

单词 笑笑
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NERVOUS〕Whenever we play chess Bill tries to psych me out by smirking every time I make a move. 每次我们下棋,我每走一步,比尔都得意地笑笑,想把我吓倒。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕Some guy offered me £2,000 for the car. I just laughed and hung up the phone. 有个家伙出2,000英镑要买我的车,我笑笑就把电话挂了。朗文写作活用〔SMILE〕Barry gave the old lady a warm smile. 巴里对老太太温和地笑笑朗文写作活用〔SOMETIMES〕Every so often, Frank looked up at me and smiled. 埃夫里偶尔抬起头朝我笑笑朗文写作活用〔acquiescence〕He smiled acquiescence.他笑笑表示默许。文馨英汉〔approving〕She smiled approvingly at the child.她对孩子赞许地笑笑朗文当代〔disarmingly〕She looked at him directly and occasionally smiled disarmingly at him.她直视着他,时不时地冲他友善地笑笑柯林斯高阶〔feeble〕She smiled feebly.她勉强地笑笑韦氏高阶〔force〕She managed to force a smile.她勉强笑笑牛津高阶〔hello〕They exchanged hellos(= said hello to each other)and forced smiles.他们相互打个招呼,勉强笑笑牛津高阶〔jeer〕He doesn't think that is a good idea and so he just jeers it off.他并不认为这是个好主意,于是笑笑不再予以理会了。21世纪英汉〔laugh〕She spent time talking and laughing with the children.她花时间和孩子们在一起说说笑笑牛津搭配〔laugh〕We talked and laughed late into the night.我们说说笑笑一直到深夜。麦克米伦高阶〔now〕She was reading the report carefully, now smiling, now frowning.她正在仔细地阅读那份报告,时而笑笑,时而皱皱眉头。麦克米伦高阶〔raise〕William raised his hat and smiled at her.威廉抬了一下帽子,朝她笑笑朗文当代〔rueful〕He gave me a rueful smile and apologized.他懊悔地对我笑笑并道了歉。韦氏高阶〔scowl〕Now stop scowling and smile! 现在别沉着脸了,笑笑麦克米伦高阶〔smile〕I simply smiled at him and said 'hi!' 我只是朝他笑笑,说声“你好!”牛津搭配〔smile〕She smiled at him and he smiled back.她冲他笑笑,他也冲她笑笑牛津高阶〔squeeze〕He squeezed her hand and smiled at her.他揑了揑她的手,冲她笑笑牛津高阶〔than〕He did nothing else than laugh.他只是笑笑而已。文馨英汉〔usual〕She gave us her usual polite smile.她像平常一样礼貌地对我们笑笑麦克米伦高阶〔weakly〕She smiled weakly at them.她勉强朝他们笑笑牛津高阶I would tell my grandmother about all the crazy things I'd been doing and she would just smile tolerantly.我要告诉祖母我做过的所有的荒唐事,而她只会宽容地笑笑而已。剑桥国际She grinned, wrinkling her freckled nose.她咧嘴笑笑,皱起那长了雀斑的鼻子。剑桥国际She smiled serenely and said nothing.她平静地笑笑,什么都没说。剑桥国际There was an atmosphere of great jollity at the party, as people met up with old friends and chatted and laughed together.晚会上有一种非常欢乐的气氛,老友相逢,一起说说笑笑剑桥国际They joked and laughed as they looked at the photos, remembering the times they'd spent together as children.他们看着那些照片,回忆着小时候共同度过的时光,说说笑笑剑桥国际




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