by branching downwards to further problems the solution might create.拓展你对每个解决方法的思路, 深入思考该方法可能会产生的其他问题。外研社新世纪〔break〕The fields extend for miles without a break.田野绵延不断数英里。韦氏高阶〔bridge loan〕A short-term loan intended to provide or extend financing until a more permanent arrangement is made.过渡性贷款:打算在做好更长远的安排前提供或延长资助的短期贷款美国传统〔cadenza〕An extended virtuosic section for the soloist near the end of a movement of a concerto.华彩段:音乐会发展到尾声时独唱者加上的精巧的片段美国传统〔cap〕The band capped off the show with an extended version of their classic hit.乐队以他们风靡一时的经典曲目的延长版结束了演出。韦氏高阶〔choice〕This government is committed to extending parental choice in education.本届政府承诺扩大父母在教育方面的选择权。牛津高阶〔clap〕While Onassis might clap a friend on the back, Niarchos would extend a businesslike hand.奥纳西斯可能会拍拍朋友的后背,可尼亚尔霍斯却会公事公办地伸出手来。柯林斯高阶〔cleft〕Botany Having indentations that extend about halfway to the center, as in certain leaves.【植物学】 半裂的:有锯齿状边缘的,延伸到距中心一半的距离,例如某些叶片美国传统〔coat〕A garment extending to just below the waist and usually forming the top part of a suit.短上衣:刚延伸到腰下的外衣,通常是一套衣服的上半部分美国传统〔coat〕A sleeved outer garment extending from the shoulders to the waist or below.外套:带袖的外衣,从肩延伸到腰或腰以下美国传统〔colon〕The section of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum.结肠:从盲肠到直肠的大肠的一部分美国传统〔color-field〕A style of painting that features large flat areas of color spread across the entire canvas to suggest that they extend beyond the canvas into infinity.色域绘画:为画图的风格,特色为涂抹过整个画布的大且平坦的颜色区域,来暗示已延伸出画布,到达无限的空间美国传统〔commission〕The commission of Christ's ministers extends to every creature throughout the world.基督教牧师对全世界的每个生灵都负有职责。外研社新世纪〔continental shelf〕A submerged border of a continent that slopes gradually and extends to a point of steeper descent to the ocean bottom.大陆架:大陆板块的水下连接部分,逐渐倾斜并一直延伸到通向大洋底部的更为陡峭的斜坡处美国传统〔continue〕To carry further in time, space, or development; extend.延伸:使…在时间、空间或发展上扩展;使…延伸美国传统〔convey〕The railway company extended a branch line to Brightlingsea to convey fish direct to Billingsgate.铁路公司将一条支线延长至布赖特灵西, 以将鱼直接运至比林斯门。外研社新世纪〔cover〕The tax may be extended to cover books.该税可能要扩大范围,把图书也包括在内。牛津搭配〔credit rating〕An estimate of the amount of credit that can be extended to a company or person without undue risk.信用等级:对能够无风险地给予某公司或个人的信贷数额的评估美国传统〔dead-man's float〕A prone floating position in swimming in which the swimmer's arms are extended straight forward above the head and the legs are held together.浮水姿势:一种俯卧状漂浮游泳的姿势,游泳者的胳膊向前直伸超过头部,而且腿合在一起美国传统〔deck〕Nautical A platform extending horizontally from one side of a ship to the other.【航海】 甲板,舱面:从船的一侧向另一侧水平延伸的平台美国传统〔diphycercal〕Having or designating a tail fin in which the vertebral column extends to the tip, with symmetrical upper and lower parts.原形尾鳍的,双尾的:尾鳍上下两片相同或接近相同,脊柱延伸至末端而不上翘的美国传统〔diversify〕To extend (business activities) into disparate fields.多角化,多元化:把(商业活动)扩展到多元化的领域美国传统〔divorce〕The Act extended the grounds (=legal reasons) for divorce .这条法律放宽了离婚条件。朗文当代〔dolphin striker〕A small vertical spar under the bowsprit of a sailboat that extends and helps support the martingale.小帆桅:一种在海船船首斜桅后,用来支撑帆的小帆桅美国传统〔echelon grating〕A diffraction grating made of parallel glass plates, each of which extends slightly beyond the next, used to examine extremely fine structures.梯状光栅:用来检查极小结构的衍射光栅,由平行的玻璃片组成,每块玻璃片都比邻近一块长出一点美国传统〔elbow〕Extend your arms without locking your elbows.伸展你的胳膊,放松肘部。牛津搭配〔entente〕The French entente with Great Britain had already been significantly extended.法国和英国之间友好协议的范围已经大幅度拓宽。柯林斯高阶〔epic〕An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.史诗:用严肃或庄重的语言写成的叙事长诗,歌颂传奇中或历史上英雄的丰功伟绩美国传统〔estuary〕An arm of the sea that extends inland to meet the mouth of a river.海湾:海洋伸进大路与河口相遇的分支美国传统〔exactly〕It's not exactly a novel, more an extended short story.这不完全是部长篇小说,更像是一部加长了的短篇小说。麦克米伦高阶〔expansion〕A quantity written in an extended form, as a sum of terms or a continued product.展开式:以展开形式写出的量,象数字的总和或连续的乘积美国传统〔extend into〕His researches have extended into many fields.他的研究发展到了很多领域中。21世纪英汉〔extend yourself〕She's always willing to extend herself for others.她总愿意不遗余力地帮助他人。韦氏高阶〔extended〕She accepted his extended hand.她握了一下他伸出的手。英汉大词典〔extended〕The computer uses extended memory.计算机使用扩展内存。朗文当代〔extended〕You might consider renting a house there for an extended period to get the feel of the area.你可以考虑在那里长期租房, 感受一下那个地区。外研社新世纪〔extend〕British Coal is planning to extend its operations in Wales.英国煤炭公司正在计划把业务扩展到威尔士。朗文当代〔extend〕Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car.精心保养可延长汽车寿命。牛津高阶〔extend〕George extended his hand (=offered to shake hands) .乔治伸出手来。朗文当代〔extend〕He extended his hand as a greeting (= held out his hand for someone to shake it).他伸出手去表示欢迎。剑桥高阶〔extend〕He extended his hand, and Brody shook it.他伸出手, 布罗迪握了一下。外研社新世纪〔extend〕He stood there, his arms extended towards the horrified villagers.他站在那里,向受惊的村民伸出手来。麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕Her new-found tolerance does not extend to single mothers.她近来培养出一颗包容之心,可是对单身母亲仍然谈不上宽容。剑桥高阶〔extend〕Her solicitude extends to all of the less fortunate.她对所有处境不幸的人都很关怀。英汉大词典〔extend〕His interests extend to art and literature.他的兴趣涉及艺术和文学。韦氏高阶〔extend〕His power extends over the whole country.他的势力扩大到全国。21世纪英汉〔extend〕His writing career extended over a period of 40 years.他的写作生涯超过了 40 年。牛津高阶〔extend〕I'd like to extend my thanks to all the catering staff.我想对承办酒席的全体工作人员表示感谢。朗文当代〔extend〕I'm sure you will join me in extending a very warm welcome to our visitors.我肯定你们会同我一起向来访者表示热烈的欢迎。牛津高阶〔extend〕Manchester United extended their lead at the top of the table to 10 points.曼联队继续位列榜首,并将领先优势扩大到了 10 分。朗文当代〔extend〕May I extend my congratulations to the winners? 请允许我向获胜者表示祝贺。麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕My duties at the school extend beyond just teaching.我在学校的职责不只是教书。朗文当代〔extend〕Rain is expected to extend to (= arrive in) all parts of the country by this evening.预计今天傍晚之前降雨范围会扩大到全国各个地区。剑桥高阶〔extend〕The European powers extended their authority in Asia.欧洲列强在亚洲扩大他们的管辖权。21世纪英汉〔extend〕The banks have decided to extend credit to the company (=allow them to borrow more money) .这几家银行已决定继续向该公司提供贷款。朗文当代〔extend〕The beach extends beyond the horizon.海滩延伸到地平线之外。麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕The carpenter extended the measuring tape as far as it would go.木匠把卷尺拉长到不能再拉为止。21世纪英汉〔extend〕The garden extends to the fence.这个花园一直伸展到篱笆处。牛津同义词〔extend〕The government is extending aid to people who have been affected by the earthquake.政府正在为地震受灾居民提供援助。剑桥高阶〔extend〕The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux.高铁拟从巴黎延伸至波尔多。柯林斯高阶〔extend〕The path extends beyond the end of the road.这条小路一直通到大路尽头很远的地方。剑桥高阶〔extend〕The school is extending the range of subjects taught.学校正在拓宽授课学科的范围。牛津高阶〔extend〕The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts.服务项目还包括包装和递送礼物。柯林斯高阶〔extend〕The store extends credit only to its regular customers.这家店只给老主顾赊账。韦氏高阶〔extend〕They have agreed to extend the deadline for completion of the building work.推迟最后期限麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕This law extends to children under the age of 14 only.该法律仅适用于14岁以下的儿童。麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕This licence does not extend beyond the end of May.该执照过了5月底就失效了。麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range.今年他们发布了3种新产品, 以扩大产品范围。外研社新世纪〔extend〕We have plans to extend our house (= to make it bigger).我们计划扩建房屋。剑桥高阶〔extend〕We're planning to extend our publishing of children's books (= increase it).我们正计划扩展儿童图书的出版业务。剑桥高阶〔extend〕You can extend the table by pulling out the middle section.可以拉出中间部分来加长桌子。麦克米伦高阶〔extend〕You identify the able pupils and you extend them and you push them forward.你识出有才华的学生, 锤炼他们, 推其上进。外研社新世纪〔extension〕The position assumed by an extended limb.伸肢定位:用伸出的肢体判断出的位置美国传统〔eyebrow〕The bony ridge extending over the eye.眉:延伸于眼睛上弓的骨骼突出的隆起美国传统〔fibula〕The outer and narrower of two bones of the human lower leg, extending from the knee to the ankle.人的腓骨:人的小腿的两根骨头中较向外侧和较细的那根,从膝盖延伸到脚踝之间美国传统〔fin〕A membranous appendage extending from the body of a fish or other aquatic animal, used for propelling, steering, or balancing the body in the water.鳍:从鱼类或其他水生动物的身体延伸的膜状附肢,用以在水中推进、平衡或引导身体美国传统〔foreshorten〕The parts that extend towards the viewer are foreshortened.面向观赏者的部分用透视法缩短了。韦氏高阶〔franchise〕The franchise was later extended to all adults over eighteen.后来选举权的范围扩大到所有 18 岁以上的成人。牛津搭配〔friendship〕The Indians have extended the hand of friendship (=shown that they want to be friends with another country) .印度人伸出了友谊之手。朗文当代〔gaiter〕A heavy cloth or leather covering for the legs extending from the instep to the ankle or knee.鞋罩,绑腿:绑在从脚面至脚腕或膝盖的腿部的厚布或皮革罩美国传统〔half sole〕A shoe sole that extends from the shank to the toe.鞋底前掌:中部至足尖的鞋底美国传统〔hamstring muscle〕Any of the three muscles constituting the back of the upper leg that serve to flex the knee joint, adduct the leg, and extend the thigh.掴绳肌:大腿后部的三块肌肉之一,用来屈伸膝关节、旋转腿、伸大腿美国传统〔ileum〕The terminal portion of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum.回肠:从空肠延至盲肠之间的小肠的最后一部份美国传统〔infinity〕Theoretically, a line can extend into infinity.理论上直线可以无限延伸。牛津搭配〔influence〕The unions have been able to extend their influence over all industries.工会已将其影响力扩大到所有的行业。牛津搭配〔knee-high〕A sock or stocking that extends just below the knee.高及膝的长统袜:刚到膝盖下部的袜子或长袜美国传统〔legging〕A leg covering usually extending from the ankle to the knee and often made of material such as leather or canvas, worn especially by soldiers and workers.绑腿,护腿:一种腿部的覆盖物,通常从踝关节延展至膝盖处,常用皮革或帆布之类的材料制成,尤指士兵或工人使用的美国传统〔leg〕Leg extensions use the quadriceps muscles to extend the knee.腿部伸展运动利用四头肌伸展膝盖。牛津搭配〔lifespan〕They have extended the potential lifespan of humanity everywhere.它们已经延长了各地人们的潜在寿命。外研社新世纪〔maxi〕A long skirt, coat, or dress that usually extends to or just past the ankles.长裙或大衣:长至脚踝或长过脚踝的衬衫、外衣或裙子美国传统〔medial〕Relating to, situated in, or extending toward the middle; median.中间的:与中间有关的,居于中间的,向中间延伸的;中间的美国传统〔meditation〕The novel is an extended meditation on art, love and loss.这部小说是对艺术、爱情和失去的深入思考。牛津搭配〔mercy〕The mission of the church is to extend mercy to the needy.教会的使命就是对贫困的人施以慈悲。牛津搭配〔mitt〕A woman's glove that extends over the hand and only partially covers the fingers.露指手套:一种妇用手套,覆盖手,但只部分覆盖手指美国传统〔month〕A period extending from a date in one calendar month to the corresponding date in the following month.一个月的时间:从日历上某月的一天到下个月这一天的一段时间美国传统〔nearshore〕The region of land extending from the backshore to the beginning of the offshore zone.近岸区:从后海岸延伸至离岸区起始处的地区美国传统〔neck〕Music The narrow part along which the strings of an instrument extend to the pegs.【音乐】 琴颈:乐器的弦延伸到连接指板的狭长部分美国传统〔odyssey〕An extended adventurous voyage or trip.冒险旅行:一次大范围的或冒险的旅行美国传统〔on〕Loans were extended to help pay the interest on the old ones.这些贷款延期偿还以支付旧账利息。柯林斯高阶〔outfield〕The playing area extending outward from the diamond, divided into left, center, and right field.外场:棒球内场延伸出去的运动场地,划分为左场、中场、右场美国传统〔outhaul〕A rope used to extend a sail along a spar or boom.驶帆索:用于沿圆材或张帆杆起帆的绳索美国传统〔outrigger〕A projecting beam or spar run out from the side of a vessel to help in securing the masts or from a mast to be used in extending a rope or sail.舷外框架:为了帮助固定桅而从船边突出来的,或为了用于延伸绳索或帆而从桅上突出来的横梁或圆材美国传统〔outspread〕To stretch or extend or to be stretched or extended.(使)展开,(使)扩展:使展开或使扩展,展开或扩展美国传统〔outstretch〕To stretch out; extend.伸开;扩展美国传统〔outthrust〕Something, such as an outcropping of rocks, that extends outward.突出物:向外伸出物,如岩石露出地面的部分美国传统〔overdraft〕The maximum amount of credit extended to a customer.最大透支额:允许客人赊账的最大量美国传统〔overlap〕To lie or extend over and cover part of.重叠:位于或延至…上面且遮住…的一部分美国传统〔ovipositor〕A tubular structure, usually concealed but sometimes extending outside the abdomen, with which many female insects deposit eggs.产卵器:管状结构,通常隐蔽的但有时延伸出腹部外部,雌性虫子用以放置蛋或卵美国传统〔percurrent〕Of or relating to a midrib that extends throughout the entire length of a leaf.及顶的:属于或关于伸到叶顶的叶子中脉的美国传统〔pileum〕The top of a bird's head, extending from the base of the bill to the nape.鸟冠:鸟头的顶部,从喙底延伸到后颈美国传统〔pole lamp〕A lighting unit consisting of a usually spring-loaded pole extending from the ceiling to the floor and having attached lamp fixtures.长杆落地灯:一种照明器具,由从天花板延伸到地面的、通常装有弹簧的一根长杆和附在灯的部件组成美国传统〔protract〕Anatomy To extend or protrude (a body part).【解剖学】 (身体的一部分)延长或突出美国传统〔range〕An extended group or series, especially a row or chain of mountains.山脉:延展的一组或一系列,特别指一座方向固定的山脉美国传统〔ray〕A structure or part having the form of a straight line extending from a point.放射组织,放射状:具有射线形式的结构或部分美国传统〔reach〕The business is looking at ways to extend its geographic reach.该企业正在寻求地域性扩张的途径。牛津搭配〔rectum〕The terminal portion of the large intestine, extending from the sigmoid flexure to the anal canal.直肠:大肠的最后那一部分,从乙状结肠曲开始到肛门结束美国传统〔redshirt〕To keep (a college or school athlete) out of varsity competition for one year in order to extend the athlete's period of eligibility.使成为红衫运动员:为延长运动员的运动寿命而使(学院或学校运动员)一年不参加校际比赛美国传统〔reside〕To live in a place permanently or for an extended period.定居:永久地或长期地在一个地方居住美国传统〔retract〕The vulture extended his scrawny neck and retracted it again.秃鹫把它皮包骨的脖子伸了伸又缩了回去。外研社新世纪〔running board〕A narrow footboard extending under and beside the doors of some automobiles and other conveyances.脚踏板:一些汽车或其他便利装置的门下边或旁边延伸的窄的踏板美国传统〔school〕He favors extending the school day and school year.他赞成增加每天的课时并延长学年。柯林斯高阶〔scope〕Let us extend the scope of the study to examine more factors.我们把研究范围扩大一下,对更多的因素进行考查。朗文当代〔scrawny〕The vulture extended his scrawny neck.兀鹫伸出细长的脖子。柯林斯高阶〔scrawny〕The vulture extended his scrawny neck.秃鹫把枯瘦的脖子伸长。外研社新世纪〔sequence〕The movie begins with an extended car-chase sequence.影片开始是一大段汽车追逐戏。牛津搭配〔shoulder〕Printing The flat surface on the body of type that extends beyond the letter or character.【印刷术】 字肩:铅字字体超出字母或文字的平面美国传统〔span〕To measure by or as if by the fully extended hand.以掌测量:用或象是用全部张开的掌距测量美国传统〔spindle fiber〕One of a network of achromatic filaments that extend inward from the poles of a dividing cell, forming a spindle-shaped figure.纺锤丝:从正在分裂的细胞的两极向内延伸的非染色质细丝网,构成纺缍形状美国传统〔spring〕To extend or curve upward, as an arch.起拱:向上延伸或弯曲,如拱形结构美国传统〔spritsail〕A sail extended by a sprit.撑杆帆:被斜撑杆支撑的帆美国传统〔station wagon〕An automobile having an extended interior with a third seat or luggage platform and a tailgate.旅行车,客货两用车:内部加长的汽车,带有第三排座位或行李台以及后挡板美国传统〔stay〕She has extended her stay by three days.她把逗留时间延长了 3 天。牛津搭配〔still〕The company is hoping to extend its market still further.公司希望可以进一步拓展市场。剑桥高阶〔straighten〕Straighten both legs until they are fully extended.挺直双腿直至完全伸展开。柯林斯高阶〔string〕To extend or progress in a string, line, or succession.呈线型或连续地延伸或进展美国传统〔suggest〕He hinted that he would accept an invitation if it were extended.他暗示如果邀请扩大的话他将会接受。美国传统〔superstructure〕A physical or conceptual structure extended or developed from a basic form.上部结构:从一基本结构延伸出来或发展而来的实际的或概念上的结构美国传统〔think〕The act or an instance of deliberate or extended thinking; a meditation.思考:仔细考虑或深入思考的行为或事例;冥思美国传统〔tog〕The range of tog values has been extended to 15 togs.托格值的范围已经扩大至 15 托格。柯林斯高阶〔transmundane〕Existing or extending beyond the physical world.超俗的:在物质世界以外存在的或超越物质世界的美国传统〔traverse〕Lying or extending across; transverse.横断的:横向扩展的或延伸的;横向的美国传统〔triceps〕A large three-headed muscle running along the back of the upper arm and serving to extend the forearm.肱三头肌:位于上臂背面的大三头肌,用于伸展前臂美国传统〔ugly〕It was an ugly scar that extended into his hairline.那条丑陋的伤疤一直延伸到他的发际线。外研社新世纪〔ulna〕The bone extending from the elbow to the wrist on the side opposite to the thumb in human beings.尺骨:在人体上,与大拇指相反且从肘部延伸到手腕的骨头美国传统〔up-river〕The vineyards of Anjou extend from west of Angers to up-river of Saumur.安茹葡萄园从昂热西部一直延伸到索米尔的上游。外研社新世纪〔upslope〕The field extends upslope away from the water.田地从水边向山坡上蔓延。韦氏高阶〔vacation〕I may go on an extended vacation to Bermuda.我可能去百慕大度长假。牛津搭配〔vamp〕The upper part of a boot or shoe covering the instep and sometimes extending over the toe.鞋(靴)面:覆盖在足背上并且有时延伸到脚趾的鞋或靴的上部美国传统〔ventrolateral〕Both ventral and lateral; extending from a ventral to a lateral surface.腹外侧的:既是腹部又是侧部的;从腹面扩展到侧面的美国传统〔ventromedial〕Both ventral and medial; extending toward the ventral surface and the median line.腹正中的:既是腹部又是内侧的;向腹面和中线扩展的美国传统〔walk〕To be forced, as by pirates, to walk off a plank extended over the side of a ship so as to drown.走跳板:被海盗等逼迫走出伸出船边缘的木板而被淹死美国传统〔wing〕Any of usually four membranous organs for flying that extend from the thorax of an insect.昆虫翅膀:昆虫的胸部延伸出的用于飞行的器官,通常是四个美国传统〔witness〕The year 1886 witnessed the first extended translation into English of the writings of Eliphas Levi.1886年, 埃利法斯•莱维的作品首次有了长篇英译本。外研社新世纪〔witness〕The year 1886 witnessed the first extended translation into English of the writings of Eliphas Levi.1886年,埃利法斯·莱维的作品第一次有了长篇英译本。柯林斯高阶A business should have a credit policy before extending any credit.企业在提供信贷之前必须制订信贷政策。牛津商务Ellen's job doesn't really extend her very much.艾伦的工作并没有让她太费力。剑桥国际He has extended his sphere of influence to the world of banking. 他已把自己的势力范围扩展到金融界。译典通She forfeited her salary for an extended period of leave.她同意不带薪延长休假。牛津商务The Internet can extend your customer reach in more ways than one.互联网能在很多方面扩大顾客面。牛津商务The US is extending its strategic sway in many parts of the world.美国正在扩大在世界上许多地区的战略性影响。剑桥国际The banks have refused to extend (= give) more loans to the company.这些银行已拒绝向这家公司提供更多的贷款。牛津商务The effects of this legislation will extend (= reach) further than the government intends.这条法规的影响所及将比政府预期的更为深远。剑桥国际The horse really had to extend itself to win the race.要赢得这场比赛,这匹马真必须拼全力才行。剑桥国际The law is being extended to all businesses that employ more than ten people.这项法律适用于所有雇用十人以上的企业。牛津商务The path extends (= continues) beyond the end of the road.这条小道在路的尽头继续向前延伸。剑桥国际The pub has recently extended its opening hours (= made them longer).这个酒吧最近延长了营业时间。剑桥国际The store has extended its opening hours.商店延长了营业时间。牛津商务There are plans to extend the shopping centre by a further 44 000 sq ft.购物中心将计划扩大44 000平方英尺。剑桥国际There will be an extended (= longer than usual) news bulletin tonight because of the plane crash.因飞机失事,今晚的新闻公告会长一些。剑桥国际They nearly stopped the project but she fought her corner well and persuaded them to extend it.他们几乎要停止这个项目,但她据理力争说服了他们继续这个项目。剑桥国际They've extended the runway, to take larger jets.为让更大的喷气机降落,他们扩建了跑道。剑桥国际This sofa can be extended into (= made bigger so that it forms) a bed.这个沙发可以打开变成床。剑桥国际Wall Street yesterday extended its losing streak to six days.昨天华尔街股市的下跌已延长到第六天。牛津商务With yesterday's victory, they extended their unbeaten (= successful) streak to six games.昨天的胜利使他们把不败的记录扩大到了六场。剑桥国际




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