

单词 素净
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SIMPLE〕She wore a simple black dress. 她穿了一件素净的黑色连衣裙。朗文写作活用〔accessorize〕Do accessorize simply, pick plain colours for bag and shoes.衣饰务必朴素,手提包和鞋子要挑素净的颜色。英汉大词典〔discreetly〕She wore discreet jewellery.她戴着素净的首饰。柯林斯高阶〔jumper〕Isabel had on a simple jumper and skirt.伊莎贝尔穿着素净的针织套衫和裙子。柯林斯高阶〔matching〕The room had plain, light-colored walls with matching curtains.那房间有素净淡色的墙,还有相配的窗帘。文馨英汉〔neutral〕Neutral tones give the room a feeling of space.素净的色调让房间感觉很宽敞。朗文当代〔neutral〕The room was decorated in neut rals.房间装饰得素素净净。牛津高阶〔plain〕He wore a plain blue shirt, open at the collar.他穿一件素净的蓝色衬衫,领口敞着。柯林斯高阶〔quiet〕Grey is a quiet colour.灰色是一种素净的颜色。英汉大词典〔severely〕The cushions add a touch of colour in a room that might otherwise look severe.靠垫给房间添了一抹亮色,不然房间看上去可能太素净了。柯林斯高阶〔soberly〕He dresses in sober grey suits.他总是穿素净的灰西服。柯林斯高阶〔soberly〕She saw Ellis, soberly dressed in a well-cut dark suit.她看见了埃利斯,他穿着一身裁剪合体的素净的黑西装。柯林斯高阶〔soberly〕She was soberly dressed.她着装素净韦氏高阶〔sober〕He wore a sober grey suit.他穿了一套素净的灰衣服。英汉大词典〔trimming〕I want a plain black cardigan with no fancy trimmings.我要一件素净的黑色套头外衣,没有花哨镶边的。剑桥高阶〔wear〕Tracey is wearing a simple black dress.特蕾西身着一袭素净的黑色长裙。剑桥高阶He was dressed in sober gray. 他身著素净的灰色衣服。译典通He wore a sober suit that befitted the occasion. 他穿著一套与那样的场合相称的素净衣服。译典通She showed me a couple of hats but they were very fussy -- I prefer something simpler.她拿出了几顶帽子给我看,但它们太花哨了----我喜欢素净点的。剑桥国际




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