

单词 筏子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕We had to be careful that we didn't tip the raft over. 我们必须小心,别把筏子打翻了。朗文写作活用〔TIE/UNTIE〕The sailors made a raft by lashing tree-trunks together. 水手们把树干紧紧绑在一起做了个筏子朗文写作活用〔adrift〕The survivors were adrift on a raft for three days.那些生存者在筏子上漂流了三天。文馨英汉〔bidarka〕A one- or two-hole kayak used by the Aleut and various Alaskan Eskimo groups.皮筏子,海豹皮小艇:一种阿留申人和阿拉斯加斯基摩人用的单穴或两穴的木舟美国传统〔capsize〕I didn't count on his capsizing the raft.我没有想到他会把筏子弄翻。柯林斯高阶〔catamaran〕A raft of logs or floats lashed together and propelled by paddles or sails.捆扎筏:由圆木或浮体捆扎起来的用桨或帆推动的筏子美国传统〔downriver〕The raft drifted downriver.那筏子漂向下游。文馨英汉〔drift〕The rubber raft drifted out to sea.橡皮筏子漂向大海。朗文当代〔grate〕The raft grated against [on] the rocks.那筏子在岩石上磨擦得吱吱响。文馨英汉〔hold〕Incredibly, the raft held together till we reached the opposite shore.真令人难以置信,筏子一直把我们载到对岸还没散架。朗文当代〔inflatable〕A small rubber boat or raft filled with air.充气艇:可充气的小橡皮船或筏子美国传统〔life raft〕A raft usually made of inflatable material or wood and used in an emergency at sea.救生筏:用可充气材料制成的或木制的筏子,用于海上紧急事件美国传统〔pole〕Nautical To propel a boat or raft with a pole.【航海】 以竿撑船:用一根杆或篙推动小船或筏子美国传统〔raft〕They rafted their neighbours across the river.他们用筏子将邻居们运过河去。21世纪英汉〔raft〕They rafted their supplies down the river.他们用筏子把生活用品运到河的下游。剑桥高阶〔raft〕We lashed together anything that would float to make a raft.我们把所有能漂浮的东西都捆绑在一起来做一个筏子剑桥高阶〔raft〕We rafted through the rapids.我们乘筏子渡过了那处急流。剑桥高阶〔vagrant〕A vagrant current carried off their raft.一股无定向的激流把他们的筏子冲走了。英汉大词典He stretched out on his lilo, feeling the gentle waves of the sea beneath him.他伸展四肢躺在筏子上,感到身下海浪轻轻地拍打着。剑桥国际They rafted (= transported on a raft) their supplies down the river.他们用筏子把供给品沿河运送。剑桥国际We lashed together anything that would float to make a raft.我们把所有可以飘浮的东西捆扎成一个筏子剑桥国际We rafted (= travelled on a raft) through the rapids.我们坐筏子穿波越浪。剑桥国际




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