

单词 立遗嘱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕Most people don't bother to make a will while they're still young. 多数人在还年轻的时候不会费心去立遗嘱朗文写作活用〔OBSESSION〕Writing a will is not evidence of a morbid preoccupation with death. 立遗嘱并不表示某个人对死亡有病态的执著。朗文写作活用〔ademption〕The disposal by a testator of specific property bequeathed in his or her will so as to invalidate the bequest.撤销遗赠:立遗嘱者对他或她遗嘱中遗赠的特定财产所做的使遗赠无效的处理美国传统〔ambulatory〕Law That can be changed or revoked, as a will during the life of the testator.【法律】 可变更的,可撤销的:可以撤销或变更的,如立遗嘱人死前的遗嘱美国传统〔consequence〕Not making a will can have serious consequences for your children and other family members.不立遗嘱可能会给你的子女或者家庭其他成员带来严重后果。剑桥高阶〔cut〕The angry parent cut off his son with a shilling.发怒的父亲立遗嘱剥夺了儿子的继承权。英汉大词典〔deed over〕Mother decided to deed the house over to the eldest daughter before she died.母亲决定在逝世之前立遗嘱把房子转让给长女。21世纪英汉〔go〕The leaflet tells you how to go about making a will.宣传单上告诉你如何立遗嘱朗文当代〔inofficious〕Contrary to natural affection or moral duty. Used of a will in which the testator disinherits the rightful heirs with insufficient reason.违反道德上义务的:违背正常感情或道义的。用于遗嘱,其中立遗嘱人没有充分理由就取消其合法继承人的继承权美国传统〔intention〕The executor tried to comply with the intent of the testator.执行人尽量遵照立遗嘱之人的意图。美国传统〔intestate〕Many people die intestate because they thought they were too young to make a will.许多人去世时没有留下遗嘱,因为他们之前总认为自己还年轻,不需立遗嘱剑桥高阶〔legator〕One that makes a will; a testator.遗赠人,立遗嘱者:设立遗嘱的人;立遗嘱美国传统〔make〕Have you made a will?你立遗嘱了吗?外研社新世纪〔make〕My lawyer has been urging me to make a will.我的律师一直在催促我立遗嘱牛津高阶〔preterition〕Law Neglect of a testator to mention a legal heir in his or her will.【法律】 遗漏:在遗嘱中立遗嘱者对有继承权者的遗漏美国传统〔relate〕A will upon approval relates back to the date of testator's death.遗嘱一经认可,其效力回溯至立遗嘱人死亡之日。英汉大词典〔relative〕If you die without a will, only a husband, wife, children and blood relatives are entitled to inherit your property.如果去世时没立遗嘱,只有丈夫、妻子、子女及血亲才能继承财产。牛津搭配〔spite〕I almost think he died without making a will just to spite his family.我都有些认为他死前不立遗嘱就是存心要为难他的家人。剑桥高阶〔testator〕One who has made a legally valid will before death.立遗嘱人:死前留有合法遗嘱的人美国传统〔testatrix〕A woman who has made a legally valid will before death.女立遗嘱人:死前立有合法遗嘱的女人美国传统〔will away〕The widow has willed away all her fortune.那个寡妇已经立遗嘱把她的全部财产处理掉。21世纪英汉〔will〕Have you made a will yet? 你立遗嘱了吗?剑桥高阶〔will〕Have you made a will yet? 你立遗嘱了吗?朗文当代〔will〕Have you made your will? 你立遗嘱了吗?牛津搭配〔will〕She willed me this house.她立遗嘱把这栋房子赠给我。文馨英汉〔will〕She willed most of her money to the orphanage.她立遗嘱把大部分的钱捐给那家孤儿院。文馨英汉Have you made a will? 你立遗嘱了吗?牛津商务I almost think he died without making a will just to spite his family.我想他死前没立遗嘱只是为了刁难他的家人。剑桥国际Many people die intestate because they thought they were too young to make a will.许多人去世时没有留下遗嘱,因为他们认为当时立遗嘱还太年轻。剑桥国际




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