

单词 空缺
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕Barnhart will fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission. 巴恩哈特将填补计划委员会的空缺朗文写作活用〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕He applied for the job of Eliot's personal secretary, which had just fallen vacant. 他应聘艾略特的私人秘书,这一职位刚刚才空缺出来。朗文写作活用〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕Is that job you told me about last week still open? 你上个星期跟我说的那个职位还空缺着吗?朗文写作活用〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕Our company only has one or two vacant positions at the moment. 我们公司目前只有一两个空缺职位。朗文写作活用〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕There aren't many jobs going in this part of the country. 国内这个地区没有多少职位空缺朗文写作活用〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕When the post became vacant it was offered to Wendy Brooks. 这职位空缺的时候就给了温迪·布鲁克斯。朗文写作活用〔College of Cardinals〕The body of all the cardinals that elect the pope, assist him in governing the church, and administer the Holy See when the papacy is vacant.枢密院:选举教皇的枢机主教团体,帮助教皇管理教会,在教皇职位空缺时负责管理圣座美国传统〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕No government so far has been able to balance the number of jobs available with the number of people out of work. 至今还没有一届政府能做到使空缺职位的数量正好与失业人数达至平衡。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕Of the fourteen openings, only one went to a minority candidate. 十四个职位空缺中仅有一个给了少数民族求职者。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕Skilled workers are few, and employers are having trouble filling vacancies. 熟练的工人很少,雇主要人填补空缺甚为困难。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕There might be some vacancies at the hospital. 这家医院可能有几个空缺朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕Robert suggested his son for the vacant directorship. 罗伯特推荐他儿子替补空缺的董事职位。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕Nine times out of ten, jobs that become vacant are filled from inside the organization. 空缺的职位十之八九都由内部人员来填补。朗文写作活用〔advertisable〕They advertised that a position was open.他们公布有一个职位空缺21世纪英汉〔advowson〕The right in English ecclesiastical law of presentation to a vacant benefice.受俸牧师推荐权:英国教会法中推荐担任空缺圣职的权力美国传统〔arise〕You cannot tell when a vacancy will arise.什么时候会出现空缺可是难说的。外研社新世纪〔backfill〕Chrysler says it intends to backfill jobs vacated by the buyouts.克赖斯勒汽车公司宣布,在买断之后计划将招聘新的员工填补职位空缺剑桥高阶〔backroom〕He is confident the backroom can step into the temporary void.他确信原先的幕后智囊能够填补暂时的空缺柯林斯高阶〔by-election〕A special election held between general elections to fill a vacancy, as for a parliamentary seat.补缺选举,特别选举:在常规选举间隙为填补空缺而进行的特别的选举,如在竞选议会席位时美国传统〔chance〕I rang the company just on the off chance that they might have a vacancy.我抱着一线希望给这家公司打电话看是否有职位空缺牛津搭配〔chiefly〕He joined the consular service, chiefly because this was one of the few job vacancies.他到领事馆工作,主要因为那是仅有的几个空缺职位之一。柯林斯高阶〔come up〕A research fellowship came up at Cambridge and I applied for it.剑桥大学有个研究员的职位空缺, 我就提出了申请。外研社新世纪〔comeback〕The act of making up a deficit, as in a contest or game.比赛或游戏中的空缺美国传统〔feeler〕When vacancies occur, the office puts out feelers to the universities.出现职位空缺时, 办事处就会到各个大学去打探。外研社新世纪〔feeler〕When vacancies occur, the office puts out feelers to the universities.有空缺职位的时候,办事处就到各个大学去打探。柯林斯高阶〔fill〕I'm sorry, the job/post/vacancy has already been filled.很抱歉,这个工作/职位/空缺已经有人充任了。剑桥高阶〔fill〕Thank you for your letter. Unfortunately, the vacancy has already been filled.感谢你的来信,遗憾的是这一空缺已经有人填补。朗文当代〔fill〕The company has been unable to fill the vacancy.该公司没能把这个空缺填补起来。外研社新世纪〔fill〕The company is hoping to fill a gap in the market.公司希望填补市场上的空缺麦克米伦高阶〔gap〕Computer Science An absence of information on a recording medium, often used to signal the end of a segment of information.【计算机科学】 间隙,间隔:记录介质上的信息空缺,经常用于给信息片段的末端作标志美国传统〔gap〕He filled the gap left by Hirst's retirement.赫斯特退休后他填补了空缺朗文当代〔gap〕His death left a huge gap in my life.他的离世在我的生活中留下很大空缺牛津搭配〔gap〕The class filled in the gaps in my knowledge of biology.这门课填补了我在生物知识方面的空缺韦氏高阶〔headhunt〕They may headhunt her for the vacant position of Executive Producer.他们可能会挖她去填补执行制片人这一空缺职位。柯林斯高阶〔hear of〕If I hear of a job opening, I'll let you know.如果我得知有职位空缺,我会告诉你。韦氏高阶〔job〕We have several vacancies for casual workers.我们有几个临时工的空缺牛津高阶〔leap at〕A teaching post became vacant and he leapt at the chance.教师职位出现了空缺, 他马上抓住了这个机会。外研社新世纪〔match〕The organization matches job seekers with vacancies.这个机构为求职者找到合适的空缺职位。外研社新世纪〔match〕You should match the applicants with appropriate vacancies.你应该使求职者与适当的的空缺配合。文馨英汉〔missing〕Fill in the missing words in this text.填出文中空缺的单词。牛津高阶〔niche〕I think we have found a niche in the toy market.我想我们已经找到了玩具市场上的一个空缺外研社新世纪〔off〕The vacant W.B.C. junior-lightweight title has been called off.空缺的世界拳击理事会次轻量级头衔被取消了。柯林斯高阶〔opening〕She is the strongest candidate to fill this opening.她是此空缺最有竞争力的人选。牛津搭配〔opening〕There are several openings in the sales department.销售部有几个空缺牛津高阶〔opening〕There's an opening for an editorial assistant in our department.我们部门有个编辑助理的职位空缺剑桥高阶〔opening〕We don't have any openings now, but we'll call you if something comes up.我们现在没有职位空缺,一旦有的话我们会给你打电话。柯林斯高阶〔opening〕We have several openings in the sales division.我们的销售部有几个空缺麦克米伦高阶〔open〕I'm afraid the vacancy is no longer open.恐怕已经没有空缺了。外研社新世纪〔open〕She's running for one of two open seats on the committee.她正在参与竞选委员会两个空缺席位中的一个。韦氏高阶〔open〕The job is still open.这职位仍空缺着。英汉大词典〔outpace〕Job openings were outpacing the supply of qualified workers.职位空缺正在超过合格工人的供应人数。朗文当代〔pay〕It would pay you to ask if there are any jobs going at the London office.问一下伦敦分公司是否有职位空缺对你有好处。朗文当代〔post〕New job openings are posted every day on their website.每天他们的网站都会公布有关新空缺工作职位的信息。麦克米伦高阶〔post〕The company has been unable to fill the post.公司的这个空缺还未能填补。牛津高阶〔promotion〕We try to fill our executive positions by promotion from within.我们试图通过内部提升的方式来填补行政职位空缺麦克米伦高阶〔reference〕I am writing to you in reference to the job opening in your department.获悉贵部门有空缺职位,特来函求问。朗文当代〔replacement〕One that replaces, especially a person assigned to a vacant military position.接替者:接替的人,尤指被派到军队空缺位置的人美国传统〔ring〕I'm ringing about the vacancy you advertised.我打电话询问你们登出的空缺职位的事情。麦克米伦高阶〔rudderless〕The country was politically rudderless for almost three months.这个国家政治领导人空缺已近3个月。外研社新世纪〔shortlist〕A list of preferable items or candidates that have been selected for final consideration, as in making an award or filling a position.最后侯选人名单:一个已经被选为进行最后考虑的更好的事物或候选人的名单,比如在颁发奖项或填补空缺职位时美国传统〔slot〕The CEO slot is still vacant.行政总裁职位仍然空缺外研社新世纪〔spill〕The Prime Minister's resignation could mean a Cabinet spill.首相的辞职或会造成内阁的职位空缺外研社新世纪〔stopgap〕We might have to employ someone temporarily as a stopgap measure until we can hire someone permanently.在找到人填补这个空缺之前,我们可能得先暂时雇个人顶一下。剑桥高阶〔strength〕The local police force is considerably below strength.地方警察部队的人数空缺得相当多。英汉大词典〔supply〕To serve temporarily as a substitute in (a church, for example).暂代:(例如在教堂中)暂时代理,暂代(空缺等)美国传统〔tales〕A group of people summoned to fill vacancies on a jury that has become deficient in number.补缺陪审员名册:被召集来填满一个人数目不足的陪审团之空缺的一群人美国传统〔trim〕They're trying to trim their costs, so staff who leave are not being replaced.他们正试图降低成本,所以没有安排填补离职员工的空缺剑桥高阶〔unfilled〕All the hospitals in the area have unfilled positions right now.这一地区所有医院都有空缺的职位。剑桥高阶〔vacancy〕A vacancy has arisen in our sales department.我们销售部出现了一个职位空缺牛津搭配〔vacancy〕Her going on maternity leave will create a temporary vacancy.她休产假时将会有一个临时空缺牛津搭配〔vacancy〕Most vacancies are at senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications.大多数空缺属于高层职位,要求具备相应的资历。柯林斯高阶〔vacancy〕There are always plenty of vacancies for bar staff.酒吧员工的职位空缺总是很多。麦克米伦高阶〔vacancy〕There are still two vacancies on the school board.学校董事会还有两个职位空缺朗文当代〔vacancy〕There is a vacancy for a shop assistant on Saturdays.商店有个星期六上班的店员职位空缺剑桥高阶〔vacancy〕They had a short-term vacancy for a person on the foreign desk.他们在国际新闻组有一个短期的空缺职位。柯林斯高阶〔vacancy〕We have a vacancy for an editorial assistant.我们有一个编辑助理的空缺职位。外研社新世纪〔vacancy〕We have no vacancies for photographers at the moment.我们目前没有摄影师职位空缺朗文当代〔vacantly〕The post of chairman has been vacant for some time.主席之位已经空缺一段时间了。柯林斯高阶〔vacant〕The position fell (= became) vacant when Rodman was promoted.罗德曼提升之后这个职位就空缺了。剑桥高阶〔vacant〕The seat/post/position was left vacant when the secretary resigned.那个秘书辞职后,这个职位就空缺了。韦氏高阶〔vacate〕To empty of occupants or incumbents.使空缺:使(官职或职位)空缺美国传统〔vice president〕An officer ranking next below a president, usually empowered to assume the president's duties under conditions such as absence, illness, or death.副总统:比总统职位低的官员,通常在总统空缺、生病或者死亡时充当总统职责美国传统〔waiting list〕A list of persons waiting, as for an appointment or filling a vacancy.候选人名单:如为某职务或填补一个空缺而列出的一些人的名单,美国传统A vacancy has arisen in our sales department.销售部出现了一个空缺牛津商务Applications are invited for the undermentioned vacancies.欢迎应征以下空缺岗位。牛津商务He had been linked to the vacant post of chief executive. 人们把他与行政总裁的空缺联系在一起。牛津商务His resignation has left a power/political vacuum (= lack of powerful/political leadership) at the head of the party.他辞职后,该党领袖空缺,留下了一个权力/政治真空。剑桥国际I hear you're looking for an opening (= a job) in international sales.我听说你在寻找国际销售方面的职务空缺剑桥国际I'm sorry, the job / post / vacancy has already been filled.很遗憾,这个工作/职位/空缺已经有人担任/填补/补上了。剑桥国际In reply to your letter of 16 March, I regret to inform you that there are currently no vacancies within our company.兹覆您 3 月 16 日来信,很遗憾地告知您,目前我们公司内部没有空缺牛津商务Jack is the best man to fill the vacancy. 杰克是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。译典通The area has large job surpluses, requiring 10 000 people to fill available posts.这个地区有大量过剩的工作岗位,需要 1 万人来填补空缺牛津商务The position is still open. 那个职位仍空缺著。译典通The position of secretary is void. 秘书的职位现在空缺译典通The product clearly filled a need / gap in the market.很明显这种产品满足了市场需要/填补了市场的空缺剑桥国际The vacancy has already been filled.空缺已有人接任了。牛津商务There are several openings in the sales department.销售部有好几个空缺牛津商务There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering courses, but those in the arts and humanities have been filled.理工科的学生还有一些空缺,不过人文学科的学生已经满额了。剑桥国际There is a vacancy (= job) for a shop assistant on Saturdays.商店有个星期六上班的空缺剑桥国际Today there are thought to be about 100 full-time posts vacant.今天据称大约有100个全日工作岗位空缺剑桥国际




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