

单词 竞技场
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Androcles〕A legendary Roman slave held to have been spared in the arena by a lion that remembered him as the man who had once removed a thorn from its paw.安德鲁克里斯:传说中罗马的一个奴隶在竞技场上不为狮子所伤害,因为狮子记得他曾为其拔去足中的刺美国传统〔alongside〕As a site it ranks alongside the Coliseum in Rome.作为一处遗址, 它和著名的罗马竞技场齐名。外研社新世纪〔amphitheater〕An arena where contests and spectacles are held.竞技场所:举行比赛或表演的圆形角斗场美国传统〔arena〕The area in the center of an ancient Roman amphitheater where contests and other spectacles were held.竞技场:古罗马圆形露天竞技场的中心区域,在此进行竞赛和其它公开的大型表演美国传统〔arena〕The gladiators fight for their lives in an arena decorated with statues of Roman emperors.角斗士们在饰有罗马皇帝雕像的竞技场内为生命而战。外研社新世纪〔bathe〕The arena was bathed in warm sunshine.竞技场沐浴在温暖的阳光中。柯林斯高阶〔bullring〕A circular arena for bullfights.斗牛场:斗牛用的圆形竞技场美国传统〔canter〕The competitors cantered into the arena to conclude the closing ceremony.选手们慢跑进入竞技场,为闭幕式画上了句号。柯林斯高阶〔circus〕A roofless, oval enclosure surrounded by tiers of seats that was used in antiquity for public spectacles.竞技场:座位区围绕的无顶椭圆形场地,在古代用于公共活动美国传统〔coliseum〕A large amphitheater for public sports events, entertainment, or assemblies.竞技场:一种大型的举行公共体育竞赛、娱乐活动或集会的圆形剧场或竞技场美国传统〔edition〕They appeared on an edition of BBC2's Arena.他们在英国广播公司二台《竞技场》的一期节目中亮相。外研社新世纪〔edition〕They appeared on an edition of BBC2's Arena.他们在英国广播公司二台《竞技场》的一期节目中亮相。柯林斯高阶〔empty of〕The arena was empty of spectators.竞技场内没有一个观众。韦氏高阶〔empty〕The arena was completely empty.整个竞技场空无一人。韦氏高阶〔finish〕The crowd in the arena shouted for the gladiator to finish off his opponent.竞技场的观众高喊着让角斗士彻底干掉对手。韦氏高阶〔hippodrome〕An open-air stadium with an oval course for horse and chariot races in ancient Greece and Rome.竞技场:古希腊、罗马的郁圆形露天运动场有进行赛马和马车比赛的椭圆形跑道美国传统〔hippodrome〕Sports An arena for equestrian shows.【体育运动】 竞技场,赛马场:骑术表演的比赛或活动场所美国传统〔imitation〕Built in imitation of Rome's Colosseum, the folly dominates the hill above Oban.那座华而不实的仿罗马椭圆形竞技场建筑占据了大半个山头, 俯瞰着奥本。外研社新世纪〔line〕A real or imaginary mark demarcating a specified section of a playing area or field.阵线:在球场或竞技场上表明范围的实线或想象中的线美国传统〔list〕A place of combat.竞技场美国传统〔list〕An arena for jousting tournaments or other contests.竞技场:马上枪术比武或其它比赛的场地美国传统〔pavilion〕A large structure housing sports or entertainment facilities; an arena.运动竞技场:一种安置有运动或娱乐设施的大型结构;竞技场美国传统〔podium〕A wall circling the arena of an ancient amphitheater.围在古竞技场四周的墙美国传统〔preservation〕The arena is in an exceptionally fine state of preservation .那座竞技场保存得非常好。朗文当代〔ringside〕Sports The area or seats immediately outside an arena or a ring, as at a prizefight.【体育运动】 比赛场的外围:在竞技场或圆形场地外部紧邻的区域或座位,如在职业拳赛中美国传统〔tanbark〕Shredded bark from which the tannin has been extracted, used to cover circus arenas, racetracks, and other surfaces.提取了鞣酸后粉碎的树皮,用来覆盖圆形竞技场、竞赛跑道和其它表面美国传统This is the arena in which gladiators used to lock in mortal combat.过去的角斗士就是在这个竞技场展开殊死的搏斗。剑桥国际




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