

单词 粘乎乎
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔muck〕A moist, sticky mixture, especially of mud and filth.烂泥:一种湿的、粘乎乎的混合物,尤指泥土和垃圾美国传统〔sodden〕Soggy and heavy from improper cooking; doughy.粘乎乎的:因烹调不当造成湿而粘的;放松的美国传统〔stuff〕Tar is sticky black stuff.柏油是种粘乎乎的黑色物质。英汉大词典Although snakes look slimy their skin is actually dry to the touch.尽管蛇看上去粘乎乎的,但实际上它们的皮肤摸上去是干的。剑桥国际Come here, and I'll wipe your sticky fingers.过来,我给你擦擦你那粘乎乎的手指。剑桥国际I can't stand the slimy feel of seaweed underneath my feet.我无法忍受脚下海草那粘乎乎的感觉剑桥国际The boy turned out his pockets and produced a few coins, some string and a sticky sweet.男孩把口袋翻了出来, 找出了几个硬币, 一段带子和一块粘乎乎的糖。剑桥国际There's sticky stuff all over the chair.椅子上沾满粘乎乎的东西。剑桥国际You shouldn't eat so many sticky sweets.你不应吃这么多粘乎乎的糖果。剑桥国际You'll have to wash those gluey hands of yours before you eat.你必须在吃东西前将你粘乎乎的手洗一下。剑桥国际




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