

单词 excess
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bessemer process〕A method for making steel by blasting compressed air through molten iron to burn out excess carbon and impurities.贝塞麦炼钢法:吹入压缩空气通过熔融的钢铁以燃尽多余的碳和杂质的一种炼钢方法美国传统〔Gunn effect〕The production of microwave oscillations when a constant voltage in excess of a critical level is applied to opposite faces of a semiconductor.耿氏效应:当对一个半导体的相对的两面施加的稳压电流超过临界点时,产生的微波振荡现象美国传统〔MORE〕The cyclone was travelling at speeds in excess of 21 mph. 旋风正在以高于每小时21英里的速度移动。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕The fire has caused well in excess of $500,000 worth of damage. 这场火灾已造成远远大于50万美金的损失。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕The latest model is capable of attaining speeds in excess of 300 kph. 最新的型号时速能达到300公里以上。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕Those who rise to the top in advertising can expect to earn in excess of $100,000. 在广告行业里升到高层薪金可达10万美元以上。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Excess vitamin D can cause kidney damage in young children. 过量的维生素D会损害小孩的肾脏。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Cut off the excess fat from the meat before cooking. 烹调前切掉肉上多余的脂肪。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕He drank to excess, occasionally causing scenes in front of CIA officials. 他酒喝得过了量,有时候会在中情局官员面前出丑。朗文写作活用〔abdominoplasty〕Plastic surgery of the abdomen in which excess fatty tissue and skin are removed, usually for cosmetic purposes.抽脂术,腹部整形术:腹部整形手术,通常为美容而抽出多余的脂肪组织以及切除多余的皮肤美国传统〔alcoholic〕A person who drinks alcoholic substances habitually and to excess or who suffers from alcoholism.酗酒者:习惯性和过量饮用含有酒精物质的人或者由于酗酒或酒精中毒而遭受痛苦的人美国传统〔alcohol〕He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.他对过量饮酒后驾车一事表示服罪。牛津高阶〔antichlor〕A substance, such as sodium thiosulfate, used to neutralize the excess chlorine or hypochlorite left after bleaching textiles, fiber, or paper pulp.脱氯剂:一种用于中和漂白织物、纤维或纸浆留下的氯或次氯酸盐的物质,如硫酸钠美国传统〔auction bridge〕A variety of bridge in which tricks made in excess of the contract are scored toward game.拍卖式桥牌:桥牌游戏中的一种,比叫牌墩数多的牌也算入局美国传统〔automatically〕Anyone giving in excess of £100 automatically becomes a member of the Trust.任何出资超过100英镑者均会自动成为信托基金的成员。柯林斯高阶〔baggage〕At the airport I found that I had 20 kg of excess baggage.在机场我发现我的行李超重了 20 公斤。牛津搭配〔blot〕Blot off any excess lipstick with a paper tissue.用纸巾擦掉多余的口红。麦克米伦高阶〔bonus〕A sum of money that is paid by a corporation in excess of interest or royalties charged for the granting of a privilege or a loan to that corporation.红包:由公司付给因授予特权或贷款给本公司的利息或版税以外的一笔钱美国传统〔burn〕They managed to burn off the excess wax.他们设法烧掉了多余的蜡。麦克米伦高阶〔cast off〕The engineering group are trying to cast off an image of corporate excess.这家工程集团公司正在努力摆脱企业花费无度的形象。外研社新世纪〔cause〕Indigestion is caused by excess acid in the stomach.消化不良是由于胃酸过多而引起的。麦克米伦高阶〔commission〕The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion industry.报社请人撰写了一系列针砭时装业极端倾向的文章。剑桥高阶〔contract〕New research shows that an excess of meat and salt can contract muscles.新的研究表明,过量食用肉类和盐可能会导致肌肉收缩。柯林斯高阶〔debauchery〕Following the band is no longer an endless round of debauchery and excess.这伙人所带来的不再是另一轮无休无止的声色犬马和纵欲无度。外研社新世纪〔dieting〕Poor diet and excess smoking will seriously damage the health of your hair.不合理饮食和过度吸烟会严重损害头发的健康。柯林斯高阶〔drain away〕The lymph drains away excess fluids.淋巴排走多余的液体。外研社新世纪〔drain off〕The ridged design of the pan allows excess fat to drain off.平底锅的凸纹设计使多余的油能够控出。柯林斯高阶〔drain off〕The ridged design of the pan allows excess fat to drain off.平底锅脊状突起的设计可以让多余的油脂流走。外研社新世纪〔drain〕Drain off the excess fat from the meat.把肉里面多余的油沥掉。牛津高阶〔drain〕The surgeon drains out any excess fluid.外科医生将所有过量液体都排出了。牛津搭配〔dust off〕Use loose powder to set your makeup, dusting the excess off with a brush.用散粉定妆, 再用刷子扫去多余的散粉。外研社新世纪〔excavate〕The excess dirt was carefully excavated.多余的泥土被小心翼翼地运走了。韦氏高阶〔excess baggage〕He arrived with 88 pounds of excess baggage.他到达时带的行李超重了88磅。剑桥高阶〔excess baggage〕Simplifying my poems means reducing them to essences, stripping them as much as possible of excess baggage and getting down to the basic issues.简化我的诗歌就要将其浓缩至精华, 尽量删去冗余的词句, 一语中的。外研社新世纪〔excess baggage〕The former star was now seen as excess baggage.昔日明星现在被视为过气人物。外研社新世纪〔excess baggage〕The good thing about these younger players is that they are not carrying any excess baggage from less successful times.这些较年轻的球员的优势就是他们并不背负以往失利的包袱。柯林斯高阶〔excess baggage〕The good thing about these younger players is that they are not carrying any excess baggage from less successful times.这些较年轻运动员的优势就在于他们身上没有背负过去失意的包袱。外研社新世纪〔excess baggage〕We had to pay excess baggage.我们行李超重了,不得不另付费。剑桥高阶〔excess〕Excess food is stored as fat.多余的食物作为脂肪贮存起来。牛津高阶〔excess〕After cooking the fish, pour off any excess fat.烹完鱼后,倒掉多余的油。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕After cooking the fish, pour off any excess fat.鱼烹好后, 把多余的油倒掉。外研社新世纪〔excess〕After you apply the oil, wait 20 minutes before wiping off any excess.涂上油以后,等 20 分钟再擦掉多余部分。朗文当代〔excess〕An excess of enthusiasm is not always a good thing.过分热情不见得总是件好事情。剑桥高阶〔excess〕An excess of house plants in a small flat can be oppressive.在一套小公寓里摆放过多的盆栽植物可能会让人感到压抑。外研社新世纪〔excess〕An excess of house plants in a small flat can be oppressive.在小公寓中摆放过多室内植物会让人觉得很压抑。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕Are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life? 你生活中的压力太大吗?牛津高阶〔excess〕As for shoes, her excesses (= the large number she owned) were well known.说到鞋,众所周知她的鞋多得离谱。剑桥高阶〔excess〕Basketball provided an outlet for their excess energy.篮球为他们过盛的精力提供了释放途径。韦氏高阶〔excess〕Cover both sides of the meat with flour, shaking off any excess.将肉的两面都覆上面粉,再把多余的抖去。麦克米伦高阶〔excess〕Cut off any excess pastry and put it to one side.切掉多余的馅饼皮,放在一边。剑桥高阶〔excess〕Drinking is OK as long as you don't do it to excess.饮酒可以,只要不过量。朗文当代〔excess〕Driving with excess alcohol in the blood is a serious offence.血液里酒精含量过高时驾车是严重的违法行为。牛津高阶〔excess〕For many years people were trying to escape the excesses (= cruel actions) of the junta.在过去很多年里,人们一直都在想方设法逃离胡作非为的军政府统治。剑桥高阶〔excess〕He apologized for his past excesses.他为自己以前的放肆道歉。韦氏高阶〔excess〕He had been worn out by an excess of work and worry.超负荷的工作和过度的忧虑使得他精疲力竭。外研社新世纪〔excess〕He lived a life of excess.他过着无节制的生活。韦氏高阶〔excess〕His statements cannot be simply dismissed as rhetorical excess.不能简单地把他的陈述斥之为夸大之辞。牛津搭配〔excess〕I didn't smoke or drink to excess.我烟瘾不大, 也不酗酒。外研社新世纪〔excess〕I was reasonably fit, played a lot of tennis, and didn't smoke or drink to excess.我相当健康,经常打网球,不怎么吸烟,也不酗酒。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕It was an excess of enthusiasm that caused the problem.那是过度热情导致了问题。朗文当代〔excess〕Most policies carry a £50 excess.许多保险单都有50英镑的免赔额。麦克米伦高阶〔excess〕Never spend in excess of your income.花钱切勿超过你的收入。英汉大词典〔excess〕Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however.多不饱和油对于维持健康是必不可少的, 然而过量摄入却是有害的。外研社新世纪〔excess〕Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however.多不饱和油对健康很重要。但是,食用过量就会有害。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕Pour (Drain) off the excess.把多余部分倒掉(排干)。英汉大词典〔excess〕Presumably the junk mailer had to pay excess postage on the returned prepaid envelopes which now each contained a brick.在垃圾邮件预付邮资的信封里装块砖头寄回去, 这样发垃圾邮件的人可能需要支付超重部分的邮资。外研社新世纪〔excess〕Profit is the excess of sales over costs.利润就是价格超出成本的部分美国传统〔excess〕Red meat, eaten to excess, is very high in fat and calories.过度食用红色肉类会摄入很高的脂肪和热量。外研社新世纪〔excess〕Red meat, eaten to excess, is very high in fat and calories.过量食用的红肉中脂肪和卡路里含量很高。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕She has an excess of £200 on her home insurance policy.她的房屋保险免赔款金额是200镑。剑桥高阶〔excess〕She said she was sick of her life of excess.她说她厌倦了自己无节制的生活。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕Staff who have to travel farther can claim excess travel expenses.需要去更远的地方出差的员工可以申请额外差旅费。外研社新世纪〔excess〕Tests subsequently revealed an excess of alcohol in the driver's blood.检测随后显示该司机的血液中酒精含量超标。麦克米伦高阶〔excess〕The car can travel at speeds in excess of 150 miles per hour.该车的车速能达到每小时 150 英里以上。牛津搭配〔excess〕The company wanted £1,800 for a policy with a £500 excess for under-21s.那家公司想要办理单价1,800英镑的保单,并且要求21岁以下人员承担价值500英镑的免赔额。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕The drug can be harmful if taken in excess.过量服用该药是有害的。牛津搭配〔excess〕The energy value of dried fruits is considerably in excess of that of fresh items.干果的能量值大大超过新鲜水果。柯林斯高阶〔excess〕The government was unable to curb the excesses of the secret police.政府无法约束秘密警察的过分行为。朗文当代〔excess〕The increase will not be in excess of(= more than)two per cent.增加幅度不会超过百分之二。牛津高阶〔excess〕The major reason for excess weight is excess eating.过量饮食是体重超标的主要原因。外研社新世纪〔excess〕The movie embraces all the worst excesses of popular American culture.这部电影展现了美国流行文化中所有最恶劣的行径。韦氏高阶〔excess〕The rest of the family led a life of excess.家里其他人过着放荡的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔excess〕The salad had such an excess of chilli that it was almost inedible.色拉里辣椒放得太多, 都快没法吃了。外研社新世纪〔excess〕They both eat to excess (= too much).他们两个都吃得太多了。剑桥高阶〔excess〕They were equipped with an excess of provisions.他们准备了充足有余的粮食。韦氏高阶〔excess〕Washington has always been a city of wretched excesses.华盛顿一直都是一个极度放纵的城市。牛津搭配〔excess〕We cover costs up to £600 and then you pay the excess.我们最多支付 600 英镑的费用,超过的部份由你支付。牛津高阶〔excess〕We were shocked by their excesses.我们看到他们这样没有节制,很惊骇。牛津同义词〔excess〕You would not be taxed on the first £4,250 of rental income, but you would have to pay income tax on the excess.租金收入在4,250英镑以内的部分不用缴税, 但超出部分需要缴纳所得税。外研社新世纪〔fat〕Aerobic activity will help burn off any excess body fat.有氧健身将有助于燃烧掉体内多余的脂肪。外研社新世纪〔fat〕Exercise helps you burn off excess fat.运动有助于消耗多余的脂肪。牛津搭配〔fit〕File away any excess metal until a snug fit is achieved.锉平多余的金属直到完全吻合。牛津搭配〔flesh〕Excess fatty tissue; plumpness.丰满:多余的脂肪组织;肥胖美国传统〔flown〕Filled to excess.充满的:充满欲溢的美国传统〔fluid〕Retaining excess fluid could be a problem.留存过多的体液可能会是个问题。牛津搭配〔glut〕To flood (a market) with an excess of goods so that supply exceeds demand.使充斥:货物充斥(市场)以致于供大于求美国传统〔glycosuria〕Excess sugar in the urine, often associated with diabetes mellitus.糖尿:尿中反常量的糖,常与糖尿病有关美国传统〔gravy〕Payment or benefit in excess of what is expected or required.外快:超出预期或需要以外的钱或好处美国传统〔gully〕The excess rainwater collected in the gully.多余的雨水汇流到水沟里。麦克米伦高阶〔hazard〕Drinking alcohol is a real health hazard if carried to excess.饮酒倘若过量, 真的会是一个健康隐患。外研社新世纪〔heat sink〕A protective device that absorbs and dissipates the excess heat generated by a system.吸热器,吸热部件,散热装置:一种保护性装置,吸收或消散某一系统所产生的多余热量美国传统〔heat〕If circulation is impaired, the body cannot lose excess heat.如果循环系统受损,身体就不能散发出多余的热量。牛津搭配〔hyperpigmentation〕Excess pigmentation, especially of the skin.色素沉着过度:过多的色素沉淀,尤指在皮肤上美国传统〔hyperpituitarism〕The condition resulting from an excess of pituitary hormones, characterized by gigantism in children and acromegaly in adults.垂体机能过剩症:垂体荷尔蒙过度引起的状态,特征是小孩巨大畸形,成人患肢端肥大病美国传统〔insufficiency〕Pancreatic insufficiency is associated with excess fat in stool.胰功能不全和粪便中脂肪过多有关联。剑桥高阶〔interest〕An excess or a bonus beyond what is expected or due.附加物,红利:超出或超过预期或应付的红利美国传统〔inventory〕Hotel chains often cut prices in order to sell excess inventory.连锁酒店经常为了消化剩余客房而减价。牛津搭配〔jettison〕The crew jettisoned excess fuel and made an emergency landing.机组人员丢弃了多余燃料,紧急着陆。柯林斯高阶〔law〕Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. There was nobody to check their excesses and they exploited the people.某些土地所有者目无法纪。他们横行霸道, 鱼肉乡民。外研社新世纪〔lean〕These adjectives mean lacking excess flesh.这些形容词都指缺少富余的肉。美国传统〔loss〕The firm reported losses in excess of a million.这家商行报出超过百万的亏损额。英汉大词典〔march〕There were in excess of 100 000 people at the march.参与游行的人数超过了 10 万。牛津搭配〔moist〕Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean, moist cotton flannel.用干净的湿绒布擦去多余的化妆品。柯林斯高阶〔name〕His name is synonymous with the worst excesses of sixties architecture.他的名字是 60 年代建筑最铺张无度的代名词。牛津搭配〔negative〕Relating to or designating a body having an excess of electrons.阴电荷的:关于或表明有过量电子的躯体的美国传统〔offload〕Retailers sometimes try to offload excess stock in the January sales.零售商有时会在一月份大减价中设法把过量的存货卖掉。麦克米伦高阶〔ostentation〕Consumers are abandoning the excess and ostentation of the 1980s.消费者摒弃了20世纪80年代铺张摆阔的陋习。柯林斯高阶〔ostentation〕Consumers soon abandoned the excess and ostentation of the 1980s.消费者们很快摈弃了20世纪80年代铺张和炫耀的消费观。外研社新世纪〔outlet〕What he needed was an outlet for all his excess energy.他需要的是一个能让他发泄浑身过多精力的途径。麦克米伦高阶〔overbalance〕An excess in weight or quantity.超重,超量:在数量或重量上的多余美国传统〔overbuy〕To buy (stock) on margin in excess of one's ability to provide further security if prices drop.超出能力地买股票:过度购买(股票),如果一旦价格下跌,无力增添保证金美国传统〔overcompensation〕Excessive compensation, especially the exertion of effort in excess of that needed to compensate for a physical or psychological characteristic or defect.过度补偿:过多的补偿,尤指为弥补身体或心理的不正常或缺陷而进行的过度努力美国传统〔overflow〕An outlet or a vent through which excess liquid may escape.溢流口,溢流管:能使过剩的液体流出去的出口或漏洞美国传统〔overissue〕An issue, as of notes or securities, in excess of the issuer's capital, credit, or authority.过度发行:超过发行人资本、信用或权力的货币或股票发行行为美国传统〔overmuch〕In excess.过多地美国传统〔overpay〕To pay an amount in excess of (a sum due).多付款:付款超过(应付量)美国传统〔overplus〕An amount in excess of need; a surplus.剩余:超出需要的量;过剩美国传统〔overprescribe〕To prescribe (a medication) in excess of the amount needed.开(药)超过所需的量美国传统〔overprivileged〕Having an excess of opportunities or advantages.有过多的良机或优势的美国传统〔overproduce〕To produce in excess of need or demand.超额生产:超过需要或需求的生产美国传统〔overset〕To set (type or copy) in excess of what is needed.使超排:排过多的(铅字或稿子)美国传统〔overtax〕To tax in excess of what is considered appropriate or just.对…征税过重:税收超过了适当或合理的限度美国传统〔pare〕He pared away the excess glue with a razor blade.他用剃须刀片将溢胶刮去。牛津高阶〔performance〕He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties.为了完成任务,他每周工作70多个小时。柯林斯高阶〔personification〕He became the personification of the financial excess of the 1980s.他成了 20 世纪 80 年代金融过热的典型。朗文当代〔petrify〕An excess of 'dramatic seriousness' would lead one to quickly petrify and become his own statue.过分的“严肃认真”会让人快速僵化, 使自己变成一尊雕像。外研社新世纪〔phosphaturia〕An excess of phosphates in the urine.高磷酸盐尿:尿中磷酸盐过量美国传统〔plethora〕An excess of blood in the circulatory system or in one organ or area.多血:在循环系统或在一个器官或区域中的血过多美国传统〔poor〕The dictator, whose greed and excesses had produced an impoverished citizenry, fled the country.独裁者逃离了他的国家,他的贪婪与残暴已经使这个国家的人民贫困不堪。美国传统〔presage〕But still the economy is not showing signs of any of the excesses that normally presage a recession.但经济仍未显露出任何过剩的迹象,这些迹象通常预示经济衰退。剑桥高阶〔press out〕Press out the excess moisture, season, and line a baking dish with the spinach.挤出多余水分, 调味, 在烤盘上摆好菠菜。外研社新世纪〔price out〕Premium rises in excess of inflation have also priced out many.保险费涨幅超过通货膨胀率, 致使很多人无法续保。外研社新世纪〔quote〕Don't quote me on this but I think the figure is in excess of £2 billion.我的话不足为据,但我认为这个数字超过 20 亿英镑。牛津搭配〔redundancy〕A superfluity; an excess.多余;剩余美国传统〔renegotiate〕To revise the terms of (a contract) so as to limit or regain excess profits gained by the contractor.重议:为了限制或重新取得合约方所获超额利润而修订(合约)条款美国传统〔rid〕The body gets rid of excess water through the urine.身体通过排尿泄出多余水分。英汉大词典〔risk〕Excess body fat is a serious/significant health risk.人体脂肪过多严重危害健康。韦氏高阶〔rummage sale〕A sale, especially of unclaimed or excess goods, as at a warehouse or wharf.清仓拍卖:仓库或码头进行甩卖,尤指用卖无人认领或多余的物品美国传统〔salt gland〕A specialized gland in marine animals that excretes the excess salt taken into the body.盐腺:海洋哺乳动物特殊化的腺体,分泌多余的盐供体内吸收美国传统〔saturated〕Geology Of or relating to minerals that can crystallize from magmas even in the presence of excess silica.【地质学】 饱和的:与在有过量硅存在时仍能从岩浆中结晶的矿物质有关的、或这种矿物的美国传统〔shake off〕Shake off any excess flour.抖掉多余的面粉。外研社新世纪〔shake〕Shake off any excess flour before putting livers in the pan.将多余的面粉抖落干净,再把肝脏放进锅中。柯林斯高阶〔shear off〕The excess weight caused the bolt to shear off.超重导致螺栓断裂。韦氏高阶〔siphon〕Siphon off all excess liquid.用虹吸管吸出所有多余的液体。麦克米伦高阶〔slice off〕Slice off the excess fat after you cook the steak.做好牛排后把多余的油脂去除。韦氏高阶〔soak〕Slang To drink to excess.【俚语】 酗酒:过量地饮酒美国传统〔soak〕Use a cloth to soak up some of the excess water.用布把多余的水吸去。牛津高阶〔spoon-feed〕The children who were spoon-fed consumerism have discovered that the years of excess are over.曾被填鸭式地灌输了消费主义思想的孩子们发现无节制的时代已经结束了。柯林斯高阶〔strain off〕Brown the mince in a frying pan, strain off the excess fat and add the chopped onions.把肉末在煎锅中煎至褐色, 撇去多余的脂肪, 然后放入剁碎的洋葱。外研社新世纪〔strain〕As you get older, excess weight puts a lot of strain on the heart.随着年龄的增长,体重过重会给心脏造成很大负担。剑桥高阶〔strain〕Strain off any excess liqu id.滤掉多余的液体。牛津高阶〔superabundant〕Abundant to excess.极多的美国传统〔superfluity〕Overabundance; excess.过多;过多之量美国传统〔surplusage〕An excess of words; verbiage.赘语;累赘美国传统〔surplusage〕Surplus; excess.剩余;过量美国传统〔surplus〕An amount or a quantity in excess of what is needed.剩余额:超过需要的总额或数量美国传统〔swill〕To drink or eat greedily or to excess.过多或贪婪地吃喝美国传统〔tipple〕To drink (alcoholic liquor) or engage in such drinking, especially habitually or to excess.酗酒:饮用(酒精饮料)或参与这种饮酒活动,尤指习惯性地或过度地美国传统〔tolerance〕As with any drug taken in excess, your body can build up a tolerance to it.与任何药物服用过量一样, 人体对它也会产生耐受力。外研社新世纪〔tolerance〕As with any drug taken in excess, your body can build up a tolerance to it.和过量服用任何其他药物一样,身体会对它产生耐药性。柯林斯高阶〔toxin-antitoxin〕A mixture of a toxin and its antitoxin with a slight excess of toxin, formerly used as a vaccine.毒素抗毒素(合剂):一种毒素与抗毒素的混合物,毒素含量略多一些,以前用作一种疫苗美国传统〔trans fat〕An excess of trans fats in the diet can cause high cholesterol levels.饮食中反式脂肪过剩,可能引起较高的胆固醇水平。剑桥高阶〔trim〕Trim any excess fat off the meat.把多余的肥膘从肉上切掉。牛津高阶〔verbiage〕The editor removed some of the excess verbiage from the article.编辑删除了文章中一些冗词赘语。韦氏高阶〔water〕He twisted it to drain the excess water.他拧掉了那上面多余的水。牛津搭配〔water〕She dried off the excess water from her hair.她将湿淋淋的头发弄干。牛津搭配〔water〕Stock issued in excess of paid-in capital.虚股:超过收入资本而发行的股本美国传统〔witness〕We were witness to the worst excesses of the military.我们目击了最恶劣的军队暴行。朗文当代Excess of control is inimical to creative expression.过度的控制不利于创造性表达。剑桥国际All claims are subject to an excess of €100.所有的索赔都有 100 欧元的免赔额。牛津商务An excess of enthusiasm is not always a good thing.过分热情并不总是一件好事。剑桥国际An excess of rain caused severe floods. 雨水过量造成了严重的水灾。译典通As for shoes, her excesses (= the large amount she owned) were well known.至于鞋子,她所拥有的庞大数量是人所共知的。剑桥国际As you get older, excess weight puts a lot of strain on the heart.随着年龄的增加,体重过重会给心脏增加许多负担。剑桥国际Because our suitcases were so heavy we had to pay excess luggage/baggage (= the money charged because your bags weigh more than the allowed amount).由于箱子太沉,我们不得不交超重运费。剑桥国际Because there is excess demand for energy, we can expect the price to rise.因为能源需求过量,我们预期价格会上升。牛津商务Fry the fillets for three minutes on each side and blot up any excess oil before serving.将鱼片两面各煎上三分钟,除去多余的油,就上桌了。剑桥国际Growth in sales is expected to be in excess of (= more than) five per cent.预计销售额的增长将超过百分之五。牛津商务He is generous to excess. 他过于慷慨。译典通His excesses shortened his life. 饮食无度使他折寿。译典通My advice is that you should never spend in excess of your income. 我劝你花钱不要超过你的收入。译典通Pat the vegetables dry (= Dry them by patting) with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.用纸巾拍干蔬菜去掉多余的水分。剑桥国际Prices have fallen as a result of excess supply.由于过量供应,价格出现下跌。牛津商务Some aircraft and telecoms companies are still struggling with excess capacity.某些飞机制造商和电讯公司仍然因产能过剩而吃力地经营下去。牛津商务The European Commission is having to rethink how it can maintain farmers’incomes while cutting costs and excess production. 欧洲委员会不得不重新考虑如何在削减开支和多余产量的同时维持农民的收入。剑桥国际The move is an attempt to rationalize an industry suffering from excess capacity.此举旨在对生产能力过剩的行业进行合理化改革。牛津商务The pay rise was in excess of (spending) limits (= the limit on spending) imposed/set by the government.提薪超过了政府规定的消费标准。剑桥国际We cover costs up to €800 and then you pay the excess.我们最多支付 800 欧元的费用,超出部分由你支付。牛津商务We have cut our prices in an attempt to reduce excess stock.我们已降价以减少过多的库存。牛津商务We might seem to be carrying excess supplies but they would be necessary in the case of an emergency.看上去我们所带的东西多了些,但情况紧急时,它们会派上用场。剑桥国际




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